Two gay bois being the best dads
lilspacebirb I have to make this-
Beta: Ok, sweetie~! First thing you're gonna try, some milk chocolate!
Dawn: Pfft, dont listen to your mom. Black chocolate is better
Beta: I dont think black chocolate is appropriate for her...
Dawn: Milk chocolate isnt good, that's all.
Beta: Because you think that dark chocolate is better?! It's bitter and disgusting!
Dawn: Milk chocolate is too sweet!!
Beta: You're not gonna make Esp taste that!
Dawn: Neither will you!
Esplion: *confusedly munches on white chocolate* Wha-?
Beta and Dawn:
(Gamma's younger in this)
Gamma: :00
Dawn: Hmm?
Gamma: What's...that?
Dawn: Oh! It's my tail, it's a different type of tail from the one you have since I'm not the same species...or type- I dunno
Dawn: Anyways, our tail's are made from a gem, and from that they can look pretty! We all have different types, there's Diamond, Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst, Obsidian, Tourmaline, and a few others!
Gamma: Woah...
Dawn: Pretty, right? :>
Dawn: They're a nessessary part of a Demon's life, without it we'd be nothing. Noticed you wanna get a closer look at it?
Gamma: *grabs his tail*
Dawn: No no no Gamma dont play with that! A tail is extremely fragile, and above all—
Dawn: SENSITIVE--!!! //////
Gamma: :333
Dawn: Shitshishitshitshitshitshitshitshit-
Beta: Gammy staph!!
(I dunno why I made this, I had to-)
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