Okay I got enough questions to make a full part. And please forgive me if i make mistakes this is my first time.
So let's start. With sheep mc
Question: Who's your favorite demon brother?
Sheep mc: lucifer! Although he seems to be annoyed most of the time because I'm a sheep he is my favorite!
Question: Will you beep beep like a sheep for us?
Sheep mc:
Question: not a question but I'd die for you
Sheep mc: aww how sweet.
Question: what do demons at the school think of you when you pass them in the halls?
Sheep mc: Well apparently it was becoming a problem because they were getting distracted so apparently something happened and it stopped (mc became human)
Question: do you have any hobbies?
Sheep mc: hmm I'd like to say that I do but I don't. Well i guess i like to cook sometimes but usually I just hang around the bros and they keep me entertained.
Question: Do you like board games?
Sheep mc: Hmm I don't really play them that often but I wouldn't say i dislike them or anything so I guess I'm neutral.
Question: Since you're a sheep, when you go home will your sheep family be confused since you're a human now?
Sheep mc: Uhm... I'll be honest I haven't told you all my backstory yet. Perhaps later? But no they wouldn't be surprised.
Question: Favorite pastime with each of the brothers?
Sheep mc: let me think... I like to sleep with belphie, sometimes eat and cook with beel, let asmo make my (fur/wool/hair whatever you want to call it) prettier. Read with satan, Watch anime with Levi, uhm...*is thinking*.... I don't really get to hang with luci much because he's always busy and mammon... I don't even know.
Question: how fluffy is your wool?
Sheep mc: each piece is about 7-17 inches long and it's floofy so it fluffs upwards and it's always messy but I don't mind!
I like to keep it messy it's my favorite style.
Question: which brothers hair do you like to 'eat' the most?
Sheep mc: ....
Sheep mc: I do not eat anyone's hair and never will i may be a sheep but I am part human. So I have sense enough not to do such things
Question: *human topic*
Sheep mc: so here's the short version until author-chan can make another book exclusively for me! :D which I'm super excited about! Okay back on topic so I'm not just a sheep I've always been part human I just haven't told anyone yet but... Solomon went and ya'know turned me human, so i went ahead and told everyone I'm part sheep-human eh.
And so yeah I can freely switch between the two forms that's also why In my human form I still have horns and my tail.
Question: Why is your fur so colorful?
Sheep mc: It's because of my magic-
Author-chan: Shhh no spoilers
Sheep mc:
Sheep mc: author-chan says no more spoilers
Question: hot chocolate, coffee or tea? And what's your favorite season
heep mc: hot chocolate, unless I'm not in the mood then i prefer tea I don't like bitter things btw and winter because it cools me down.
----- now questions for me----
Question: how are you?
Me: Thinking up more content. Oh you meant-. I'm doing fine thanks for asking!
Question: Kiss marry kill with Asmo, Satan and beel.
Me: ...Kill asmo,Kiss satan, and marry beel.
Question: Who's your favourite character from the game?
Me: Levi.
Lets move on shall we
Question: Who's your least favorite and why?
Me: *intense thinking noises are heard*
Me: Well out if the demon bros mammon is probably my least favorite (plz don't hate on me for saying these) I'm one of the few people who aren't that interested in him. Bur my least favorite side character is either barbatos or luke.
Question: Is sheep mc a kink?
e: I don't even know how to answer that It definitely is NOT a kink. And I will be calling my lawyers if this becomes a kink you shall not get sexual pleasure from this *yees bad ideas into garbage can and into lava and into space and into the sun* Okay are we done here?
Question: How did you find obey me?
Me: I was playing one of the company's other games and a ad popped up and said Hey! You should totally pre-subscribe and get notified when the game comes out! So i did and I got the game a little late though since I don't have a lot of space on my phone. And naturally majority if not all of you peeps reading this i became addicted and obsessed.
Question: For both of you! Kiss,marry,kill solomon, asmo and simeon.
Sheep mc: Kill asmo,..... Kiss simeon, and marry solomon?
Me: I dunno I'd prefer not to kill anyone but- kill asmo, kiss solomon, marry the chocolate Angel.
And this one I don't feel like typing out so I'm going to put a picture i took instead.
So sheep mc is used to being a human to all of those who had similar questions.
And as for me.
Glad you're loving it! And I'm not sure if I'll make a fanfic since I'm not that good at doing the characters personalities but I might give it a try. If i do it's probably gonna include
As the Mc and that's pretty much it.
Of course I'm planning on making a new Incorrect obey me book at 150 which you should all check out after this one is done. I'm also planning on making a book that just explains sheep mc and it's all about her and her details and her memes. And photos.
I'm also going to be putting her in the next incorrect obey me so...
I hope you peoples enjoyed this lengthy QnA
Still feel free to message me or comment your thoughts here!
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