03 | Study
"SO HE JUST apologised? Just like that?" Liam asked as we walked towards the cloakroom, the only sound being our footsteps as they they echoed down the corridor. He'd been kind enough to wait for me after class had ended.
Miss Davidson had attempted to recruit me into the Under 18's Hockey Tournament again. I'd politely declined the offer, just like the previous times she'd asked, stressing that the importance of studying was greater to me than winning a gold trophy. She had only frowned, nodded and turned to leave the gym.
"Yeah, it was quite unexpected," I said as I walked over to my locker. I pulled out my things and turned to find Liam smiling at me.
"Told you he never meant you any harm," he said as we turned and started to walk towards the doors.
I wrestled my folders into my bag as we paused by the front doors, zipping up our jackets to prepare for the rain. It had calmed down since the morning, but it was still enough to soak us through if we loitered too long.
"I know he doesn't but I was just a bit uncomfortable. Usually, new students don't act all confident like that," I explained. "Unless they're a dick. But dick's don't apologise."
Liam rubbed his hands together as we walked through the drizzle. I could hear his teeth chattering and I gave him a small smile as we turned the corner and crossed the road.
"By the way you described him, he does sound like a bit of a dick," Liam chuckled. I nodded absentmindedly, remembering that I'd called Zayn that name as well as several others that morning. However, I'd changed my mind about him after his apology. Sometimes first impressions weren't always the best and everyone deserves a second chance. And besides, since when was confidence a bad thing?
"He was initially but maybe I was just being silly? He's not as bad as I originally thought," I admitted.
As Liam and I continued down the road, the rain gradually reduced to mere spit-spots and I found myself smiling up at the patchy grey sky, thankful that the crap weather was finally starting to shift.
During the years Liam and I had known each other, I'd come to learn that he was very protective of his loved ones. I could tell he was a little on edge after I'd explained what had happened between Zayn and I. I'd seen his eyes narrow slightly as I'd mentioned his arrogance and I couldn't help but smile. I was extremely lucky to have a friend like Liam, someone that looked out for me at even the slightest inconvenience.
"So, what do you need help with for maths?" I asked as we walked down a narrow, gritty path towards the shops.
With a quick look up at the sky, Liam shook the raindrops off of his hood before pulling it down and swinging his bag around to his front. He pulled the zipper open and handed me the orange folder containing his maths work. I opened the folder and scanned the sheet of paper at the front.
"You've wrote out the equations wrong," I muttered as I looked over the algebra. I heard Liam curse beside me and I just smirked. He hated when he was wrong, especially when it was something he was good at. I took in the many letters, numbers and mathematical signs, creating a quick solution in my head.
"How are you able to just think and get it right?" Liam asked me as he looked over my shoulder. His breath was warm against my cold-bitten face.
"Practice," I mumbled as I read over the last question. "It's fairly simple. It's far easier than the Maths Challenge last year."
"Maybe for you," he teased and flashed me a smile before he plucked the folder from my grasp and unceremoniously shoved it back inside his bag.
Once we crossed the road and found ourselves standing outside the local convenience store and bakery, we exchanged a knowing look.
"Muffin?" I asked and Liam just nodded. It was a stupid tradition we'd started back in our first year at school, where sugar was needed as motivation to keep ourselves focused on obtaining our top notch grades. And five years later, we occasionally gave in to the nostalgia of it and treated ourselves for old times sake.
As Liam and I walked towards the entrance, I couldn't help but notice a small woman in a pink rain coat making her way towards us. There was a large grin on her face and her blonde hair was wet from the showers.
Liam groaned beside me.
"Liam, love!" called the woman.
I bit my lip to stop myself from chuckling as Liam's cheeks flushed, embarrassed.
The woman hauled her three shopping bags over to us, still grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't help but laugh as she finally reached us, dropped the bags with a huff and wrapped her arms around Liam, planting a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek. Liam tried his best to push her off but there was no luck; her grip was too tight to escape.
"Jesus, Mum!" he groaned. "Get off me!"
"Oh, stop being such a baby," Karen Payne said as she finally let him go.
