Frozen 2: Comedy or Epic Fantasy?
Last night, I went to see Frozen 2 with my sister. After reading reviews online, my dad refused to go see it so we went by ourselves (licensed driver, yay!). someone who kinda liked the first one until it was overplayed, I did not enjoy this movie.
Well, let's start with the good. I like most of the songs. "Into the Unknown" has to be my favorite, but "All is Found" is hauntingly beautiful.
The 80's music video has to be the best part of the movie though, even though it's so out of place you know they stuck it in there just to pad the runtime. Oh yes, they were that desperate.
It's visually stunning, especially the scene that was in the teaser trailer.
And most of the jokes land, although I do have a love hate relationship with that snowman...
And that's it, that's all I like. Now to the bad.
This story is a train-wreck. I figured the entire plot out from the opening narration...and it still was confusing at the end. This movie throws so much at you, but it doesn't do so coherently. We spent the drive home trying to puzzle out plot elements (while blasting "Into the Unknown" of course) and still couldn't figure out why some things happened.
The characters...oh boy. Elsa...might be the best one in the movie, BUT SHE DOESN'T CHANGE. The hilarious thing is that they build up the woods as a thing that changes you...but that didn't happen.
Anna's character was ruined; she was too over the top and almost became the villain on several occasions. Kristoff was barely in the movie, but he was wasted when he was (yes, even his song doesn't make up for it, because it was filler). Olaf...well let's just say I nearly died laughing when a certain event happened. His song was pointless, but hysterical though.
They also try to push this lore that is clearly ripped from much better stories. There, I said it. Disney is out of ideas. I mean, it wasn't terrible, it was just too familiar...and poorly explained.
This movie can't decide whether it wants to be a comedy or an epic. Seriously, this film contains elements of both and they don't mesh well. Sure, I enjoyed the comedic elements more than the epic fantasy, but I wish this movie had just picked a direction and stuck with it.
That decision making process was probably something like this: "Well, we gotta keep the kids entertained. Add a snowmen song here and a catchy song here..."
But I really want to talk about the end. My word, it was bad. Characters made choices that...went against their characters and it was bad. If you've seen the movie...and felt the same way, let me know. I'd love to talk about it.
I do want to keep this spoiler-free though. Maybe I'll write another post about the end...sometime.
Anyway, that's it for this review. I'd save watching this one till it comes out on Disney+ or video, because my word, it's terrible.
Most of the songs are great though, so if you just want to listen to them, have at it. 😁
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