-6: Cage; Indominus
(Art by me. God I hate drawing backgrounds...)
Sister had grown sick again. This happened rather frequently— her nose would drip with clear liquid, her eyes would grow bloodshot with reddened veins. But this time was a little worse. She had barely moved today, lying in the shade of the towering trees around them. Sometimes, when she was sick, the humans would tranquillise them both (which had, in fact, already happened that day) and take sister away for a while, only to bring her back- normally she ended up getting a little better then. But Indominus hated it. She hated not knowing what was going on; not smelling the pungent stench of human sweat, or hearing the quiet trills of the creatures who lived nearby. But Indominus was willing to go through the silence if it meant her sister would be all right— her sister was the only thing she knew, the only thing she cared about.
Their home was tiny. Indominus had always wanted to explore what lay beyond the walls that cramped them in such a space for all their lives. Her sister was less enthusiastic, it wouldn't be too far off to say that she seemed comfortable with their living situation, having a liking for the humans. But, no matter what happened, Indominus knew she always had to protect sister.
Indominus sniffed at the walls carefully, studying the tendrils of plants which were climbing up the grey slab. She never liked damp scents, though it had rained before— and the smell was still present, hours later. How she yearned to climb over the walls and see what lay beyond! But she wasn't strong enough, not yet. She had to wait, to grow a bit more. As well as convince sister to follow.
Sister chirped for a moment, it was barely loud enough for Indominus to hear. She carefully turned back to look at her smaller sibling- her head was drooping, mouth slightly open.
Indominus began to move back towards her- she knew sister hated being alone. They knew nothing of the real world, and the only thing they truly had was each other. Very rarely, birds would fly in and perch on the tops of the flora in their cage, just out of reach. They always stunk of fear, as if they knew the creatures below them were of an unnatural origin.
But Indominus didn't know- and neither did her sister. And yet, they wondered why the little birds above them always seemed to eye them with disgust.
To Indominus, it was just more proof that they did not belong in the cage— it was the cage that was disgusting, not them.
Sister nuzzled Indominus's shoulder as she lowered herself next to her. She sniffed it carefully, greeting Indominus. The larger sibling clicked in response, eyes flashing. Even if they had each other, it would still get a bit lonely sometimes. Everything around them seemed to either fear or hate them.
The two watched the walls around them as the strange bipeds they had known from the beginning seemed to be working around it, building it higher and higher. Sister's eyes regarded them gently, though Indominus watched them with suspicion. Indominus never truly knew what they were, or what they wanted- all she knew was that they were the reason that she was in the cage. Yet, she did not hate them for it— she didn't really hate anyone. The humans were also the reason she and her sister were alive, that much she knew— and she was greatful for her life. The food they gave was plentiful and filling, too. She hoped that maybe they were just misguided in their decisions to keep her in a cage.
But they didn't keep them company. Not at all. Like everything else, they feared the two. Even the little beetles crawling beneath their feet would fear them. They only had each other. Even when they felt like the loneliest creatures in the world, when they felt like everything on the planet opposed and hated them...
They only had each other.
But that was enough. That was all they needed.
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