Celebratory dinners had once been a thing I had enjoyed.
Amazing food, lively company, beautiful music. A chance to unwind from everyday royal life.
The joy had been spoiled for me now, permanently.
My stomach flipped and tumbled as I stared down at the piles of gourmet food before me, my hands clenched tight in my lap, over the already damp material from spilled liquor, courtesy of my future husband.
I was dwarfed by his presence to my left, his elbows bumping me repeatedly as he went about his drunken merriment, lapping up every lick of attention our guests provided. He smelled of perfume and wine, which further aggravated my guts.
"I offer my congratulations, My Lordship, Your Grace. You make such a stunning couple." Lady Hancock approached, curtseying before us. She was amused by the sight, that much was obvious, and I began to hate her for it.
"Well, thank you, My Lady!" Doflamingo slung his heavy arm over my shoulders and dragged me close into his side, again spilling some of the contents of his goblet down my front in the process. "I feel like the luckiest man to ever exist! A fine couple indeed, do you not agree, my love?!"
My only desire is for someone to poison him. Or me.
All I could manage was a single nod. I had already had my initial breakdown over this news, and I was sure it would not be the last, but now I was stuck in some kind of semi-catatonic state, feeling ill and longing for death.
Marco, who was sat further down the lengthy table, continued to steal glances my way, full of concern and guilt, though Lucci continued to force his attention away from me. It seemed calculated, almost, but perhaps I was just imagining it.
Killer was much further away, on the opposite end of the grand dining hall, but I could feel his gaze. It was something I had learned to recognise, and for the most part, I watched him right back. His presence, however distanced, was like a lifeline right now. I think he knew that too.
The repeated congratulations and compliments from Lords and Ladies alike had me tearing the flesh from my own palms, and eventually it all boiled too close to breaking point. Gritting my teeth, I stood, but Doflamingo's hand flew out to seize me.
"Where do you think you're going, my love?" He questioned, suspicion rich in his deep tone. He suddenly sounded much more sober than he had seemed.
"To the bathroom, My Lord. Is that acceptable?" I had to stay polite, for my own sake, but I wished for nothing more than to drive a fork through his shaded eyesocket.
It took him a few long moments, but eventually he released me, smiling crookedly with perfect teeth.
"Of course, My Love! Hurry back, for every moment without you by my side his torturous..."
Holding my breath, I slipped away from the table and out into the hall, almost running to the bathroom, no matter how hard my heels made the task. I stank of him, and even when I tried to breathe again, he was all I could smell, all I could taste.
Bile and acidic wine fell from my painted lips into the basin as I lurched over. I was sick to my stomach, trying to play the happy bride to be, even though I was hardly even attempting to pretend.
Disgusting. I hate him. I hate father. I hate this castle. Everything is wrong...
Dabbing at my mouth, I took a moment to calm myself before opening the door, but to my absolute horror, it was blocked by a large, familiar frame.
"My apologies, Your Grace, but I couldn't bear to be without you a moment longer..." Doflamingo purred, almost leering towards me. His height alone was terrifying, but knowing exactly what kind of man he was made that fear a thousand times worse.
"M..My Lord, I was only to be gone a moment...Surely you should not have troubled yourself, following me all the way out here..?" My stammer was pitched as I attempted to step around him, but he would not allow it, giving me no room to move any way except backwards.
"Oh, and miss a chance to have my future bride all to myself? I think not..."
Please tell me he does not mean...
"Such purity, such beauty...Do you know how hard it has been, to keep my composure? I may be a lord, but stopping myself from taking such a perfect creature whenever I so please? I am merely human, after all..." For each step he took forward, I took one back, and it took no time at all for me to be flat-backed against the bathroom wall. "But here we are, the happy couple, already engaged to be married...None would condemn the acts we take, even if they were a little premature..."
I wanted to scream, but what would happen to me then? I knew Doflamingo could not kill me, as I was his ticket to inheriting the kingdom, but he could very well hurt me. Many would believe the word of a man, especially one of such high rank, over those of a woman, so what was there to do aside from cower and take what was coming to me?
When his hand caressed the side of my face I knew I was done for. His skin against mine created a vile burning sensation, as though it was not just my mind that resisted him, but my very soul, too. I knew what his intentions were, as innocent as I may have seemed to those around me, and I was scared. Petrified. Positively helpless. This was what I was born for, to be some breeding pet for the future king, so what could I do? I was weak.
Closing my eyes, I prepared to be taken. There had been books that I had read, describing the pleasures of intercourse, but somehow I knew they were nothing more than beautiful lies. This was going to be anything but pleasureful. This was going to hurt, and make me pray for death far more often than I already did.
"Do you wanna die today, My Lord?"
Doflamingo's hand was gone from my cheek, and instead I felt the slight chill of metal, gently brushing against my front. Opening my eyes, I was frozen, not only in fear, but in shock as well. Killer had forced his way between the two of us, one of his blades drawn, ready to strike if needed. Lord Donquixote had stumbled back a pace or two, his brow now ticking with a thick, hideous vein.
