✨ • Chapter 6: Saved. • 🌟
TWs for this chapter:
- Blood/Green Blood..? Idk..
- Mention of Parental Problems
Again, like I said in the first trigger warning, I do not support anything that was stated above, and I never will, so do not come after me please-
Anyway, enjoy the chapter!! This may not be written correctly, but I've been working on this for too long :/
The Galac-goo was enjoying their new friends, getting to know all of them was so much fun, and even managed to make them forget about something.. They did not want their friends to leave! The Galac-goo was talking to Paintbrush, getting to know them until they heard a small yelp. They looked away and noticed Nickel faded away, panic started settling in the Galac-goo as their eyes widened and started breathing heavily. "N-Nickel!!" The Galac-goo called out, as they started rushing over to where Nickel was to search to where he went. Unfortunately he isn't anywhere, and he has officially left. The Galac-goo started shaking as they slowly turned back towards the group. They faked a smile. "...A-At least it's only one person.. eheh..." The Galac-goo chuckled nervously, still shaking gently. It was gentle enough to go unnoticed. "Yeah." Paintbrush replied, their face having a reassuring smile. The Galac-goo felt a little reassured, smiling a little more genuinely now. "We'll all be okay!" They chirped.
As the Galac-goo had their back turned for a minute, they hear Bow's voice. "Uh oh..." Bow is fading away too! "BOWTIE!" The Galac-goo gasped, turned around and immediately zoomed towards her, in a attempt to save her, but to no avail, as she had faded away before they can get to her. Their panic started increasing, they no longer felt safe as they had felt happy with their friends. They turned around to see who else is fading, but no one else seemed to be in danger now. They swam over to Paintbrush and gave them another "hug," showing how much they seem worried about them.
Nothing happened. A few minutes pass, Paintbrush is comforting The Galac-goo while they're panicking, stroking their head gently. "Well, seems like I'm still here." Paintbrush replied with a sigh, looking down at the galac-goo. "I'm not sure yet... I don't want you to go.." The Galac-goo replied, still hugging Paintbrush tightly like a child hugging tightly onto a plushie toy.
After a brief moment, Cabby finds herself fading as well. She looked at the group and sighed. "Oh.. well, looks like I'm going." She replied, her voice sounding pretty sad. The Galac-goo immediately turned and tried zooming over to her in a panic. "WAIT-! NO NO NO NO NO- DON'T LEAVE!" The Galac-goo called out in fear of losing Cabby, but as they have already catched up, she had already disappeared. Their white pure eyes glowed less as they glared around the spacescape, trying to catch the next contestant who wants to get out of their sight. Aubra started fading away too, leaving the Galac-goo in a state of fear. The Galac-goo rushed over to Aubra and watched with tears in their eyes. "Don't.. don't go!" The Galac-goo spoke, looking at Aubra. Aubra and The Galac-goo stared at each other, Aubra started to feel bad. They said nothing as they started fading away too. Despite the Galac-goo's begging, Aubra faded away too.
It was only Yin-Yang and Paintbrush left. The Galac-goo glared at the two with tears in their eyes, glowing gently as they escape their pure white eyes and float off into the zero-gravity void.
Test Tube had uninfected Aubra, their fur soaking wet from the hose that was used to wash off the purple goop. The Felicanin saw the scene from nearby and is in a state of panic. "AUBRA!" The Felicanin called out, stepping into the scene. Aubra tries to run away from the cage, shaking off the water before they soared off. "There we go.. just two more left." Test Tube spoke, a confident tone in her voice. She turned around, seeing the Felicanin start to rush over to her in a fit of rage. She didn't seem fazed at all, watching with a knowing gaze. As the Felicanin got closer, a cage spawned above them and trapped her inside. "A- HEY! LET ME OUT!" She roared, bumping into the walls of the cage. "Nah, I'm going to find the others." She replied as she turned around and walked off. The Felicanin tried the same technique, using her moonswords to get out, but unfortunately, the cage was too hard for the blades to fully hit it. She groaned as she watched in anger.
As she struggled to get out, she heard the scream of two people.. Yin-Yang. The Felicanin's eyes widened. "YIN-YANG!" she jumped, but hit the ceiling with her head. "Ow-" she winced.
"Last but not least.. Paintbrush." Test Tube replied, followed by a quick gasp from the Felicanin. "NOOO-" The Kittydog screamed, now hitting the walls of the cage in a quick pace.
The Felicanin watched as Test Tube started walking towards Paintbrush.. The Felicanin had one last thing in mind. She didn't want to use them but she has to for a last resort. Her paws glowed as four bright stars surrounded her and busted out from the cage. The Felicanin was free, once again, and seething with anger. "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO UNINFECT THEM!" She yowled as she rushed out of the now shattered cage and started rushing towards Test Tube.
