Kira hiroto x reader | gangsta boi
Ok gays I'm. Not really sure about this one but bare with me. 🤡 requested by @Ritsu_chii
Hope you like it,
Hiroto: pls enjoy this,
- Angsty, softy type (hope you like it)
(Y/n) a regular but not so regular girl, a nerd to say the most, the most intelligent, discipline kid in her school. The teachers pet, basically.
But that changed, because of that one neighbour,
As summer finally enrolled, that means ... SUMMER HOLIDAY BOYS 🙌,
She's mostly bored in summer vacation because almost all her friends think she's too smart to be invited to party's, hangouts , etc.
Which is not true she's fun... I guess...?
But as the bell rang for the end of school, the girl ran home excited to finally relax her mind and not study for once.
As she got home she saw moving trucks and a lot of stuff to the house next to hers, it seems that someone is actually moving into that empty house,
'Finally, Someone is going to live there' as the girl sighed relief.
The previous owners which were old people who (y/n) really had a liking to had to go to another country because of personal reasons so that house had been empty, it wasn't for sale it was just empty, because it was still old peeps' house so (y/n)'s confuSed on who the people were.
But relieved as well because the house wasn't empty anymore.
As she got in her house She saw a glimpse of a boy, he had peculiar hair but for sure he had blackish gray hair with white highlights and a thunder tattoo??? On his face ??? As the girl saw the boy in curiosity and kind of disbelief, as she went in.
What she didn't know was the boy actually saw her by secret ,,
As the next day went by, the girl was now on her balcony reading a book and relaxing, as the little wind breeze hit her hair ??? As her hair flowed a little.
She was enjoying the time of her life until suddenly she heard a voice.
"Hey" the voice said, it wasn't that deep but sounded a little menacing.
"Hey, hey!" The voice got a bit louder,
The girl didn't want to look up, because she didn't care if someone tried to bother her, she wanted to finish her book and that's f I n a l!
"This baka,, hhh" as the voice grumbled.
As it finally got quiet,
The girl enjoyed her book,
She was getting real absorbed by the book, until suddenly something flicked her forehead, h a r d. As she grumbled angrily as she looked up to be met up with a pair of pink eyes staring at her as she stared at shock,
"AAAAA WHO ARE YOU," she said as she screamed.
"Finally you caught my attention, I'm kira Hiroto the God strik-"
"I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE GET OUT OF MY BALCONy" the girl cut the guy off.
"Hey hey chill, I'm no harm, you just caught my interest that's all" the guy said as he stared at the girl.
"Well I don't care get out" the girl said.
"Well at least tell me your name cupcake" Kira Hiroto said as he placed his hands on her chin as she got her face closer to his as he smirked.
"How about no" the girl said.
"Well ok cupcake my names kira Hiroto the God strike-"
"WAIT WHAT kira Hiroto??" As the girl said shOckEd, as she pushed him away from her.
"Yes that's right I'm kira Hiroto" the boy said.
"THE kira Hiroto??, the guy apart of the dangerous gangster gang?????" The girl asked.
"Wait what??? Dangerous ??? I'm not dangerous and you mean aliea gang?" Hiroto said, confuSed.
"Yes whatever, I heard you were bad news" she said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.
And searched up the said gang, and saw bad news about the gang she stared at disbelief,
"I knew it you were bad news! Get out of here" (y/n) said.
"What no, I ain't going nowhere, I just wanna know you better, I heard my grandparents say stuff about you and that caught my interest" the boy said.
"What??? Grandparents??? No no no those very nice elder people could never be the grandparents of a rascal such as yourself" (y/n) said in denial.
"Well they are and you better not be delulu about it, I can show you proof that they my grandparents" Hiroto said confidently.
"What did they say about me?" (Y/n) asked curious.
"well, that's secret" Hiroto said as he gave her a wink. " well they said you were always alone so I guess I'm here to give you company, and give your life a bit more fun" Hiroto added.
"Fun? I'm already having fun haha" (y/n) said as she picked up her book from the floor, because she threw it because of shock.
"Oh my God you better not tell me you read books for fun" Hiroto said in disbelief as he snatched the book from you as he saw the title of the book, and laughed.
"Omg are you seriously reading this?? Who reaDs about beyblADes, OnlY loSerS dO" as Hiroto laughed even more, you blushed as you tried to grab the book back from the boy, as this kept on going till you tripped,
You almost fell down but (y/n) didn't fall because, her waist was being held by the one and only kira Hiroto, your faces were inches apart as (y/n)'s heart beats faster than ever, as she blushed red as a tomato.
