Here it is!!!!!
I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a good ten minutes before I can even think about leaving my home.
To adjust my outfit, my hair, my makeup, but also to mentally prepare myself for another day of working as an information desk staff.
Honestly, it's not that bad of a job, it's pretty simple to do once you know the shopping district well. You guide the people to their desired destination, you tell them about the nice restaurants, you tell them about the site's schedule when they aren't sure about the hour when most shops close, sometimes they come to talk for a bit before moving on with their day, that sort of thing.
At times, there are children who will come over with tears in their eyes because they're lost and got separated from their parents, but with a few calls with the security staffs who walk around the busy streets to find someone looking for their child, everything always ends up well, with a thank you and a grateful smile.
That much, I can handle.
What I find harder is when an omega comes straight to me when they're having full-on anxiety attacks, or simply when they're getting overwhelmed by everything that's surrounding them, nesting materials not prepared for an outing that they clearly underestimated.
I'd like to say that it doesn't happen often, but reality has it otherwise, omegas will require my help at least twenty times a day and that never fails to fully drain me - mentally, emotionally and physically.
As the only alpha working at the desk during the week, I should've known that this would happen, yet I did not expect it in the slightest when I was given the job, and while working somewhere else would surely fix that problem to an extent, I can't make that move because I do feel a sense of responsibility towards the next omegas who will undoubtedly require the soothing pheromones that an alpha can offer them.
That is what keeps me in my current job, and it's exhausting. I can't direct them to someone else, or even tell them to go back home and come back more equipped for that matter, because as an alpha, my reason to exist is to soothe omegas.
That's what I've been told all my life, the expectations that follow my rank much bigger than what I feel able to carry. Presenting as an alpha all those years ago sure made my family proud, but with that also began a life that demands the impossible from me.
One day, I'm going to have a pack of omegas and they're going to need me to take care of them, they'll need me to help them calm down when they're having drops, regular scenting sessions to make sure they come back home safe, my rosemary mixed with my alpha musk a barrier against those with ill intentions - or so they say.
I am an alpha, that I can't deny, but I do not feel able to uphold that role in the way that they want. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep living this life if that is what is required of me every single day, I can't live like this until I grow old, it is... impossible, my soul... hurts just thinking about it.
But that is something I must keep to myself until the end. In their eyes, I am someone they instinctively need and I shall keep acting the way they need from me until I can't do it anymore.
Today is another day to be strong, Y/N. You can do it.
I adjust my name tag, which also contains my second gender as an alpha, then grab my bag and keys before heading out of my old apartment to begin my walk towards the train station so I can reach the touristic shopping district of Amberton.
I put on a friendly smile to avoid scaring the omegas around the area, and as a result, they begin to hover around me a little closer to stay safe from the thuggish alphas and betas who always try to get a bite of the poor wolves who only want to go on with their days.
Some faces I recognize because they always leave home at the same time as I do to head to work, and I share a smile with them even though we've never talked before. There is comfort to be found in some habits, no matter how tiring it can get at times.
I keep an eye out the whole time until I reach my destination, and the few omegas who remain behind bow gratefully before going their own way, which is usually always nearby as to avoid walking alone for too long.
I feel lucky in a way, my being an alpha surely allows me a freedom that they can't enjoy, I can't imagine what it must feel like to feel threatened whenever eyes fall on your form after acknowledging your vulnerability, I find that sickening.
While I can barely live with the weight of what I must be for other wolves, some alphas will use their power to treat the weaker ones as they wish, all of that for the unique reason that the importance of their role was pushed in their faces too often.
They got sick of the expectations and decided to do the very opposite of protecting, as if that would fix anything. That is a form of selfishness that I can never adopt into my life.
If I can help, then I shall. It might be hard on me at times and I might complain a lot in my head, but I do feel a sense of accomplishment when I can make a difference in their lives.
What good am I if I can't even do that? What kind of alpha would I make if I scare those whose knees bend with a simple order filled with my second gender's power? I don't want to be like those thugs, that's not who I want to be.
I just wish someone would love me the way we are told to love omegas, that's all.
The ride on the train is quiet and calm, as usual, and while I do get the fluttering lashes and longing glances of some pretty wolves, other than that, no one comes to bother me and so when my stop arrives, I get off the train to resume my walk towards the shopping district where my information desk awaits, which is also where I find Woozi, my best friend, who so happens to be a beta.
