Michael James B. Kenway
Name: Michael James B. Kenway
Age: 28
Gender: male
Corrupted looks
Family: kenway and buchanon family
Personality: find out
Occupations: CEO of spartan Industries
-Cardinal: can control and manipulate space time soul reality power and mind
-inhuman speed
-Inhuman strength
-flight (only in corrupted form)
-amplified powers (only in corrupted form)
-cannot feel pain (only in corrupted form)
-summon weapons
-call back weapons
Dual olympia sword:a sword that emits plasma slashes
Two Bladed revolver:a revolver that has high accuracy and precision
Cardinal Katana:a katana that can use his cardinal abilities or simply amplify or extend his abilities and is made out of osmosium and is very sharp that it can cut apmost anything like butter
Likes: his family, music, building, a good fight, the warmth, rainy days
Dislikes: prideful people, karens and kevins, corrupted officials, attention whores, abusive people
Others: he also uses four different suits that he built
Mark 1:the first suit he created when he was in his teenage years and is the base of future suits, powered by oxygen kinetic energy and electricity, moves slow has a mounted flame thrower on both arms a long blade and a whip also having a shoulder mounted gatling gun that can fire in one direction only, can withstand minor bullets and melee attacks and is strong enough to move a car
Mark 2: reaper- a suit that is first powered by an arc reactor and be integrated with an ai and is a bit faster than the mark one strong enough to lift a car up in the air, has a arm mounted machine guns and two shoulder mounted machine guns that can aim also granted flight now durable to take higher bullets
Mark 3: godspeed- upgraded suit to be more mobility and flexible having the shoulder mounted gatling gun removed and integrated a highly powered jet back that could help him reach speeds over mach 5, modified rail guns mounted on his arm and equipped with the first plasma based weaponry able to create claws or blades from his forearms still having the same strength as mark 2 its just made to be faster and smoother im moving durable to withstand cannons or missiles and can be functional in high altitudes
Mark 4:aries - the last and most advanced suit built the suit is made out of nanotech that can materialized and form around the user from the arc reactor chest piece, having double barrel multipurpose guns on his back two missile launchers a heavy fire powered arm mounted guns and plasma tech integrated into it, this suit can also withstand high and low temperatures and presure able to go to speeds up to mach 4 and can withstand almost any fire power given to it
He also keeps six stones near him either by ring form necklace or a bracelet the stones can also be used to boost his powers
His powers can be boost in various ways
Cardinal katana- Boost X2
Corrupted form- Boost X5
Cardinal stones- boost X10
All-Boost X20
He also wears a specialized ring that helps him control his powers in a managable percentage
his voice along with his semi corrupted voice and fully corrupted voice
Backstory: find out
scenario 1: make one
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