"Gee, for a nerd you are clumsy, come on let's have some fun" Hiroto said as he let you go and you stabilized yourself.
"What's fun for you? I don't think your type of fun will fit my perspective of 'fun'" (y/n) said, unsure.
"Oh come on I promise it'll be fun" Hiroto said as he grabbed your hand. "Now can you please tell me your name" he added
"Hhh finE, it's (y/n)" you said still unsure, why unsure ? Unsure because he's apart of a bad gang and unsure in yourself because you trust him and you somehow feel comfortable with him???.
"So can we please get out of your balcony ? " Hiroto said
"Oh ok this way" you said as you pointed to your bedroom and in your house.
"Oh no cupcake we ain't going that way" Hiroto said as he smirked and suddenly carried you bridal style and ran to the bridge of your balcony.
"HIROTO WHAT ARE YOU DOING ARE YOU TRYING TO DO SUIcidE?" You said as you ScReamEd, as you closed your eyes shut
As Hiroto jumped of your balcony and landed safely on to the ground somehow, you were hugging the boy tight, you were so scared that you didn't know he already put you down to the ground.
"You can seriously let go of me now" Hiroto said as that playfully smirk was now printed on his face.
"What?" You said confuSed. As you realized you were now on the ground.
"So,,, where are we going now?" You asked to the black haired boy.
"We gonna be riding my bike, this way cupcake" Hiroto said as he pointed at his house' garage
As the both went to his garage, you saw a pretty cool motorcycle, it was black and shiny new.
"But you still didnt answer my question ? Where are we going ?"
"Somewhere nice of course" he said with a smug grin.
As about 20 minutes passed, the two of you had arrived,.
As you scanned the area you saw, actually one of the greatest views, a sunset by the beach shore area, it was so relaxing to see. Your heart skipped a beat.
"See I told you, you would like it," Hiroto said smirking victoriously,
"Yeah, yeah, I guess I underestimated you then" you said and actually unknowingly smiled to him and that got him blushing.
As a few meeting like these occurred almost everyday, you actually enjoyed his presence, your heart always heated in a fast way, when you see him, asking for you to join him in his little adventures, it was like, you forgot of his background that he was actually a gangster,
It was as always, him asking you to join him, and his motorcycle to go to some new place, with his little surprises,
But this time, he just bluntly told you where you were going today, and it was a "party"
"So (y/n) we going to a party tonight, is that fine ?" He asked
"A party??? WOAH, what kind of party" you asked energetic, because you actually have never been to a freaking party because you are considered a NERD,
"You know some regular parties, by the beach," Hiroto said.
"Sure! LESGO" you said happily.
As the two drove to the place, just by a mile you can hear the music, as you got closer lights, funk music was drumming in your ears, the music was THAT loud.
You were a bit anxious because this is your first party, and yeah.
"Alright (y/n) you better stay close with me or else you are going to get lost in the crowd. Ok?" Hiroto said as he gently held your hand
"Ok" you said blushing, because of the sudden skin contact.
Good thing it was a. It dark so he couldn't really see your blush,
As he pulled you gently to the entrance a security guard asked.
"Code" the security guard said.
"Eisei" Hiroto said,
As the guard heard he let the both of you in,
The music was the definition of, getting you ear rape,,, iT was CROWDED AS FFFF,,
"Are you ok?" Hiroto said,
"Yeah," you looked pale, maybe it's because you've never been in places such as like these,
"I'll get you water" Hiroto said as he went off
But you remembered his words to stay close to him so you went after him, dumb move (y/n)
As you passed by people, people giving you back, weird stares,
As you heard a few people whisper
" I've never seen her around, where she from?"
"I saw her with Hiroto"
"Ohhh, that's his lady,"
"How about we play with her a little?"
As you heard their words somehow, since the music was blasting loud, you tried to run away as far from the them as you could and you were lead to, the outside deck, of course, the music wasn't that loud here, it was only you and the sounds of calm sea's
Until you heard someone walking, you looked back to see, those guys who were talking about you,
"Did she think she can run from us?" One guy laughed,
"What a dumbass" another one joined,
"Hmm, she has a nice body, how much would that sell" the guy who looked like the leader said, examining your body ,
"Worth millions, boss" the guy next to him said.