The Galac-goo is shaking, hugging Paintbrush one last time as they cried in their arms. "I don't want you to go... You're the last one..!" The Galac-goo cried, still hugging Paintbrush tightly. "I'll try not to.." Paintbrush replied in a soothing voice as they tried to reassure the Galac-goo. "Well.. I hope you don't.." The Galac-goo replied, still crying. "I need you. I don't wanna be alone..." They whispered..
The sound of glass shattering can be heard from a short distance as the Felicanin stood on top of green shattered glass; where Test Tube was standing. The felicanin is holding her moonsword in her paw as she glanced at the pile of glass and green liquid that stained the floor; Test Tube's corpse.
The Felicanin turned around, taking her eyes off of Test Tube's corpse as she started wandering off. She knew she was back at square one, and she would have to start over again, however she didn't know what was about to happen as she heard a noise. The felicanin wasn't convinced, she knew she killed Test Tube, not wanting to deal with her again, so she tried to ignore it. She heard a familiar voice, screaming "NOOO!" in defeat, and immediately recognized.. it was Paintbrush-they were uninfected, and that was her first fatal mistake.
The small Galac-goo could feel Paintbrush's grip fading away as they realize Paintbrush was fading right in front of them. "Oh no..." Paintbrush mumbled. The small Galac-goo could feel how scared they were, knowing they're going to be alone again. "PAINTBRUSH! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME!" The Galac-goo cried out in reply in hopes to make Paintbrush stay, but their efforts ended up futile.. Paintbrush is almost completely gone into the purple abyss of the spacescape, in which the small Galac-goo had no control over.
The Galac-goo watched their friend leave in tears, shaking and full of anxiety. "I.. I'm sorry." Paintbrush replied as they fully disappeared, leaving the Galac-goo completely shocked at what had happened, as they stared at where their friends used to be. "PAINTBRUSH!!!" The Galac-goo called out one last time before their friend was fully out of view.
... It happened. The Galac-goo was all alone again. Fear started settling into the Galac-goo as they started thinking of something.. someone... They were supposed to keep them there, not set them free! The Galac-goo dreaded the moment of hitting.. yelling.. it was all too much for the galac-goo. The small goop broke down, crying loudly in fear of the future, knowing the next few minutes would be something they would regret...
A cage crashed down onto the felicanin, catching them mid-flight and making them fall to the ground. Waiting down for her was a mechanical fist, coiling back and waiting for the right time. In a state of panic, the felicanin tried bursting herself out of the cage to no avail.. she was trapped. Her eyes widened as she saw the fist aiming for her. "NO! NO NO NO PLEASE!" The felicanin pleaded. Suddenly, the blue phone started counting down from three, holding a button in his hand.
The Felicanin continues to plead, however it was too late for her to apologize now. With a press of a button, the fist suddenly punches the Felicanin's cage, making her fly back upon impact. "NOOOOOO!!!" The Felicanin screamed as she was flung through the air, her scream for help quickly fading off into the distance. Paintbrush and Aubra watch as she was soon out of view.
Aubra seemed to remember the small goop, making them.. almost feel bad. "..I'm gonna miss that little puddle." Aubra mumbled as they started scattering off.
"Me too." However, Paintbrush didn't move from their spot at all. They seemed to be lost in thought, thinking about the small purple goop that resided in the spacescape. They felt bad that they needed to be all alone.. "...Hm."
Soon, Test Tube stepped up to Paintbrush, catching their attention, "..Hey, Test Tube, can you make some kind of.. portal to the spacescape?" Paintbrush asked. "...Hm." Test Tube took a minute to think about what Paintbrush had asked her for, a idea soon popped up to her head. She turned towards Paintbrush. "Well, I can make a portal machine."
Paintbrush nodded in reply, that was at least a good idea for them, at least they get to see the small, purple goop again. It took a while for Test Tube to build up the portal machine, but eventually she..somehow manages to get it working.
The portal machine had a big hole in the middle, in which the portal will take place in. (Note: Don't ask me how this works, Cube just added that for some reason)
"And.. done! You just press the button."
Paintbrush stood in awe of the machine as Test Tube handed them a button, assuming that it was meant to summon a portal. They hovered their thumb over the button and pressed it, making a soft beep as a bright pure light began to swirl inside the empty hole of the machine.
A few brief moments pass, the portal has finished materializing. Paintbrush let out a sigh before they slowly approached the portal. Upon getting close, Paintbrush could already hear something from the other side.. sounds like.. sobs..
