Adventure Time!
Marceline: (flashlight under her chin) They say that 100 years ago, a vampire cursed this house!
-100 years ago-
Marceline: Fuck this house.
Bubblegum: You're cute! uwu
Marceline: I am an atrocity to god, but sure.
Finn, to Lady Rainicorn: Jake and I are going skydiving tomorrow! You know, they say 2 out of 5 people never even make it to the ground?
Jake, suddenly frantic: THEN WHERE DO THEY GO?
Finn: What is your favorite wizard swear?
Abracadaniel: Is there any ... context to this question?
Finn: Of course not!
Abracadaniel: Well, I really have a soft spot for "Fuck"
Finn: New plan is no plan!! We wing it! Probably won't work, but I said it with a lot of confidence!
Finn: Why are we lying outside?
Jake: Well, some monsters knocked you out so I laid next to you so people would think we were just chillin.
Random dude: You are going straight to hell!!
Marceline: Well, I don't know about the straight part.
Cinnamon Bun: So, how long have you been together?
Princess Bubblegum: No no no no no no no no no no no no no no, Finn and I are not together, no, no.
Finn: Really? 16 Nos? Really? Ow.
Bubblegum: Hey, look at this! Got my kingdom, got my boys. So my work here is done!
Jake: We are not "your boys"
Finn: Yes we are.
Jake: Yeah, we are.
Finn: I just found out that my dad, is not my dad!
Marceline: Your dad...the dog?
Finn: Yeah?
Marceline: Must have been quite a shock.
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