His bright smile is a sight for sore eyes when he spots me walking over and I immediately drop my head on his shoulder when I finally reach his side behind the desk, his caramel scent soft on my nose as it flickers in reaction to my current state.
Woozi is the only one who knows how I feel about being an alpha, and he never once judged me or laughed. When I first told him that I could not carry that burden all my life, that it was too hard for me, he told me that I was allowed to feel that way before hugging me and letting me cry on his shoulder for as long as I needed.
We've been inseparable since then and I cannot imagine my life without him.
"Hey bunny, are you okay?" he asks while pulling me into a comforting hug, his lips pursed in worry because it's not often that I skip greeting him in favor of seeking comfort, and I make a soft sound before nodding my head, eyes closing to bask in this feeling.
"Hmhm, I'm fine, Wooz. Just tired" I settle for a short, easy answer, not wishing to go too deep into the emotions that keep getting stronger with each passing day, emotions that will definitely get me sick one day if this keeps going, because what can I do?
It's not like I can suddenly drop being an alpha just because I'm tired of it, it's not what I want, or even what I need for that matter.
Not convinced but also knowing that this isn't the place to have such a conversation, he decides to opt for hugging me tighter instead, one that lasts for a couple of minutes - it makes me feel thankful to have him for best friend, I love that he knows when to keep the questions under silence and when to push until I get it out of my system.
"Will you be okay to work? Do you want me to get you something sweet to drink while you take a moment to sit in the back? Mornings are always calmer so I can take care of the customers for a while, just take that moment to rest and steady yourself, okay? Did you eat breakfast?".
I shake my head at his last question and he sighs before rubbing my back softly, he's known me long enough to know that skipping breakfast is usually sign of a weaker mental health day.
"Okay, sit down here bunny, I'll be back soon" Woozi utters softly before leading me to the small chair that reminds me of a squatting position, and when sure that I'll be fine in his absence, he runs off towards one of the nearby bakery/coffee shop where we often spend our breaks to replenish our energy with good food and drinks.
I use that time to breathe in the fresh air of the still empty area, knowing that soon, it's going to be filled with thousands of different scents that will not be distinguishable from a distance anymore, another thing that can get hard on the system, it does make one wonder why I'm even doing this job in the first place.
As someone who did not continue her studies after graduating high school... it so happens that getting some jobs resemble a dream more often than not. I had to settle with something more simple and less academically demanding, which I don't really mind.
I didn't want to feed the belief that alphas must have impressive jobs and lead their staff in order to have worth. Having something simple and more within reach is also fine, as long as it pays the bills, and my job pays the bills, so everything is fine.
Woozi soon comes back with my favorite hot chocolate and a big, warm muffin in hands, and he grins proudly when my eyes light up with interest when he gives them to me, his bow as he does making it seem as if they are treasures worthy of being offered to the queen herself.
I chuckle while accepting the breakfast that will definitely cheer me up, a sound that screams "mission complete" in his mind, how did I deserve such a good friend?
"Take your time and enjoy these, there's no one around anyway. The breakfast restaurants are all bursting though, today's probably going to be a busy day because of the new shops that settled around here recently. There's one that opens today for the first time, right? What was it already ?" he asks as he leans back against the desk to look at me while I begin eating.
I take a sip of the delicious hot drink before humming.
"Isn't it a books and art supplies store? I believe it's called PaperPalette? We didn't have anything like that around until now so it's definitely going to get crowded, especially if it looks as good in person as it does in the pictures" I answer before taking another bite of the fluffy muffin, it's calming down a hunger that I was ready to ignore stubbornly.
"Right... it's run by two alphas, isn't it? That's unusual".
I make a small sound as I chew, then swallow. "Just like it is for me to work here. Things happen" I tell him with slight disinterest, to which he shrugs before putting on his 'I'm getting paid for this' smile when a human comes by with pure confusion on their face.
I observe as he explains how to reach a destination that is actually not found around here, his caramel slowly inching towards annoyance when the human insists that it must be here only to be proven wrong when Woozi shows them the map on his phone, and when they're gone, he turns to face me again with a sigh while I pick every crumbs that fell on my pants and into my mouth.
"Anyway, how about we go have a look at the store once we have a break? You told me last night that you need to buy paint after you used up a few colours on your last canvas, they should have that there".
I easily nod my head at the offer, I was actually hoping that he would come with me so it's nice to hear him say it first.