The boss got closer to you, your body instantly froze, you were FREAKED OUT,
He started touching your hair, and examined you more, iT was the most uncomfortable thing you had ever experienced in your life,
The other bloons, started to get their knives out, looking like they ready to chop off your body,
The guy who looked like the assistant, was writing things on his notes,
They really were NOT Joking when they said they would sell you,
You really just wanted this to end, you were ready to cry, your gaze was dead lock on the sand, because you were too freaked out to look up at the man,
till a voice shouted,
"DONT TOUCH HER, I SWEAR TO GOD" a familiar voice shouted, as you looked to the way of the voice it was none other than kira Hiroto and other guys...?
You felt a sudden relief, as you gazed upon the boy,
"Oh look at mr. prince trying to save his princess, how touching" the guy infront of you said as he let go of your hair and glared at the boy,"
"Leave her alone, or else I might kill you once and for all," Hiroto said, glaring back, as he got a knife and a gun, both in his hands,
"How terrifying, I guess you aren't going anywhere without a fight for your girl right?" The guy said,
"Well, as you wish my boy, let's have fun" the guy said as he gave him a sadist smile,
"I'll get (y/n) you cover" Hiroto ordered to Tatsuya,
"Got it"
As the fight started, gun shots, a bit of blood, it was a full on riot, it gained the attention of almost all the people in the party, as the party leader saw this, he surprisingly didn't stop the boys, it was amusing for him to see Hiroto so fixed to save his little girl,
"My.. my.. how amusing to see, this soft sight of our black haired boy" the part leader said as he smirked,
As Hiroto succeeds, to go your way, he carries you quickly to a safe spot, a quiet one, it looked like no one followed you two because Hiroto was Godly very fast,
"You ok? You good" Hiroto said as he was out of breathe,
"I'm .. ok, but are you ok?" You said worryingly
Blood was dripping from his stomach area, you looked very worried,
"Checkmate" someone said,
Suddenly you saw a figure and you looked shocked, as loud as you can you screamed,
Hiroto looked back quickly as he stared at shock
The scene was so quick you couldn't comprehend,
You closed your eyes SHUT, you didn't want to see, the after math,
A clashing sound, was heard, sounded like knives were clashing knives,
You opened your eyes to see, Hiroto still alive, which was a relief,
And another guy protecting you two,
"My... my... Hiroto what do we have here" a guy said,
As the guy said so he stabbed the gang leader, and smirked.
"Shut up ferid," Hiroto said, as he fixed his posture
"What a fun sight to see, a prince in shining armor and a damsel in distress, amusing to see you with a girl, Hiroto" the guy named 'ferid' said as he smirked even more,
"Now... now.. me.kageyama you wouldn't want me to report you to the police now.. don't we? As ferid said to the gang leader looking lifeless as blood was scattered,
"Now, go along Hiroto, leave now before this guy gets your princess again, we don't want that now, don't we?" Ferid said, as he picked up the guy, dragging him basically to the party area, while he smirked like a feline friend,
"Sorry for taking you here, I should've known that guy was going to be here," Hiroto said a bit annoyed,
"It's fine, I had fun" you said weak smiled,
"I'm glad nothing happened to you" Hiroto said as he got closer to you face, inches apart from your face apparently, as he gently caressed your hair,
You felt that fuzzy feeling again and blushed because you and his face inches apart, unknowingly, you suddenly
Kissed the one and only kira Hiroto under the moonlight,
The sudden kiss, got Hiroto shOckEd But he kissed back, the two of your hearts were beating like crazy, blushing like crazy, he placed his hand behind your head, to deepen the kiss, as it was a hot moment,
The two of you stopped because you two were out of breath,
The two of you looked at each other, it was a brief awkward moment,
"I like you" you said as you blushed and looked away,
"I love you since the day we met" Hiroto said, as looked at you lovingly giving a grin,
"Does that mean?" You asked confusingly
"It's official" Hiroto said.
"You're mine now" Hiroto said, as he grinned,
"Mine and mine only" Hiroto said as he picked you up and carried you like a baby,
It truly was a good night.
I'm sorry
For giving your request soo later @ritsu_chii truly am sorryyyy TvT
Hiroto: well school is punching you hard rn
If you want to know me better you can check out my ig🥴
@/huangtianlan for drawing acc lmfao and this book updates
@/woojinenthusiast for spam account and this book info uwu
Not gonna give you anymore info bye
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