fighting the seed known as victor blade
A match was about to begin between theRaimon Eleven against Fifth Sector's seeds or as they like to callthemselves the "Black Knights". Everyone gathered in thesoccer stadium to watch the fight, the fight that will determine thefuture of Raimon's soccer club.
Tenma's POV
"Is Raimon really going to fightthese guys for the future of the soccer club?" i asked myselfwhile watching the match. Is this all happening because of me? I wasthe one who challenged Kyousuke after all.
I jumped out of bed as soon as I heardmy alarm clock go off, because today is the day I get to be a part ofRaimon Junior High's soccer club. I've dreamed about this day myentire life. Ever since that day when I was little and a soccer ballwith a symbol of a lighting bolt saved my life. I made a promise thatI will repay that person for saving me and be able to do the same bypracticing soccer everyday.
I quickly put on my uniform and wentdownstairs after relieving my past. Though it may have been so longago that memory will forever be engraved in my mind. Now today I willfinally be able to fulfill that promise after so many years.
"Bye Sasuke!" I pat his head asI bid him farewell.
Sasuke is the name of my dog. The verysame dog I saved when I was a child who was also saved by the verysame soccer ball that saved me and got me into playing soccer.
"Bye aunt Aki" I saidwaving at my aunt.
Kino Aki is the landlady of the apartmentwhere I live and other people as well. Since my parents are off atwork out of the country I'm staying here with my aunt who is like anelder sister to me.
I ran with the wind blowing through myhair. I wanted to get there as soon as possible so there's a chancefor me to sign up for the soccer club. After awhile I finally madeit. I was now standing in front of a gigantic building with alightning bolt symbol on it. I immediately searched for the club roomof the soccer club. I couldn't find it at first but a woman namedHaruna who was the club's tactical adviser showed me where it was andI could not believe my eyes as to how big the building was, and itwas all dedicated for the soccer club. She told me that I could joinafter I pass a test for new members. It was still early so we decidedto go to the field to see the members of the club practice, but whenwe got there we were shocked from what we saw. All the members of thesoccer club were on the ground and wounded. A boy named TsurugiKyousuke took them all down using a soccer ball and using onepowerful technique, something I had never seen before. I couldn'tstand watching people use soccer as a tool to control people it wasjust... wrong. I ran to the field and faced Tsurugi, he thenchallenged me to fight him in place of the fallen members. He told methat if I could steal the ball from him then he'll leave the soccerclub alone, but if I lost then he would destroy Raimon and I didn'twant that to happen, so I accepted the challenge.
I was standing on the field in front ofTsurugi who had the ball in between his feet . We were about to startthe match soon and almost the whole school came to watch us,this wasgoing to be a challenge.
Someone's POV
"So this is Raimon huh?" Iasked myself while entering school grounds.
I could see that many people werelooking at me probably because I'm not wearing a uniform, but whatthey don't know is that I will be attending this school along withthem. I was going to head towards the school building but then Inoticed that almost everyone was watching something at the field.
"What's going on over there?"I asked myself. I walked over to the field and I saw two figures; aboy with navy blue hair and a boy with brown hair with swirls on eachside of his head.
Wait is that Tenma? I wondered as Igot closer.
No ones POV
Tenma bolted towards Tsurugi trying tosteal the ball. He kept repeating this over and over again , but nomatter how much he tried it was impossible to get the ball fromTsurugi. He just stood there playing around the ball until hesuddenly decided to hit Tenma with it, but even though he hit Tenmawith the ball Tenma would not back down.
"Not giving up huh?" Tsurugiasked with an evil smirk on his face.
"I will never give up to someonewho uses soccer to control people!" Tenma exclaimed getting upand wincing in pain.
"You and your soccer makes my earsbleed. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing you say that. It'sgetting real annoying! You should just give up!" Tsurugi yelledas he started to get annoyed.
He then decided to use his hittatsutechnique; DEATH SWORD. Tsurugi summoned his powerful technique andshot it towards Tenma.
"I will never give up on soccer!"Tenma yelled.
All of a sudden a black aura appeareadon his back and he was able to stop the ball that was shot towardshim. The aura disappeared and everyone was in shock. The techniquethat brought the entire team down with one shot was stopped by Tenma.
" I did it!" Tenma cheered.
Tsurugi was furious with the fact thathis most powerful technique was stopped by an amateur at soccer likeTenma.
"Your soccer this soccer that isreally starting to annoy me!" Tsurugi yelled in anger kickingthe ball again at Tenma, but before the ball could hit him a figuresnatched the ball right before it hit his face.
"Hey now, he got the ball fair andsquare you should keep your end of the deal. Let the soccer clubcontinue instead of hitting Tenma here again and again with a soccerball only to make yourself feel all so powerful" The figure of agirl said.
"Are we clear Kyou-su-ke" shesaid in a teasing tone.
"And who are you?" victorasked annoyed that someone dared to taunt him.
"My name is Hikari Midori"she introduced herself.
"Midori-chan????" Tenma askedin disbelief.
She turned around facing him. Herbrunette hair was medium length but it was tied up letting a fewstrands frame her face. She looked at Tenma with her sharp green eyes.
"Long time no see Tenma"Midori greeted as she smiled at him.
"Who are you people and what areyou doing in these sacred grounds?" a voice called out fromfaraway and a figure of a young boy could be seen.
"He finally came" victorwhispered to himself showing his evil grin.
"My name is Shindou Takuto and I amthe captain of the Raimon Eleven" Shindou announced as a fewfigures walked up from behind him wearing the Raimon soccer clubuniform.
"So this is where we ended up inhuh?" Midori wondered.
Right now Tenma and Midori are sittingon one of the benches with the coach and Haruna watching the matchbefore them. After Tenma and Tsurugi's showdown the fifth sectorchallenged the Raimon soccer club to a match that will decide thefate of the club. As the match began just by looking at how theplayers fought Raimon did not have a chance of beating the BlackKnights.
"That's it i can't take itanymore!" one of the Raimon members cried out and ran off thefield.
"Midori! Tenma!" the coachcaught both of their attentions.
"Change into one of the spareuniforms and get into the field" the coach ordered.
Tenma and Midori looked at each otherand nodded. They ran to get changed so they can quickly resume thematch. After awhile Midori and Tenma took their position asmidfielders.
"You think adding two members canhelp you win?" Tsurugi said finding it amusing.
He then started walking to his positionat the front as a striker. The next battle was about to begin. Willadding Midori and Tenma help out the raimon eleven save their club?
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