Liam ran a hand through his hair and fixed his slightly wonky tie, looking around to make sure no one had seen. His cheeks remained red as he caught sight of a couple first years giggling down the street. I didn't blame him - if my mother had done that to me, I would never have never shown my face in public again.
"Hello, Laura!" Karen chimed as she saw me standing behind Liam. "Good day at school?"
"It was..." I hesitated. "Interesting."
"Ah, good, good," she said in that way adults always did when they weren't really interested. "Where are you two off to then?"
"We're heading over to Laura's to revise for a test," Liam told her.
Karen raised a brow at us and opened her mouth like she wanted to say something. She'd made a comment before about how the two of us were very well suited for each other, an assumption we'd brushed off. Several times.
"I'll make sure he's back before bedtime," I joked and Karen laughed while Liam rolled his eyes and sent me a pleading look. The look was silent communication for please shut up.
"That would be good of you, Laura," she said as she rested a hand upon my shoulder and squeezed gently. I'd known Liam and his family for years, so it wasn't awkward at all to have such close contact with Karen. Given how long the Paynes had been friends with my own parents, they were basically extended family and some of the most lovely, genuine people I'd ever met.
"I'll make sure of it then," I promised as Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gently pulled me away from his mother, and over to the bakery doors.
"Yeah, OK, we're off. Bye Mum!" Liam called.
"I'll see you later, Liam. Be good at Laura's, honey!" she called over to us and I heard Liam groan once again.
"Bye!" he repeated before he practically dragged me through the doors and out of sight. I couldn't help but laugh as we entered the building and Liam just glared at me before a smile broke onto his face and he began laughing along with me.
"I hate you so much," he muttered as we slid into one of the two small booths in the corner.
"You love me really," I teased and flashed him an innocent smile.
Liam just stared at me for a long moment, as if considering. "Meh, don't push it."
Liam pulled his wallet out from his bag and dug around for some change. I shook my head as he slid a couple of coins across the table to me. I pushed them right back at him.
"I'll get my own this time, thanks," I said as I stood up and fished around inside of my purse as I neared the counter, the variety of different baked goods making my mouth water. I contemplated between a cinnamon swirl and pecan plait before finally deciding to stick with my original option of a blueberry muffin. I ordered a chocolate one for Liam.
"I could have got it," Liam said
I shook my head again. "You got them the last couple of times," I argued.
"Still," he muttered and then shrugged as if he realised that arguing with me would end in a stalemate.
I waited patiently for the man behind the counter to bag the items before I handed him the money. He gave me a small smile and thanks before I turned and headed back over to our table only to find Liam texting.
"Niall?" I asked.
Liam chuckled and nodded before he shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Yep. Asking where I snuck off to."
"He knew you were coming over to mine," I pointed out and Liam just nodded.
"I know. He's forgetful enough as it is," Liam chuckled, taking the chocolate muffin from me and unravelling it from the paper bag. I scrunched them both into a ball and pushed them to the side of the table so we could open our school work out on the surface. We sat for fifteen minutes, discussing the importance of elements, equations and electricity before Liam cast his gaze to the clock. It was nearly five and my stomach was grumbling for something other than a muffin.
As if he'd heard it, Liam asked, "Want to get going now?"
I nodded and tucked my hair behind my ear as we pushed our chairs back from the table and gathered our things. The rain had almost come to a complete stop by the time we left the bakery, our shoes still uncomfortably wet and cold from the down pour earlier.
"So," I began and nudged Liam with my elbow, "your mum is as lovely as ever."
Liam just sighed deeply and twisted round to face me. Before I could stop him, he tugged the bauble from from my hair, and my curls became victim to the breeze, growing more tangled and unruly than ever. I groaned and spat a few stray hairs from my mouth.
"Liam! You know I hate my hair being down," I groaned as I tried to snatch back the hair accessory. Liam laughed and held it higher, out of my reach. I jumped, hand outstretched, trying - and failing - to retrieve it. "Give it back, you jerk."
"You know how I feel about my mum embarrassing me in front of people," he retorted.
I just rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "She's only messing around with you."