"That'd be great, it's hard to paint anything without any of the main colours, I tried to make everything last because I knew this shop would open soon, but I was running dry last night so I couldn't even finish my art" I utter the end with a small pout and he chuckles, eyes creasing happily at seeing me in a better mood than earlier.
"It'll be my treat then! To thank you for your help last time, you really saved my skin".
"Woozi, no! I helped you clean up your home because you were busy studying for your exams, you don't owe me anything!".
"Shush! You helped for more than that, I know that you used your pheromones to keep me calm and focused, I'm not stupid. Even when it's tiring you out, you never catch a break from trying to help others, you silly alpha. Let me buy you paint, it's nothing much but you love painting so it's all I can think about".
"... okay, but you're not paying for everything. Just a few tubes".
"Yeah, yeah. We'll see".
"Welcome, come on in, don't be shy".
It's a warm, husky voice that greets us as we open the door to what appears to be a very calm hour in the empty store, and the sight of the many books cleanly organized in one half of the room while the other is filled with art supplies gets me nearly jumping in excitement, it looks even prettier than in the pictures!
"Don't just stand there, bunny, get in, you're blocking the way" Woozi says with a grin when I have yet to move from the entrance, it serves very well to get me back on earth, the giddy jumping thankfully stopped before it could be done, I almost did something embarrassing.
I hurry inside to allow in the other people who were waiting behind us and bow in apology even though they assure me that it's fine, but before I can focus again on the beauty that this shop is, a scent catches my attention.
Multiple ones actually, but there's one in particular, one that laces and accompanies two precise scents that makes my instincts scream with belonging, like it always was meant to be mine, the scent that my soul would forever adore as it can only be found on my mates - vanilla, sweet, soft, gentle and loving.
My mind flashes with the image of a hot cup of coffee by the sea's salty air and I look up to find two incredibly handsome men walking over from different directions with surprised eyes, as if they cannot believe what is going on, the musky undertone of their scent one that lets me know they are alphas, just like me, though theirs is particularly strong to the nose.
Unsure of what to do with myself as they carefully thread closer with fascination, a situation that reminds me a lot of wolves cornering a little bunny, I wait right where I am, still as a statue while Woozi observes from the side with a wide smile on his face because this situation is so obvious to him - I have found my mates.
"What a lovely doll we have here, look how shy she looks, babe" the taller one of the two muses softly, eyes kind as he gazes at me before stopping in front of me with a closeness that makes his coffee scent dance over my skin, his imposing aura pulling me in despite this being our first meeting.
His face is unlike any I have ever seen, skin smooth and of a perfection like it shouldn't be possible, and when the smell of the sea merges with both his and my own scent from behind me, I look over my shoulder to find the other alpha staring curiously with his head cocked to the side as he slowly circles me to join the first man's side.
"She does look shy, doesn't she? What a pretty and soft looking alpha. My name is Yoongi and this is Seokjin, we've been together for a few years now so we didn't know that we had another mate. What's your name, babygirl?".
I throw a look at Woozi, silently begging for his moral support in one way or another as I try to survive this sudden and unexpected event, but my best friend simply raises his eyebrows in a triumphant way, eyes creasing in amusement at seeing me struggle like this, me who always appears in control of myself most of the time, he's enjoying this too much.
"Y/N, um... it's, uh... nice to meet you? T-this is Woozi, my best friend, we work at the information desk around the corner" I answer awkwardly before pulling the beta closer, he can't abandon me here, this is so intimidating! Their alpha wolves are much stronger than mine and it's making my knees shake!
"Ah, you soft bunny, can't face them on your own, can you?" Woozi muses before offering them a confident handshake while his other arm wraps around my shoulders to give me strength, and Yoongi is first to accept the act of greeting, though his eyes do not leave my form, especially not the arm weighing over me.
"Like she said, my name is Woozi and I'm her only friend, hence the best, we've known each other since high school, a pleasure to meet you" he says before shaking Seokjin's hand next, it almost feels like he's a brother making sure that I'll be in good hands with them when he's not there.
"Charmed, I didn't know you worked in the area, that's nice to know. What brought you two here today? Was it curiosity or did you need anything? I would love nothing more than to assist you through your search if you're looking for something in particular" Seokjin, who gives me 'strong pack alpha' vibes, offers with a warm smile while Yoongi reluctantly leaves our side when the other customers inside the store ultimately ask for his help.
