🎀 • Chapter 2: A Pretty Attempt • 🎀
Continuation from "Unexpected Visitor"
"Go get him!" She ordered, making her now possessed Nickel immediately rush towards Balloon in a attempt to infect him as well. Balloon screamed in fear as he ran away from Infected Nickel. While watching, she notices OJ, who had witnessed everything. She slowly turned her gaze towards him, freaking him out a little as he backed away.
"COME HERE!" The felicanin immediately dashed towards OJ, chasing him down as well. In a panic, OJ sprinted off, making the felicanin chase him down and leaving a purple trail with their pawpads. "NO!" OJ yelled back at her, running away as fast as he can to get away from her.
As the felicanin was chasing OJ, she catches a glimpse of a pink object in the distance, immediately distracting her from her hunt for OJ. She stopped and looked at the pink object; a pink bowtie. Seeing her new victim unprotected, the felicanin's face shifted to a smirk, immediately changing her direction towards Bow.
Bow, unexpecting anything, looked at the felicanin in slight awe as the felicanin pounces, barely missing her and landing her paw on the upper right side of Bow. She immediately falls unconscious, quickly taking over her. Seeing this, the kittydog giggled in enjoyment, finding this amusing. "Hehe.. This is so fun.." Quickly, Bow regained consciousness again, her eyes changing to a dark purple and pink.. and Bow, just like Nickel, got infected.
"Now.. who's next? I could continue to catch OJ..-" The felicanin asked to herself, eventually catching OJ in the distance, thinking he's safe. The felicanin's face turns to a smirk again. "...Bow." The felicanin's infected Bow looked up at them out of curiosity. "..You go get OJ for me, ok?"
The infected Bow immediately gets up, rushing towards OJ. OJ notices, and immediately runs away from her, in a attempt to survive. He let out a loud scream, entertaining the purple and gray felicanin.
"Better run while you can, OJ!" The felicanin called out playfully, giggling a little before she gets her mind off of OJ and Infected Bow. "..I should probably go check on Nickel."
The felicanin walked off, leaving a trail of purple goop while looking for Nickel to check up on him, and looking for new victims in the process. Eventually, she sees Nickel still chasing after Balloon, still attempting to infect him. "..Do you need any help there, Nickel?" She asked, stepping up to her infected Nickel. Though, Nickel continues to chase Balloon, not paying attention to the felicanin. "Nah, I'm fine!" He replied, his voice quickly fading. Slightly disappointed but happy to see that he didn't even need any help, the felicanin's cat ears flattened a bit. "..Okay." She slowly turns away, rushing into the bushes.
Bow opens her eyes, finding herself in the spacescape. Confused, she looks around for any type of thing, but.. nothing. Just blurred space.
Suddenly, the small Galac-goo seems to have noticed her, and approached her quickly. "Oh, hi new friend!" They greeted her happily. "Where am I?" Bow asked, looking around the spacescape. "You are at the spacescape!" Came the Galac-goo's reply, immediately informing her about her surroundings. Soon, Bow seems to find comfort in the spacescape. "Oooh.. I like it here."
"I'm glad you do! Your shiny silver friend is here too!" The Galac-goo spoke, reminding Bow of someone. "Nickel?" She mentioned, looking around. "Oh.. that's his name? He never told me! Yeah, he's over here! C'mon!" The small Galac-goo suddenly swam off, leaving Bow to follow them. Hoping to see Nickel, she follows behind, eventually seeing him waiting for the small purple goop to arrive.
"See? Here he is!" The Galac-goo floated up to Nickel. "Sup?" Nickel spoke.
The felicanin was rummaging through the bushes, looking for another victim to infect. She eventually saw a few objects in a small group, discussing with one another. One of these objects catched her eye; a brown, gray and yellow tall paintbrush. Feeling the opportunity to infect the paintbrush, she slowly crept up on the group of objects, chuckling to herself. While she's sneaking up on the group of objects, one of them seems to have heard her sneaking... "Uhm.. Guys? I heard something.." A voice spoke from a black and white object, catching the felicanin off-guard and making her freeze in fear that she may be caught. "...Hm." Another.. slightly deeper and scratchy voice from the black and white object scoffs. The felicanin waits a moment until she started moving again, quiet, drippy paws touching the turquoise-ish green grass underneath her. Soon, the black and white object spoke up once again, hearing her footsteps.