Liam shrugged. "Even so, it's still awkward."
"Fair enough." I held out my hand and raised a brow expectantly. "Please?"
With a small smile, he handed me back the bauble and I quickly pulled my hair back into a ponytail again. I tucked the loose strands behind my ears and marched off, Liam laughing behind me. It wasn't too long before he caught up, his long legs granting him an advantage that I lacked. He slung his arm around my shoulders and laughed again.
"I don't understand why you hate it so much, you know. Your hair is lovely," Liam complimented as he curled a strand around his finger. He let it go and it bounced back into place.
"I just prefer it tied up," I said with a shrug.
In the distance were a row of small semi-detached houses, each with a different colour of door. The street almost resembled a quaint little neighbourhood from a movie set. They were all lovely houses, and the one right at the end with the red door, situated by the woodland walkway was mine. Very convenient for when it came time to take the dog for a walk.
"So, maths first?" I asked Liam as we crossed the road. I unlatched the gate and squeezed into the garden with Liam right behind me.
"Yeah, and then maybe Biology?" he suggested. I nodded.
"Laura? Is that you home?" I heard my mother call as soon as I opened the front door. That woman had super hearing. I shut the door behind us as Liam started to kick his shoes off.
"Yeah, Mum! Liam's here too!" I called back.
Footsteps could be heard approaching and seconds later my mother appeared in the hallway, a large grin on her face. My mother wasn't tall nor short but more in-between, with short dark hair and a slender, elegant frame. I was often told I was her double though I didn't see it.
"Oh, hello Liam! Nice to see you again!" Mum said as she made her way over to us and wrapped her arms around Liam. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as I saw his eyes widen at her actions. When my mum pulled away, Liam was slightly red in the face.
"And you too, Kelly," he said a little awkwardly. I could tell he was embarrassed - my mother hadn't hugged him like that for a long time.
After the pleasantries with my mother, I pulled Liam upstairs to my bedroom, where I shoved him inside and slammed the door behind us. I loved my mother dearly but once she started talking, that was it. There was no escaping Kelly Mitchell after that gob of hers opened. Liam was just chuckling at my lack of patience and I sighed at him before I dropped my bag to the floor.
My black labrador, Jet, could be heard on the other side of the wood, whining to get in, over excited at the sound of someone else's voice.
"That Jet? Let him in," Liam said as he stood up and prepared himself. The pair of them got on like a house on fire, so as soon as I turned the handle and allowed the dog into my room, Liam was horizontal and being assaulted by kisses.
"Jet!" I scolded half-heartedly.
Liam laughed before he gently slid Jet from above him. He dusted off a few dog hairs before he gently clapped the beast on the back of the head. I heard Liam mutter good boy under his breath in that baby voice that was only reserved for pets and children and I just chuckled as I looked them over fondly.
"Right, I'm gonna get changed, so you keep him entertained."
Liam scoffed. "Easy. All I have to do is find his tennis ball and he'll be glued to my side." Jet's ears raised at the word 'ball' and Liam just ruffled his head some more.
In the bathroom, I almost gasped at my hideously exhausted reflection. I did not look my best and the tangled nest of curls atop my head was only the beginning of the problems. The wind and rain had smudged my make-up and bitten my cheeks to the point I looked like I'd been a little too heavy handed on the blush. The eye bags were the icing on the cake.
I shook my hair loose of its ponytail and gathered it all into a messy bun before securing it in place. It wasn't much but it was a start.
"Laura! Your dog is attacking me!" I heard Liam call from behind the door and I giggled before walking over and making my way out of the bathroom. Liam was being pinned to the ground once again.
"Jet!" I called and the dog obediently came and sat down in front of me, his large brown eyes blinking innocently up at me. I scratched him behind the ears before I shooed him over to the door and into the hallway. He'd no doubt go pester my parents.
"He really does love you," I said and Liam just snorted as he stood up and brushed himself off.
"I'd believe it if he didn't wrestle me to the ground every time I came over, " he chuckled and I just rolled my eyes at him.
"That's how he shows affection," I pointed out before I walked over to the stereo and pressed play on whatever CD I had been listening to last.
