Part 7
Positive: *sees snake* What a beautiful snek
Negative: What?
Positive: *petting it* So smooth. The cutest snek
Negative: Snake?
Positive: Snek
Negative: Snake
Positive: Snek
Negative: SNAKE *grabs Rainbow, points at it*
Rainbow: ...oh look, a snek!
Negative: ....
~ Next ~
Negative: *applying chapstick*
Elemental: What flavor is that?
Negative: Oh it's vanilla
Elemental: Can I try some?
Negative: Sure *hands over the chapstick*
Elemental: *kisses Negative* Holy crap, it tastes like vanilla
Negative: *has stopped functioning*
~ Next ~
Nightmare: You make me so mad
Rainbow: I literally just said "Hello"
Nightmare: Yet here I am, boiling with rage
~ Next ~
Sabre: *teaching Nightmare how to drive* Okay, so you're driving, and Rainbow walks into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Nightmare: Oh, definitely Rainbow
Sabre: *rubbing his temples* The brakes, Nightmare. You hit the brakes
~ Next ~
Positive: Do you want to hear a joke about ghosts?
Ghost: I really don't
Positive: That's the spirit!
Ghost: Never talk to me again
~ Next ~
Positive: *crying* What do you want from me?
Elemental: *eating a Kit Kat in bites instead of bars*
Positive: *crying harder* Please, stop!
~ Next ~
Lucas: Okay, okay, let's actually go to sleep now....
Rainbow: ....
Sabre: .....
Negative: ...
Positive: ...the snack that smiles back-
Everyone: Goldfish-DANG IT POSITIVE
~ Next ~
Elemental: Positive: I knight thee in the father-
Sabre: *waves*
Elemental: the son-
Rainbow: *dabs*
Elemental: and the unholy spirits
Void, Nightmare, and Dark: *screeching*
~ Next ~
Sabre: So what does everyone want for dinner?
Lucas: Spaghetti
Sabre: Okay!
Rainbow: ...better have meat sauce and regular as options
Galaxy: I know, right? I can't stand normal sauce. It makes it watery
Rainbow: Exactly
Lucas: mean spaghetti sauce with meat in it?
Rainbow: Sure, I guess that's another way to say it
Galaxy: No, it's m e a t s a u c e
~ Next ~
Negative: Kiss, marry, kill. Rainbow, Sabre, Elemental
Nightmare: Kill Rainbow, kill Elemental.....marry Sabre *looks at Sabre with intention*
Sabre: Yes
Negative: *whispers* what just happened?
Positive: *whispers back* I...I think they just got engaged
~ Next ~
Rainbow: We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter. Wonder who it's from!
Letter: Dark is flirting with Light, thought this was the best way to tell you, Sincerely, Sabre
Rainbow: ....we are gonna go murder *pulls out lightning summoner* we are gonna go murder
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