-Danger calls-
Jiro's POV
I knew Midoriya for a while now, but something tells me that he isn't the one I mostly know of. I mean, sure he still stutters and acts like his same old self. But once drama class starts, he begins being more...
Silent I guess, he also started getting more spaced out than usual.
I became suspicious of him but didn't over-look too much or else I would act like a creep, but it made me feel worried about Midoriya.
But as I was walking around the stage- or simulator. I saw Todoroki, muttering? It was pretty rare to see him do something that isn't like him.
"Um Todoroki, why are you muttering like Midoriya all of a sudden?" I asked him. I must've surprised him cause he sort of flinched a little.
"Sorry Jiro, my mind was just in the wrong place you know?" I knew Todoroki was thinking about something, whatever it is or- who is, he's pretty worried about it.
"Ok then, but what were you muttering about?" Todoroki's expression changed a bit, but he then smiled."Oh nothing much, just about the play that's all!"
I decided that I didn't want to bother him any longer or that's just disturbing his privacy. Besides, we are almost about to start our practice.
"If you say so Todoroki." And then I left. But I guess he didn't notice me looking back at him, because he just sit down on the floor and sort of covering his ears.
'That's strange of him to do that.'
Todoroki's POV
After I saw whoever it was behind the curtains, I now started to worry about my surroundings a bit more. But as I was about to space out, Hirayama spoke.
"Alright class, practice will now begin! Meet me in the simulator."
I was only at the side of the stage so I didn't have to walk too much.
"I'm not so sure if I'm excited or not?" "Can't wait to finally act!" "I can never tell the difference in these simulations."
A bunch of people were talking behind me once we were all in the simulation. It's getting really annoying, I don't know how Hirayama was okay with this.
"Settle down, settle down. I'm sure you are all wondering what are we going to practice next. So Tsuyu, Tokayami, Kaminari, Shoji, and Bakugo. You're going to be practicing this time with the ones from yesterday while everyone else just watch."
Hirayama ordered Tamaki and Nijere to turn on the simulation and teleported them behind the glass wall. I only know Kaminari's and Bakugo's role which were hero ranger and hero leader, but I'm not so sure if Bakugo will listen to Hirayama since I could tell that he hates her.
Hirayama sit down in a chair and started shouting what they're going to do.
"Ok, so the five of you will be running in the streets looking for the four villains you spotted in capes. But once you reached your destination, you will all see two dead bodies and the same villains you spotted. Kaminari, you will shoot one of the villains with your quirk and support equipment, The villains will notice and dodge your attack. One of the villains will attack you, Tsuyu, you will grab Kaminari with your tongue and lift him up from the air in order to not get injured. Bakugo you will attack them along with Tokayami, and there you'll figure out the last few scenes for now."
I kept my eye on Midoriya just in case, Hirayama told me that she will randomly choose on who will attack so that made things just more complicated for me.
Alright, we will start in...
And action!" Now that just sounded like we're doing a movie.
Tsuyu's POV (And now back to the setting of the heroes and villains)
We were all looking for the villains in capes. But as soon as we reached to where the call was located, we see two dead bodies of heroes surrounded by the villains we were looking for.
"What h-happened here?" Kaminari was the first one to talk. We were expecting a response, but the shortest one in the group stared at us and just, smiled?
Kaminari decided to make a move. he used his equipment and started shooting electricity at them, but they all doged no problem. The villain next to the short one put his right foot out which made a bunch of ice headed towards our direction.
"Watch out!!!" I shouted, I used my tongue to grab Kaminari and lift him up in the air so the ice won't reach him.
"You're going to regret that!!!!" Bakugo shouted. "Tokayami!" "Got it!"
They both ran up towards them and attacked them. But one of the villains standed infront of the the group and was able to withstand the attacks, "I can't believe you guys are that mindless!" The short one said.
Bakugo was getting more serious. "What the FUCK DID YOU SAY!!??"
No response again, but right when they were going to attack again, someone above me screamed, it was Kaminari.
And not just that, but blood came oozing from his arm. I quickly put him down and looked back at the villains, the short one suddenly have bright, red eyes.
"Have you ever heard of 'Never judge a book by it's cover?" He said. I let Shoji carry Kaminari and started sending sign language messages to Bakugo.
"Should we all start attacking them at once?"
"That seems the only choice we have right now, so alright."
I observed the group and realized that one of them had a weak spot at the stomach. I could tell since one of his hands were clutching on his stomach.
We signaled Tokayami and we quickly agreed, we all started attacking them with our quirks but the two of us started bleeding from our arms and neck. I was the only one who didn't get injured which I was confused why.
One of the villains grabbed something inside his cape until I realized it was a smoke bomb.
After we were coughing and some screaming in agony, they all left without a trace.
"Ok, that's all for this practice!" Hirayama said. The simulator turned off, Bakugo's and the other's injuries were quickly healed just as Hirayama-sensei promised us.
Uraraka started running towards me. "Tsuyu that was so cool! How did it feel like when you were in the simulator?"
"To be honest with you kero, I actually felt like if everything I was seeing was real." I told her. I then look over behind Uraraka, Midoriya-kun's face looked a little nervous.
"Hey Tsuyu, you there?"
I flinched a little but got back my focus to Uraraka. "Kero, oh sorry. I was just looking at something else, that's all!"
She then smiled and left. But while she walked away, I looked at everyone in the stage, and the one that caught my attention was Todoroki. He was looking at something behind him and probably talking but there was nothing there.
Finally I'm done, got a little writers block at the end for a moment. And also, I'm starting to make a drawing my OC Hirayama. I'm not so sure when I'll finish but maybe in a few more days or so.
That's all Wolfie out!
1233 words
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