Liam emptied the contents of his bag onto my bed and rummaged around for the right notebook. I copied his actions and cast my empty bag to the side unceremoniously. I popped my glasses on before I leafed through the notes I'd taken in maths earlier.
I picked up a pencil and huffed a sigh before I said, "Right, let's get started."
IT HAD BEEN an hour and during that time, Liam had opted to sit at the small table that I'd somehow managed to squeeze onto the balcony off my bedroom window. It was almost too small to call a balcony but it managed to hold the fold-away furniture set my parents had found at a boot sale years ago for a price that had apparently been 'too good to ignore.'
Liam had his feet propped on the opposite chair and was leaning back, listening to the radio station he'd put on after deeming my music taste 'atrocious.'
"Finished!" I announced as I gathered my maths notes together in a bundle and placed them in the middle of my bed to admire. I pushed my glasses up my nose and sat up straight, groaning as my bones cracked satisfyingly.
"Wow, record time," Liam joked as he made his way over to me and looked at the pile of work. "No wonder you always get the best grades."
"You're the smartest in our year, don't forget that," I told him and he just shook his head before sitting himself down on the bed next to me.
"These papers are gonna be hell when they're being filed," Liam muttered as he flipped through the many written pages of work. His tongue poked between his lips as he concentrated on my messy penmanship.
"Sure are," I agreed as I stretched and stood from the bed. "At least it's all been double checked though and thoroughly revised."
I made my way over to where Liam had been lounging on the balcony and gathered the rest of his things before sliding the door shut and flipping the lock. When I turned back to ask him if he wanted a cup of tea, his attention was already elsewhere.
"Listen to this," Liam said suddenly as he looked over towards the radio. I walked over and turned up the volume before sitting down on the floor.
"...family were found in their home this morning in Manchester. The family of four - parents Timothy and Fiona McFadgen and their two children, sixteen year old Bella and their son, four year old Jeremy - were reported alive and well only hours previously by friends and family. No reports yet on what the cause of death is but authorities highly suspect a homicide."
"Jesus," Liam said as the news finished. "What a sick bastard."
"Manchester." I said, "That's not too far. Maybe you could go and beat the murderer up?" I joked.
"I'd need super powers to beat a murderer," he pointed out.
"So your smooth talking won't charm a murderer but will everyone else?" I teased.
Liam just chuckled. "Afraid not."
I just sighed and shook my head. "I don't get people like that. I really don't. Why would you murder someone? And kids - a four year old for the love of God."
"Some people are just deranged. I don't get it either - who does get it? I couldn't imagine killing someone."
"Well thank God for that, or I'd be very worried," I chuckled and Liam just raised a brow.
"Well, give it time. We're not at the end of the school year just yet so there's still a chance I'll turn on any teacher who decides to give me just that little bit too much homework. Then they'll feel the full force of my wrath come the summer holidays."
"Biology in particular though, right?" I asked. Liam chuckled before nodding to me. He sat back down on the bed, a smile on his lips. "Maybe we should study that one next in that case."
The girls often teased Liam and I for our dedication to school work. I remember the first time I told them that Liam and I were considering starting a study session every Friday night after school and they could hardly believe it.
"After school?" Kate had laughed.
"On a Friday?" Marielle had continued.
"It's the weekend though..." Sophie had added when it became clear I wasn't joking.
They all came for the first months but over time had decided they had other things they would rather do than study. I didn't blame them. Some people just weren't as studious as Liam and I and so we were the only two that had remained in the study sessions, years later and we had excellent grades to show for it. So had the girls back when they could actually be bothered to show up.
I rummaged around in my bag for my biology textbook. I slapped it down on top of the maths notes I'd written and found Liam's eyes glued to a piece of paper poking out of the corner of it. I followed his gaze and found the drawing Zayn had done that morning. I'd forgotten all about it.
"What's this?" Liam asked as he pulled at the corner of the page. His eyes widened as he looked over the sharp lines and smudges that made up my face. He remained silent, his eyes scanning from top to bottom several times.
"It's a drawing," I said stupidly.
