Name: It calls itself Solus
Age: It doesn't know
Gender and Pronouns: Agender, they/them, it/its
Sexuality: Demiromantic asexual
Appearance: As far as it's aware, it doesn't have one. That is, it can't be seen, nor can it see itself. It knows it's there, and it must be real because it has a physical, tangible body, even if it is just barely. It perceives others, and others perceive it. It's a very "I think, therefore I am" kind of situation.
Species: No idea; chooses to identify as a spirit
Ethnicity: Never had the experience of finding that out
Personality: They are an optimistic nihilist using their existence simply to learn and exist. They are incredibly friendly and tend to ask a lot of questions. Philosophically, always pondering themselves and everyone else's place in the universe. Their passiveness can seem almost off-putting. They're witty, although their humor and knowledge may be a little dated. Solus is curious and downright nosy, sometimes to the point of being invasive; when people are always asking them questions and invading their space, they often lose sight of others' boundaries. Although they have difficulty relating to others, they are a sympathetic character.
Likes: Watching the sunrise, meeting new people, making art, watching television
Dislikes: Being alone, seeing others get hurt, politics
Background: So long and vast even it doesn't remember.
Scenario 1: You've just moved into your new house or apartment. It wasn't anything fancy; actually, it was a cheap place in a rather poor neighborhood, but you had the whole space to yourself! Or so you thought. While you were settling in, unpacking your things, you felt this constant presence around you. You chalked it up to your nerves about moving into a new place, but even still, you heard noises like footsteps and stuff being pushed around. As you were carrying glassware to the kitchen, you felt yourself bump into something unseen.
"Oh dear goodness, I'm so sorry. Do you want help with that?" A disembodied voice asked you. Obviously, you jumped, startled, the box of glassware shaking in your hands. Said box was removed from your hands and floated in the air, seemingly of its own volition.
"Ah right, you can't see me," the voice sighed; the box began to float away, you could only assume this apparently invisible person was carrying it. "I am Solus. I reside here. You must the new tenant come to reside here as well, yes?"
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