Sandstorm: Here's two facts about me.
Sandstorm: 1. I hate hot people.
Sandstorm: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Greystripe: I drink to forget but I always remember.
Firestar: You're drinking orange juice.
Bluestar, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Greystripe: I love hearing Sandstorm shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Firestar: Hi, I'm Greystripe's emergency contact.
Counter Woman: You're here to pick them up?
Firestar: I'm here to remove myself as their emergency contact.
Firestar: So, they kissed me.
Greystripe: And you kissed them back?
Firestar: No, I kissed their mouth.
Sandstorm: Firestar, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.
Firestar, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
Firestar: You borrowed a crane?
Bluestar: Not exactly.
Greystripe: You stole a crane?!
Bluestar: Exactly.
Firestar: I've organized my messages into three categories.
Firestar: "From Tigerstar"
Firestar: "Death Threats"
Firestar: and "Death Threats From Tigerstar"
Bluestar: *is hugging Firestar*
Sandstorm: Hey! It's my turn to hug Firestar!
Sandstorm: *grabs Firestar*
Greystripe: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!
Bluestar: No, It's still my turn!
Firestar: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!
Sandstorm: But we need the moral support!
Bluestar: And you're small! Which is cute!
Greystripe: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.
Firestar: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.
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