***(Y/N) POV***
Awkward silence.
That was what had become of a table full of royals and Lords, eating without word. It was a poor decision, on my father's account, forcing what could only be viewed as opponents together in one room.
I was positive that nobody wished to be there, myself included, but I had no choice in the matter. If I had so wished, I could have started some form of conversation, but instead I found myself prodding at my eggs, stealing glances at my royal guard across the room.
It had been two days since, but I could not shake what I had felt when Killer had so kindly brushed out my hair. His hands were gentle and soft, so unlike his physical form. It was a leap and bound of progress, and if I had been able to have it my way, I would be off talking to him instead of suffering in silence.
"Your Grace," I almost startled when the quiet was broken by Lord Perospero, who sat adjacent from me. "are you excited for the upcoming Tourney, perorin?"
Raising a brow, I abandoned my bleeding yolks and gave him my attention.
"Tourney? My Lord, I was unaware there was one organised..?" The pointed man lapped his tongue across his lips and smiled, a sight that made me internally shudder.
"Why, of course, perorin. There would be no finer way to lead up to the announcement of who has won your heart and hand, Your Grace. His Royal Highness has everything arranged, and I am sure I speak for all here when I say we are eager to prove ourselves in the jousting competition."
Of course. He would find any excuse for unnecessary violence...
Turning to my father, who seemed completely disinterested, as usual, I tried to keep my annoyance hidden.
"Father, must we hold another Tourney so soon after the last? I appreciate the thought, but-"
"If you are to marry one of these Lords, then you must be sure of their abilities as men." The King cut me off, and I couldn't help but notice he shot a less than kindly look towards poor Koby, who shrank down in his seat. "It has all been arranged, four days from now. Not another word against it."
If we had been alone, then I would have argued, but if I were to kick up a fuss in front of so many important people my father would have had me punished thoroughly. I was in no mood for that.
"Hold trust in His Majesty, my dear. Hina fell madly in love upon seeing him knock his opponents down on the jousting strip. You may just find yourself falling all the same." Queen Hina offered her pointless advice, and I just nodded.
It would not happen, that much I was sure of. I had already, in a way, fallen for someone during a Tourney, at least into a pool of curiosity.
"There shall be more than just jousting and combat, Your Grace." Marco piped up, voice just the slightest bit hesitant whilst addressing me. "Music, entertainment, exotic foods. You are bound to enjoy yourself-yoi."
Sighing, I just shrugged and returned to my slaughtered eggs, resting my chin in my palm.
"If you so say, My Lord..." I muttered, still unable to look him in the eye.
The clanging of metal caught my ear, and through the doors marched Ser Kizaru, back straight yet looking far less cocky than usual.
"Your Majesty, we have received some slightly...concerning news, regarding Lord Portgas...Lord Donquixote along with most of the Royal Grand Council have already begun to gather for discussion."
Oh, Lord Donquixote is not here? That explains why I lack a feeling of imminent dread...
My father's jaw locked tight as he listened to Ser Kizaru before he stood abruptly.
"Hina, go meet with the Tourney organisers in my stead. Lord Marco, you are to join in the discussion. Now." He barked his orders, and both his wife and Marco hurried to do as told, leaving the room prior to him with at least a little more grace than he.
Once they had gone, another long silence settled over the remaining four of us, along with Killer and three other guards.
"Who might Lord Portgas be?" I voiced my question to any who would answer, peering around the room.
"Do you recall the late King Newgate, Your Grace?" Trafalgar was the one to grant me a response, and I nodded slowly.
"He was before my time, but yes, I have knowledge of him." I replied, interested in learning more.
"Well, Newgate had fathered no children of his own, but rather took in orphaned bastards. Prior to his death, he officially named his youngest ward, Lord Portgas D Ace, heir to the throne." The ravonet explained, his dark eyes keeping me pinned, ensuring that he had my ears. "He was exceptionally young when His Majesty became King, outcast and forgotten...until recently."
I was on the edge of my seat, eager for the man to continue. I had never heard of the once named heir, and it intruiged me greatly.
"Please, My Lord. Continue." I urged, almost sideways in my seat.