The small Galac-goo was curled up and molded into a ball, sobbing loudly out of fear as they heard a portal suddenly spawn not too far from them. This was the first time someone had used a portal instead of the Felicanin's virus transporting them there.
It was the only way the Galac-goo knew something was off. The small Galac-goo suddenly started shivering, shaking in fear of the portal and what may come out from it.
Maybe it's a friend they've met before..?
"..Hello?" Paintbrush spoke up as they crawled out from the portal, immediately noticing the small Galac-goo vibrating in a attempt to blend into the void all around them. Upon hearing Paintbrush's voice, The Galac-goo's body seemed to act on instinct, immediately fleeing away from the portal as they cry and sob.
Paintbrush was a little caught off-guard by the little galac-goo's response to their presence. Paintbrush tried calling out for them as the galac-goo seemed to have a bad time with hiding anywhere, crying out and shaking as they seemed to be cracking under pressure.
"H-Hey! It's me.. it's okay.." Paintbrush called out to them, and they seemed to get their attention.. the Galac-goo had immediately recognized their voice as they quickly turned around to see the spacescape form of Paintbrush, just like how they had remembered them. ".. P-Paintbrush..? You're back-?!" The Galac-goo weakly replied, their eyes widening upon seeing their friend again as if they had not just disappeared right in front of them.
The Galac-goo slowly and shakily approached Paintbrush, who is giving the Galac-goo a reassuring gaze to help them. After a short while, the Galac-goo had hugged Paintbrush, feeling reassured that.. maybe hope isn't lost.. "I missed you.." The galac-goo cried.
"I missed you too.." Paintbrush gave the Galac-goo a pat on the back as they tried calming them down. "T-Thanks for coming back.. I'm scared.. S-She was probably about to kill me.."
"Oh.. you're welcome.." Paintbrush comforted the little galac-goo, trying to make them feel better after their little meltdown from separation anxiety. After some time, the Galac-goo had stopped crying, however still shaking out of fear. "S-so.. Where.. did you come from...?" The Galac-goo asked, wondering how Paintbrush had gotten here. Something was telling them it was from—
"Oh.. the portal."
"...Oh.. so.. it wasn't—" The Galac-goo cut themselves off as they realized their anxiety got the better of them. Tears welled up their eyes again as they became embarrassed of running away from their friend. "I-I'm sorry.." They sniffled, "I thought Galaxi was from the portal.."
Galaxi..? That was her name..? Paintbrush thought as they continued helping the little goop. "..It's fine." They replied.
"..Really, she hates me. Every time someone goes into the Spacescape, it's either her or a new friend..." The Galac-goo seemed to open up to Paintbrush, venting to them. They could tell this wasn't their first time with this problem..
"..I just wish I wasn't here anymore.." The Galac-goo cried.
"...Well, you could try going through the portal.." Paintbrush pointed over to the pure white portal that lit up the space-like void. The Galac-goo recoiled back a bit upon seeing it. "..I don't know.. what if Galaxi sees me..? I don't even know if she's here right now.." The Galac-goo mumbled, looking down in shame as they tried remembering the last time they tried escaping. They couldn't remember it clearly, but it was definitely something that stayed with them.
"..Hm.. Well, maybe I could hide you!" Paintbrush seemed to have a idea.
"...Wait, you can?" The Galac-goo looked up at Paintbrush with concern, feeling scared of having one single eye from Galaxi. "...How.. can you hide me..?"
"..Uh... Maybe in my hair..?"
Paintbrush suggested, pointing to their yellow bristles as they seemed to have a plan of how to bring the Galac-goo out of their old home.
"...Your.. hair..?" The Galac-goo slowly floated up to Paintbrush's bristles, hesitantly entering it as it seemed to rustle like a bush. The pushed back side of Paintbrush's bristles seemed to be a great place for the Galac-goo to peek out of, not covering them completely but covering them to not be caught. It felt like a piggy-back ride, however it wasn't on their back.
"..This.. works.." The Galac-goo mumbled.
"There we go!" Paintbrush floated slowly and gently as to not startle the Galac-goo, slowly moving towards the portal. The Galac-goo stared in awe of the pure white portal, feeling safe in Paintbrush's bristles as it seemed to be a great hiding spot for them. As they both get closer, the Galac-goo squints their eyes as they seemed to be sensitive to the light as the portal envelops both Paintbrush and The Galac-goo, bringing them back to the island.
FINALLY I GOT IT DONEEEEE- This has to be the longest chapter by far- took a few months to get this over with too lol
And with a amazing 2709 words oh my gosh-
Edit (September 15th, 2024): I'm so excited I finally finished editing all 6 chapters so far, so now I should be working on Chapter 7 right now and in the meantime you'll see some art for it too!
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