.: There's No Place We Couldn't Go :.
Ezra Golbach
Species: Vampire
Age: Appears about 26, actually 3817
Sex: Male
Ezra is the kind of guy who can't stay in one spot for long, he has to be moving constantly. He loves to travel and has been to Europe before, which he hope to go back to eventually. However, he really just wants to fnd his place in the world. He doesn't know where he belongs or how he fits in and he hates it. He's been trying to figure out where he belongs for over three thousand years and it's starting to get on his nerves.
Likes: Traveling, foreign places, adventurous people
Dislikes: Most other vampires, the dark, ships
Turn Ons: A bold partner, pinning his hands where he can't use them(above his head, behind him, etc.), wrapping arms around his neck
Turn Offs: love bites(hickies), making dumb/stupid remarks
Other: He's owned a multitude of pets but he always had to watch them die of old age when he would live forever.
Scenario #1: You first saw Ezra at a small resturant when you were with one of your friends. He had been sitting alone but a phone to his ear. You couldn't hear the conversation, but he looked rather agitated. A few minutes after the waiter had taken your order he was storming out of the place, now you were sure he was agitated. Later on that day, you see him again. This time at an ice-cream shop. Except this time he wasn't by himself, a woman had attachted herself to him at the hip and he appeared more annoyed by it than anything. You hear him asking her to leave him be multiple times which the woman simply ignores. You go to confront the woman, finding her obnoxious prescense annoying yourself. You. . .
Scenario #2: Ezra had helped you out before, when we where having car troubles, but that was in a totally different town. He had been different then, he was more of a smartass back then. This time, when you had stopped on the side of a small road with smoke coming out of your car's hood(bonnet) you were surprised to see the same man who had helped you a couple years ago. He greeted you warmly and not once did his smile falter. He was so much different than the last time you two had crossed paths, but he was still willing to help you. You. . .
Scenario #3: Make your own
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