"Over the past few years, he has slowly been forming an army of his own. Followers from throughout the realm, adamant that he is the rightful King." Trafalgar searched my eyes for some kind of reaction, and I was sure he got it. "For the last three moons he has been rather vocal about seizing Marineford, so it would come as no surprise to me if that message regards war."
War? Against my father? That sounds like a death sentence...
"Here I was, beginning to think that you had lost your tongue, Lord Trafalgar." Perospero snickered, earning himself a rather hateful glare.
"Not at all. I simply choose to speak only to those who deserve the effort."
Feeling the tension in the room thicken once more, I rose to my feet and grabbed Koby by the arm, pulling the startled young man along with me.
"I appreciate the explanation, My Lord. Anywho, I just remembered that I promised my time to Lord Koby this fine afternoon, so if you would please excuse us..!"
I gave them no time to refute, rushing out with the man in tow and not stopping until we had rounded the corner down the hall.
"Y..Your Grace, I do apologise, but, uh, I do not recall-"
"No, My Lord, I apologise...I used you as a scapegoat." I admitted sheepishly, finally letting go of his arm. "That does not mean that we cannot spend a while together, though?" He seemed nervous to boot, but nodded quickly, stiffly walking alongside me. I could also hear the familiar clank of armour a few paces behind us.
"Y..You, um, you are looking very radiant today, Your Grace..." Koby stammered out, and I felt my heart squeeze. The poor thing was so skittish in my presence.
"Thank you, My Lord. You do not have to be so anxious with me, you know? I am as harmless as a fly. Do you not agree, Killer?"
I glanced over my shoulder to the helmed man following us, as did Koby, and he nodded once.
"As harmless as a fly and as kind as they come." He agreed, much to my delight. I wasn't sure why, but hearing him say that made my chest flutter.
"I...suppose I'm just not used to speaking to royalty...let alone a beautiful princess..." Koby admitted, offering an awkward smile. "Honestly, I doubt I have the right to be here among the other suitors..."
This boy needs some confidence.
Humming, I clasped my hands together as we aimlessly wandered the halls, the click of my heels matching the clank of Killer's steel boots.
"I, personally, do not. I may not be fond of the idea of marriage, but I am fond of you as a person. You seem like a genuine man, and a good-hearted person. That, to me, is very important."
There was no missing the red tinge to Koby's face as he smiled back at me, and I felt a little guilty. As good as he was, I held no romantic feelings towards him, nor would I ever.
"It must be difficult...Having to deal with this situation, Your Grace." He sighed, finally seeming to relax as we walked. "I do not wish to bring you any discomfort, I hope you know that. Honestly, it was Ser Garp's idea to offer me forth as a prospect for King consort."
That came as no surprise to me. The young knight didn't strike me as the type to be interested in becoming royalty, or having political power. It didn't interest me, either.
"Fret not, My Lord. You bring me no discomfort. I cannot say the same for most of the other suitors..."
Doflamingo, Perospero, Marco...At least Trafalgar seems decent enough...
We stopped by one of the large windows in the corridor, and I gazed out over the view of Marineford. City streets I had been raised so near to, yet never seen with my own two eyes.
"I envy you. Both of you, in actuality." I turned to address Killer as well before looking back to the sun-soaked vista. "The Royal grounds may be large, preposterously so, but not once have I been permitted to stray from them. You have both lived lives where your choices are your own. What I would not give for a taste of that..."
A comfortable silence fell upon us as we gazed upon the city, the warmth of the afternoon sun only helping to ease nerves and emotions.
"No matter who you choose to bewed, Your Grace...I am entirely sure that you will find the happiness you deserve. I...cannot say that I envy your position in return...but I do know that you are richly loved throughout the realm." Koby spoke softly, no hint of a lie in his voice.
How can one love whom they have not met?
"One day, if I am to gain rank, it would be my greatest honour to escourt you as captain of the Royal Guard on tour, so you may see the sights you so wish to see..." He continued, and I reached to take his hand in mine.
"You wish to be Captain of the Royal Guard above King Consort, My Lord?" I asked curiously, and he hesitantly nodded.
