"Oh, come on, Your Grace. Do you really believe I was on board with this-yoi?"
As Marco tried to step into my line of sight I turned my head quickly, showing just how upset with him I was.
"No, but your vote was swayed nonetheless. I understand that your hands were tied, but that does nothing to ease my hurt right now, Marco." I leant back as far as I could go in my seat, focusing on the lords and ladies getting prepared for the event, chattering away in the pews below.
"Yeah, My Lord! You..You stampcrab!" Perona, who was fluttering around me, fixing my hair, snapped at the blond lord, completely unphased by their status difference. She knew just as well as I did that Marco would never lose his temper over some harmless words like most others would.
"I completely understand. I may not have been able to stop this, but you know I will do anything in my power to assist you moving forward. Believe me-yoi." Bowing low in sincere apology, Marco left me with my handmaiden, who stuck her tongue out after him like a child.
"Believe him? Ugh, he's a lord. All lords are liars and cheats." Perona muttered, patting down a stray hair on my head. "How are you feeling, anyway? I know you hardly slept last night. Can't imagine how scary this must be."
Hardly? I didn't sleep at all...
Shrugging my shoulders, I reached to pat her arm to try and ease her valid concerns.
"I feel poorly, but I will be fine. This is my life, so I guess I have to learn to live it." I sighed, escaping breath shakier than I would have liked. Perona narrowed her eyes skeptically before looking over the back of my royal chair, raising her hand to snap her fingers.
"Hey, helmet head! Bring your princess water!"
"Perona! Do not call him such a thing! That's rude!" I scolded, nearly flinching when Killer appeared at my side, offering me a goblet filled with water, just as he was so rudely asked to do. "I sincerely apologise for Perona's behaviour. Say you are sorry, Perona."
My handmaiden rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed that I was telling her off and making her say she was sorry when she wasn't.
"I apologise for calling you a helmet head, Ser..." She muttered, not offering him any form of eye contact.
"It's fine. You can call me what you want." Killer replied, not sounding at all bothered by her attitude.
Hopefully she'll learn to accept him eventually...
"Your Grace," My blond protector took back the goblet once I had taken a small sip and straightened his back. "I assure you, there's nothing to fear. Today is just one day."
His words eased me a little, and I tried my best to give him a smile, but it was smaller than I would have liked.
"Thank you, Killer." He bowed and returned to his post, to the wall behind the throne with the other guards and Perona nudged my arm.
"Uh, pardon me, but what was that?' She wiggled her brows teasingly, but before I had any chance to defend myself the sound of trumpets rang through the throne room, the girl scrambling to double check my hair before skittering away so she wouldn't get into trouble.
"Lord and Ladies of Marineford, we humbly welcome you on this fine day!" The Royal announcer spoke loud and clearly, standing with his back to us. My father and my step-mother sat in their places, center and left, whilst I sat to the right. "Let us begin this wondrous affair, shall we?!"
Shall we not?
The large double doors opened, knights standing tall and ready for anything on either side, and two men walked into the throne room.
"May I present Lord Garp and his ward, Lord Koby, of Marineford!"
The larger man held his head high, chest puffed proudly as he walked. I knew him already, which was at least something. Salt and pepper hair, and a scar over his left eye. He was a big-shot knight with a spotless record.
The smaller man, on the other hand, I had not seen before. Baby faced with pink hair that reminded me of Perona's. He looked nervous, squinting slightly despite his glasses sitting upon the top of his head.
"Your Royal Majesties," Garp bowed low once they reached the foot of our risen platform, and his ward followed. "I humbly present my ward, Koby, to Her Grace, Princess (Y/N)."
Upon closer inspection, the poor boy was quivering something fierce, and I pitied him. In appearance alone he seemed like a kind, timid soul, and it was likely that he never signed up for this in the first place.
A kindred spirit.
"Though not of royal lineage, Lord Koby has taken the city watch by storm, already having been knighted despite only beginning training as a squire not twelve moons ago." Garp talked him up confidently, and I couldn't deny that he sounded impressive. Unheard of, really.
Garp nudged the boy beside him and he took a cautious step forward, now bowing directly towards me.
"Y..Your Grace...Your beauty overwhelms me." He stammered, cheeks growing as pink as his hair. "I do h..hope that we can become better acquainted..."
Nodding my head, I smiled down at the boy, feeling a little less scared. Just a little.
"I look forward to getting to know you, Lord Koby. I welcome you." I replied, watching his face flare even brighter.
Before I knew it, they were quickly ushered away, and the announcer cleared his throat.
"Presenting Lord Perospero, of the Candy Isles, first son of House Charlotte!" Just hearing the name of the house had me feeling uneasy. I knew it well.
The man who waltzed down the aisle could only be described as needle-like. Sharp, brimming with cunning. A snake, if ever I had seen one.