"I hear footsteps again..." The lighter voice spoke, immediately catching the felicanin's attention again and making her freeze. "What's with you, Yin?" The deeper and scratchy voice asked. "Huh?" The lighter voice replied.
"You said you were hearing footsteps." The deep and scratchy voice spoke again.
"Yeah, because there are footsteps, Yang!" The lighter voice exclaimed.
"How can you tell?" The deep and scratchy voice asked.
Just as the black and white object started to turn around, the felicanin knew her cover was blown as she was listening. She immediately pounced onto the paintbrush, pushing them down to the ground and catching everyone's attention.
"HEY!" The black and white object turned and shouted at the felicanin, making her freeze again out of confusion of which one was talking to her. She looked up to see a circular black and white object, divided by a slightly swirly line that separates the black and white; both trying to look at her with a intimidating glance.
The felicanin slowly backed away slightly, side-eyeing at the paintbrush and thinking if she should take the risk or not. After a moment, she catches the paintbrush slowly getting up, reminding her of what she has to do.
The felicanin quickly grabbed the paintbrush by the bristles, swiftly dragging them away from the black and white object and the rest of the group. "HEY! COME BACK!" The black and white object called out, chasing the felicanin. The chase goes on for a while, eventually losing the felicanin in the forest of palm trees. The felicanin eventually stopped, quickly glancing around to see if anybody was nearby, and thankfully there weren't.. for now. The felicanin let out a sigh of relief as she puts her paws onto her face. "That.. was so close." She mumbled. "I'm so lucky I took that risk..." She looks down, seeing the paintbrush rub their "head" in slight pain from the felicanin dragging them from their bristles. "What.. the.." The paintbrush mumbled, slowly getting up. The felicanin quickly notices and puts a paw onto their head, pushing them down again onto unconsciousness as she heard quick footsteps. The felicanin quickly turned around and dragged the paintbrush around until eventually.. she approached the black and white object, who seems angered. "What are- you..." The deep and scratchy voice stopped mid-sentence, seeing the unconscious paintbrush behind her along with a purple stain on their head. The black and white object's eyes widened in fear. "..Oh.. oh no... We were too late, weren't we?" The light voice asked. "Y-Yeah! I got them!" The felicanin replied, stomping a paw near the black and white object to try and intimidate them. Though, her attempt slightly failed, the black half not being intimidated. "NO!!" The light voice yelled, making the felicanin think that now is the right time to infect.
The felicanin rushes and lunges at the black and white object, planning to infect them while they're distracted. The black half of the black and white object, quickly thinking, grabbed a soda can nearby and quickly hit the felicanin in the nose as she was so close to infecting them. The felicanin stopped, using her wings to stop herself from flying at the black and white object, and immediately backing away.
"OUCH!" The felicanin immediately goes into a burst of anger, accidentally hitting the paintbrush, getting the goop off and uninfecting them in the process.
The felicanin quickly notices and immediately turns around. "WAIT- NO!" She panicked as she tries to infect the paintbrush again, but the paintbrush immediately dodged from her lunge, immediately rushing out of the forest with the black and white object. "YES!" The light voice exclaimed, their voice fading as they leave the forest with the felicanin following close behind.
The felicanin growled as she followed behind the two objects, before she felt herself trip as she felt herself fall into a dark green bush, losing the two immediately.
The felicanin growled in anger as she watched the two objects rush into the bushes and disappear back to their group. "...Well, that didn't go as planned." She replied, shaking a few leaves from her fur. "..I'll get them soon."
For the next few minutes, the felicanin thinks.. and thinks.. and thinks... Not knowing if this is a good thing or a bad thing... "..Will they warn anybody about this..?" She asked herself, before deciding that she's not gonna take any risks. She leaps out of the bush, rushing off to find her two infected contestants; Bow and Nickel.
Chapter 2 is done! That took a while-
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