"Please don't misunderstand, Your Grace. It is not that I would be against marrying you...I have just always dreamed of serving the realm in a different way. One I am familiar with, and relatively good at..."
I could completely understand his reasoning, and I respected it. If he so wanted, he could make a good King, but he knew what he wanted. If only I could have had the ability to decide such things for myself.
"Then I look forward to officially naming you Captain of the Royal Guard one day, as Queen, Lord Koby. I have yet to see you fight, but I can think of no man better suited for the job." I squeezed his hand and grinned before taking a step back. "It would honour me to call you a dear friend and companion, if you would accept?"
It was a relief that I had at least one less man to consider as a suitor, though I was still glad that I had him to speak to. My father didn't have to know that he had unofficially dropped out of the running, and I had no intention of letting him know it.
Bowing, just as he had when we had first met, Koby smiled back at me, far less timid and much more genuine.
"Nothing would make me happier, Your Grace." I was about to request that he join me in the garden when one of the castle stewards came waltzing down the hall, bowing to me when he stopped.
"Pardon me, Your Grace, but the Royal Tailor is awaiting you in your quarters." He informed me, and I felt myself deflate. Of course. Yet another fancy gown for the upcoming Tourney.
Rolling my eyes, I nodded and waved him off, not meaning to seem to rude.
"Thank you. I shall make my way." When he tottered off, I curtseyed and gave Koby an apologetic look. "I must take my leave, but I do hope to see you again before the Tourney. If we do not cross paths until after the fact, I wish you victory."
Koby smiled and bowed yet again, hand to his chest.
"Many thanks, Your Grace. Have a wonderful rest of your day." Starting off towards the high tower, where my quarters were situated, I allowed my posture to slack, and I ran a hand through my hair.
"Killer, what would you think of me competing in the Tourney myself? I have no combat experience, but I am rather good on horseback. Could I win my own hand?" I half jested, feeling the man move to my side.
"Well, if you could somehow get into the competition without the King's knowledge, then I reckon you'd win without question." Killer replied, bringing a smile to my lips. "No man in the realm would dare knock you from a horse, so you would win by default."
My expression dropped when I realised he had been joking with me, and I lightly swatted his shoulder plate, unable to stop myself from chuckling.
"Wow, and here I was thinking you had faith in me." I snorted, covering my mouth and nose as if it would have hidden the odd sound.
Halting mid-step, I turned and took both of Killer's hand, startling him slightly.
"What if you were to enter, and win against the other suitors? The victor gets one request, of whatever they desire within reason. You could request my hand, and we could be done with this nonsense!"
Killer didn't answer me for the longest time. He just stood there, his expression a complete mystery behind his helmet.
"Your logic is flawed. First of all, the King would never agree to give me, a Southern cur, your hand." My nose scrunched at his response, and I shook my head.
"You are no cur, Killer! I-"
"Secondly, your not something I wish to take. No offence intended, Your Grace..." That hurt. I wouldn't deny it. Frowning, I kept hold of his hands despite my upset, head tilting to perhaps try and sneak a peek through one of the holes of his helm.
"You do not like me, Killer?" I wasn't trying to guilt him, but I couldn't help but feel a strange sadness. Be it his mystery, or his kindness, I had grown a form of affection for him, and hearing that he had no interest was like a cut to the belly.
Killer heaved a sigh, giving my hands a small squeeze before freeing his own.
"I never said that. I just have no interest in crowns or consorts or anything of the sort. A Princess should not marry a mongrel. It's unwritten law."
Wait, so does that mean that he actually does like me in such a way?
" do like me, and would accept if I were not born a Princess..?" I urged a response, trying to lean into his field of vision as he turned slightly.
"I never said that either. We should get a move on, Your Grace. The tailor is waiting for you."
Begrudgingly I started walking again, though I continued to steal glances to my side, where Killer walked with head forward, shoulders back and chest out.
But you never said no either...did you..?
***Had to include Ace. I had no choice.
I finally found an Aussie site to buy one of the ichiban kuji prize figures of Killer I've been hunting for so I'm happy. I only need a few more before I have every official Killer figure.
Next Time: Once Upon***
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