TripThreat hereee XD.
Name: Lyra Hope Helix
Age: 19
Looks: Dominique Weasley
Personality: Ly is very sweet in a way. She guards her heart well and is kind just like her father. Relationships are confusing to her if she was to be honest. She hardly blushes and takes most kind actions as friendly not romantic. She unlike her brother seems hardly affected by the passing of their mother but deep within she grieves. Her thoughts are to be kept to herself just as her mother taught. Feelings are not your friends she says but Lyra hardly listened to that phrase. She is strong and fit for battle as well as she can control a sword with ease and swiftness. She is quiet being taught to only speak when being spoken too. She smiles politely most of all the time. Ly is good when it comes to her brother but it confused when it comes to how he is feeling. She is very worried about him. Her grace in undeniable.
Thoughts on the Selection: She doesn't mind the idea at all but is very indifferent otherwise. It wasn't her decision but her father's and she respects it and hopes that it will turn out for the better instead of the worst.
It's my turn to reply so I'll do that XD.
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