"Your Majesty." He bowed to my father, lifting the tail of his cloak before he did the same towards me, his tongue slithering out to kiss at his own pale cheek. "Your Grace. I have heard tale of your beauty, but they have not done you justice, perorin~"
No no no yuck yuck yuck!
I shuddered in my seat, praying that nobody noticed before I recomposed myself enough to respond.
"I thank you, Lord Perospero. Welcome to Marineford." I was glad to see him escorted away, hoping I would never have to see that unnaturally long tongue of his.
"Presenting Lord Trafalgar Law, of The Veil, head of House Corazon!"
Stoic and steady, the Lord walked towards us, but what really seemed to be causing the crowd to stir was the great white bear that moved by his side. It seemed tame, and uninterested in anyone else.
"Your Highness." Law bowed, but not too low, in greeting to my father. His eyes shifted to mine, and I felt a cold chill. They were dark, and held a kind of foreboding. "I present myself to you, Your Grace, as a potential suitor."
Short, and very much to the point. It was not what I was expecting, but neither was the bear.
"Thank you, Lord Trafalgar. I welcome you and...your Marineford."
It sure looks fluffy...
Off he was ushered, and it was onto the next one. I had no idea how many potential beaus my father had lined up, and I was growing weary already.
"Presenting Lord Donquixote Doflamingo, of Dressrosa, head of House Donquixote!"
None of the men before him held a candle to the confidence Doflamingo exuded as he strutted down the centre of the room, flamboyant feather coat making him seem even larger than he was naturally.
The instant my eyes settled upon him I felt a pang of terror, and my nails dug into the metallic arms of my throne.
"Royal Highness, King of Kings, King Sakazuki. Delighted to see you again after so long." Doflamingo bowed to my father, but I couldn't miss the smirk that played on his lips.
"Lord Donquixote. Happy to see you accepted my invitation." My father responded, even after having ignored all of the prior greetings. That made me feel even more uneasy.
Deeply tinted glasses turned in my direction, and the man's smirk grew tenfold. He was familiar in the worst kind of way, and I recalled having met him before, as a child. Even back then he had made me uncomfortable.
"How you have grown, Your Grace. Into such a breathtaking little thing, at that. I sincerely hope you shall accept my offer of company over the following weeks." He addressed me in a sickly sweet tone, one that in no way felt honest. It was so sweet that it was sticky, like a spider's web.
Hold yourself together. This is your duty.
"Lord D..Donquixote...Thank you. Welcome back to Marineford." I forced myself to speak my scripted lines, holding my breath until he had been ushered well out of sight. He had been the worst yet, and not much could cause me more distress.
"Finally, may I present..." The announcer looked down at his parchment and paused, blinking a few times before raising a brow. "May I present...Lord Marco, of Marineford, head of House Phoenix..?"
Stepping out from the side of the room instead of walking the length of the pathway, Marco bowed as deeply and respectfully as he possibly could, skipping over pleasantries with my father and focusing on me.
"Your Grace, I am sure that is comes as a shock, but I do hope that you will keep me in consideration-yoi. You already know where my loyalties lie, so allow my heart to join them."
I couldn't respond to him. I wanted to, but not in the way I was supposed to. I wanted to blow my top, scream and punch him. Had his apology not even an hour beforehand meant nothing? Was he just as cunning and conniving as the rest of the Lords and Ladies of the court?
"Th...Thank you, Lord Marco..." I managed to murmur, barely loud enough to hear in close range, let alone as far out as our guests. Bowing once more, Marco returned to his place with the rest of the Grand Council.
My brain completely tuned out for the remainder of the event, replaying each and every face, word and possibility. Koby, Perospero, Trafalgar, Donquixote and Marco. Five potential husbands, five potential lives, one potential doom.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, the court was dismissed, and I hurried to stand, clumsily curtsey to my father, and rush out of the room. Due to the sheer number of guests the castle was as busy as ever, and I walked with haste to try and find somewhere without prying eyes.
I was lucky enough that there was one place that was rarely entered. My late mother's painting room. It was just as she had left it, the day of her death, and just as silent. Lonely.
Bursting in, I immediately dropped to the ground and hugged my skirted knees to my chest, screaming into the expensive silk fabric. My eyes swelled with painful tears, but I tried not to let them fall. There was no use crying over things. It would not have done an ounce of good.
I cannot cope with this..! Perospero is creepy, Koby is a child, and Doflamingo is a demon by design! Trafalgar seemed decent enough, but so dark...and Marco?! How could he betray me like this?! I cannot do it..!
"Your Grace..." Hearing the creak of metal, I peered out from my knees to find Killer knelt before me, offering me a neatly folded handkerchief to dry my eyes.
"My vow stands strong. Say the word, and any and all you wish shall disappear..."
***I liked a lot of your suggestions for suitors! Decided on this lot, though. The only ones I had always been sure of were Koby and Doffy xD
Marco plot twiiiiiiiist.
Next Time: The Good, The Bad, and the Uncomfortable***
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