"What did you just say to me, mongrel..?" The Lord spoke through clenched teeth, and I could see the reflection of Killer's front in his shades, unwavering.
"I asked if you wanted to die today. That's the only reason you'd corner the Princess and force yourself upon her." He growled, and I could almost feel the reverberation through his back.
He is going to end up getting himself killed..!
Doflamingo's fingers flexed and twitched by his sides, though he had no weaponry to reach for. He was not going to get what he desired, at least not this time. That seemed to frustrate him to no end.
"If you wish to live to see tomorrow, you best step out of my wa-"
"I thought I saw you both sneaking away."
Somehow, my father's presence caused me to flinch harder, and one of my hands flattened against the armour on Killer's back. He was my safety net. Doflamingo recomposed himself quickly, throwing on a charming, snake-like smile.
"Oh, Your Majesty, I was unaware you were keeping an eye on us! I apologise, I just cannot seem to resist the allure of your beautiful daughter. I hope you can forgive my injudicious behaviour?" He had always been a suck up, but whilst I despised it, my father lapped it up like the finest wine.
Waving him off with a slight chuckle, the King placed a hand on the Lord's shoulder, guiding him towards the exit of the bathroom.
"You haven't long to wait, my friend, so go, drink and celebrate your successes. There shall be plenty of time for such things later on."
He cares not for me...He never has...
The moment my repulsive husband-to-be was out of the room, my father's expression turned dark, and he turned to face Killer, who was still using his body to shield me.
"To show such vile disrespect towards one of my guests is to show disrespect towards me. Mark my words, Southern scum, your head will roll at dawn."
Fear, panic and adrenaline kicked in full force upon hearing those words, and I hurried to squeeze myself out from behind Killer, taking place in front of him, my hands up in defence.
"Father, I beseech you, do not place blame on Ser Killer! I gave him the command to stand between myself and Lord Donquixote! He was simply following the task I set!"
I had seen that very curl of my father's lip many times before, so I knew exactly what to do. Bracing myself, I closed my eyes and ensured the muscles of my neck did not tense, so when his hand struck hard against the side of my face I would not cause any unnecessary pain.
I held one hand out behind me to plead with Killer not to react. If he were to intervene, then surely this night would be his last. I could not have that. I was not willing to lose any more than I had already.
The slap was hard, painful and personal, the sound of skin striking skin echoing against the stone walls. My tongue was cut between my teeth, but it hurt far less than his palm upon my cheek.
"You should count yourself lucky that you are still desired, you stubborn bitch. Four days, and he shall be your husband. It is your duty, as a wife, to see to his every need. If I hear so much as whisper of you resisting him, may the Gods have no mercy on you. Do I make myself clear, girl?"
Duty. Such a sickening word.
Cheek still turned from the force of his swing, I nodded once, knowing that if I had attempted to speak my voice would fail me.
"Good." The King sighed and fixed his sleeve, starting to turn. "I shall allow you to keep your Southern cur, for now, if only to avoid yet another childish tantrum from you. Clean yourself up and get back out there."
The click of his heels fading away did nothing to ease my mind. All I could think about was the terror of my life to come. Becoming shackled to a disgusting man, being forced to lay beneath him, and bear his children. That was no life.
"You're bleeding...Come here..." Killer's voice dragged me from my internal woe as he guided me to lean against the wall. Using the sash around his hips, he dipped at the slight drizzle of blood running from my lip. "One word. All you need to do is say one word, and I'll kill the both of them right this second."
There was that fear again, but not for myself. Shaking my head, I gently pulled Killer's hand away from my face, trying to keep myself from falling apart.
"No. If I am to give you one order, it shall be to never, under any circumstance, lay hand nor weapon on either of them. Do I make myself clear, Killer?"
Whilst his face could not be seen, I knew he looked taken aback by my command, taking a single step away from me.
"Your Grace, I-"
"If things do not go as planned regarding Lord Portgas, then I shall need you alive and well, beside me. I refuse to allow you to commit suicide by attacking them. Understood?"
If I have to lose everything else, I will make sure you remain...
Heaving a long, frustrated sigh, Killer bowed his head, returning his stained sash to his middle.
"As you wish, my princess...but I'm not happy about it..." Closing my eyes, I recomposed myself as best I could before stepping away from the wall, straight into Killer, wrapping my arms around his metal-clad body.
"Thank you. F..For stopping him..." I murmured, feeling the man's arms hover over my form. Eventually, he used one hand to lightly, cautiously, pat my back.
"I told you before, I will always be between the two of you. I meant that."
Knowing that we would both be in for it if we stayed any longer, I pulled away and started towards the door, hands clenched tightly by the sides of my dress skirt.
"Well, I suppose I best return to playing the part of giddy fiancée...Wish me luck..."
***I have not been having a very funky time, my dudes.
Next Time: Blessed Day***
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