0: Death; Indominus
I would like to sincerely apologise to all my readers for taking absolutely forever to write this story. Also, how on earth did this get 1K? I mean, thanks, but I'm still surprised.
I just want to note that I'm going to make Indominus an unreliable narrator in this chapter. Some of the things stated here are not going to be completely true to reality.
(the pic is just a sketch, I decided to use it instead of a final version because it's more unsettling this way. At least, that's what I hope).
Also, shout-out to risen_phoenix! She's been really supportive and is working on some amazing stories (which I am currently in the process of reading), so check her out and give her a follow!
Indominus had grown more and more irritable. She would sit and stare into the small pond in her enclosure, pondering what on earth she was. Most creatures were born with something inside which told them what they were, she could sense it- the birds, the bugs, the humans, they all knew what they were. But she didn't have that. What was she? She would stare at her face, noticing the teeth which grew outside her mouth, poking out of her scales in such a grotesque manner. Pain would shoot up around her face whenever they would grow, but she was too afraid to pull them out. Even by her sensitive fingertips, smaller claws stuck out next to the larger ones, like needles piercing through a human's flesh from the inside of their body.
The only other creature like her was he sister- and sister didn't know what she was either. All they knew was that they were the same, and they had each other.
But Indominus was angry. She was angered by the pain she felt, her stupid cage which she had to live in for her entire life, her sister who seemed more than content to live within said cage. How much longer did she have to go on like this?
She had tried so hard. She searched the cage for weaknesses, yet found none. She attempted to climb the walls, but she wasn't strong enough. She tried to be more well-behaved, there were no changes- and, at this point, she was really beginning to lose hope. This was all there was, all there would ever be, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Sister was in the corner, sick again, as always. Indominus snorted as she lay on the ground, digging her claws into the dirt and staring at them with a strange intensity in her eyes. She could hear (and smell) the humans working on their cage nearby, the sounds of their loud drills and boisterous conversations made her want to rip her ears out.
Maybe if I do something terrible.
Maybe they will see I'm dangerous.
They'll be afraid.
(and set me free...?)
As a sudden flash of anger overtook her body, Indominus shot up. Sister glanced at her, confused- but Indominus ignored her. Enough was enough.
Silently, she ran to one of the workers, who was working on making the walls of her cage stronger. She flashed past the green trees, the startled birds, the mossy rocks. This was it. If she had to stay forever in hell, then nothing mattered. She was alone, isolated, with no one but her coward sister. The world was cruel to her- so why couldn't she be cruel to the world?
Indominus pounced up with open jaws. She clamped down onto soft flesh, succulent blood dribbled into her mouth. As the human yelped in pain, she tore off a part of it, and landed delicately back to the ground.
As she spat the flesh to the ground, she realised it was an arm, almost mutilated beyond recognition. Its fingers were twisted in broken positions, and bones exploded through reddened skin. In a sudden, rageful hunger, she began to tear it apart, swallowing a few scraps of flesh, letting the rest fall from her jaws and decorate the ground. She could hear the human crying from outside, and the shocked calls of the other workers. It was working. They were afraid.
She felt a sudden pain in her chest as something big crashed against her, the whiff of sister's scent entering her nostrils. Her body fell to the ground, ears rattled by an angered roar.
Indominus's head snapped up, her eyes wide with shock and anger. The arm had fallen from her jaws, now the only blood she could taste was from a broken tooth she lost in the fall.
Sister growled at her. Indominus slowly rolled over from her back, and rose up, snarling softly. What was sister thinking!? Had she grown so fond of those useless little bags of flesh, that she was willing to attack Indominus herself in order to protect them? Or was she angered by Indominus going against what she was supposed to do, wanting her to behave more like a soulless rock rather than the freedom-yearning being she was?
Indominus took a threatening step forwards, snarling louder. She could feel her rage course through her veins, begging to be released.
Sister pushed Indominus away- the latter stumbled back. She grew even more furious. How dare she expect her to just lie down and obey whatever the humans wanted!
For a moment, Indominus glanced into Sister's ice-blue eyes. In their watery pools, she could see blame. Fear. Shock.
And hatred.
Sister hated her.
It was right then when Indominus's mind went completely blank.
She entered a blind rage.
She did not know how long it lasted. All she could feel was pure resentment, resentment of the humans, resentment of her sister, resentment of the world. She did not know what she was doing, what was going on.
All she could see was red.
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