"Z. Malik?" Liam muttered upon further inspection, his eyes now on the signature at the bottom of the page. "Zayn drew this?"
"Yeah." I nodded and then sighed deeply as I recalled the events of the morning that I'd chosen not to tell my friends. Zayn had baffled me to no end and it was the butterfly that had left me the most clueless. "I need to tell you something about Zayn. You have to promise not to tell anyone though because it kind of freaked me out. I haven't even told Kate," I admitted and Liam shuffled round to face me.
"Wow, so this must be really, really big gossip then if I'm hearing it before Kate?" he asked and I shrugged before I opened my mouth to speak. It all came spilling out and as soon as I'd told Liam everything about what had happened, I realised I may have made a mistake. Liam was suspicious again, his eyes narrowing with each new piece of information I spilled.
"OK, that guy really is a creep then," Liam decided, his eyebrows raised.
I could only nod as I looked back down at the drawing. Actually saying it out loud made it seem more disturbing somehow. However, as I looked at the drawing I found myself torn; part of me wanted to keep it because it was surreal to think someone had sat and dedicated several hours of time to capture my likeness but the other part of me was shouting to chuck it because it was also decidedly creepy to think someone had observed me for so long, and a stranger no less. I let out a sigh, folded it in half and placed it on the bed side table.
Liam followed my every move. "You're going to keep it?" Liam asked.
Was I going to keep it? Should I have kept it? I didn't see a reason why not. What harm could a drawing do? I nodded, decided, and Liam simply raised an eyebrow as if to say, really?
"Is there any reason I shouldn't?"
"No, I suppose not. But only moments ago you were saying how strange he was and that it made you uncomfortable. Now you're keeping a drawing he did, and not just any drawing, but one of you? I just find it a little weird..." Liam confessed.
"It's only a piece of paper, Liam. There's nothing wrong with keeping a bit of paper, right?"
"I suppose not," he said. Liam scratched the back of his head as his eyes found the drawing once again.
Just as I was about to suggest we go for a walk with Jet to get some fresh air and clear our heads, the reversing of a van cut me off. I glanced out the window and frowned. It was a moving van. Lately when vans had been pulling up across the road, it was for repairs on the old, beat-up shack that had been neglected for years across from us. It was a gorgeous house, don't get me wrong but one day the roof gave way and the owners had just decided to move in the end. Ever since it had been undergoing repairs.
Clearly they were finally finished and someone was moving in.
"Wow, looks like someone is finally moving in across the street," I commented.
"In the creepy, roofless house?" Liam asked, sitting up on the bed to peer out the window.
"Remember all the stories your mum and dad told us when we were kids?" Liam asked as he stood up and walked with me to the window just in time to watch two burly middle-aged men struggle to lift a sofa from the back of the van to the door.
"About the monsters living there? Yeah." Now that we were older, Liam and I recognised my parents' way of keeping two nosy kids away from an old, abandoned climbing frame was to scare us out of it.
Liam and I watched in silence as a ridiculously huge television, fridge and other kinds of sleek looking furniture were moved into the house one by one. There were several bodies dotting about to help shift the owner's belongings and I was just waiting for one of them to have an unfortunate accident. Then again, not everyone was as clumsy as my dad when it came to lifting things.
"Wow, a piano?" Liam asked as the old object was hauled from the van. It took the men considerably longer to move that thing in. It was a sleek, dark brown and looked extremely old. "Looks a bit worse for wear."
I chuckled. "It'll fit right in there, then."
As the final items were being lifted from the back of the van, a figure stepped out from the van. He must have been moving the things from the back because it was the first time I'd seen him since the van had pulled up. He wasn't dressed like the other men in overalls and stained T-shirts but a brown leather jacket and faded jeans. A cigarette hung from his lips.
"You've got to be kidding me," I found myself saying aloud as I watched Zayn thank the moving men individually, shaking their hands as he went down the line.
"My God," Liam muttered. "Did we say his name too many times and summon him like some sort of demonic ritual?"
I laughed at Liam's comment but it didn't take long for me to revert to being completely stunned by Zayn's sudden appearance. What were the bloody chances?
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