He almost drags his feet at first before forcing on a professional smile and I can't help but feel bad for him as he disappears from sight, we just met and to not be able to soak in all of this properly... needless to say that our wolves aren't very happy about it.
Woozi pats my shoulder before matching the alpha's smile, the latter's eyes softening when he finds me looking out for the other man with sweaty hands, oh he would drag his nose along my throat to soothe me this instant if he wasn't still at work, such a shame.
"I came with Y/N to buy her paint because I owe her, but seeing as two of her mates own this store, I think it's only right that I make myself sparse. Bunny, I hand you my precious credit card, do not lose it, I beg of you. Seokjin, please make sure that she uses it when it's time to pay. With that said... I will be on my way. I'll see you later, my brave friend, take your time before coming back, I can handle the desk on my own".
With his card tightly gripped between my fingers and the tall man by my side, I watch with a nervous heart as my best friend abandons me on my own, a betrayal that I wasn't ready to handle so soon. I am a wolf and yet I feel like a small human who was left next to a big wolf with very sharp teeth.
I tense up when I realize that I am once more pushing myself down in front of another alpha, a very bad habit that I have carried all my life. It's as if I don't deserve to be who I am anymore just because there is better in front of me, I don't like thinking this way.
"A clever friend you have there. Paint, was it? Are you a painter, dollface?".
I gulp before looking up to the alpha standing next to me, his vanilla coffee scent what I focus on to calm down, because if I focus only on the aura that emanates from him, I will be unable to function. I have never felt such strength from other wolves before and it's... a little disturbing, though not in a bad way.
I just need a moment to get used to it, I'm usually the one feeling above other wolves since omegas are what mostly surround me, this is throwing me off a little bit.
"I- I paint for a hobby, yes. My art room is practically a danger zone when you're not used to the mess, I have canvases and tools all over the place so I usually ask Woozi to wait outside when I'm there, he tripped once and broke a few things in the past, I still get mad when I think about that day" I explain with a grimace, the hundreds of hours that ended up being forever lost when his arms ripped through the canvases... he had to work very hard to make me forgive him after that.
Seokjin chuckles before inviting me to follow him, fingers very gently caressing the length of my arm until he can hold my hand in his, something that makes my heart skip a beat, he's making me feel so small and I'm almost ashamed of how much I enjoy feeling this way.
"You two seem close, you must share many memories together" he muses on the way and I nod softly, lips pulled into a smile when I think about how much we went through as a team.
"He's the best friend someone can ask for, he's always by my side when I need him so I try to be there for him whenever I can too. My life wouldn't be the same if he wasn't in it, that's for sure" I answer with a sentiment of relief settling in my chest when I realize that I'm calming down, which is only explained when I feel his thumb gently swipe over the scent gland on my wrist.
That's a discovery that makes my cheeks blush a warm pink, it's a special feeling to have a mate try to claim you as his in a subtle but effective way only a few minutes after meeting, it lets me know that they don't intend to reject me, that they are open to accepting me as I am.
"It's good to have someone like that by your side, betas make particularly good companions for alphas. We tend to stay on a similar ground free of power struggles while omegas tend to be more frightful and vulnerable, it's harder to be equals when you constantly need to be aware of your pheromones to avoid affecting their wolves too much".
I make a small sound at his comment, so it wasn't just me? That's reassuring to hear because for some reason, I always thought that maybe it was only me who wasn't good enough to have the pheromones stay stable naturally. I thought something was wrong with me to always have to actively keep them in check.
"I don't like having that power over them... I don't like knowing that I can affect their will and self-awareness with the simple use of my alpha voice, it doesn't feel right to have that control over them. I was always told that using it should be illegal because only omegas are affected by it while betas are fine" I mumble as we stop in front of the paint aisle, all the colours in front of me not making me as happy as they normally would because of the subject.
Seokjin stares at me in silence before humming softly, his hand warm as he squeezes my fingers.
"Were you raised in a large pack or were you raised by omega wolves, doll?".
I lift my head to meet his gaze in surprise, how did he know? "My parents left their temporary pack together when they decided to start their own family so I didn't get a taste of what it's like to live in a bigger pack, they did their best to teach us what they knew, but my older brother is a beta while our parents are omegas so there was no one to teach me about being an alpha.
I kind of... picked up what I thought felt right here and there, but one thing I really felt strongly was that I hated having power over my parents. They always made sure to teach me about respect beyond the second gender, but that I should always take care of the weaker wolves who come to me because that is my responsibility. I have to protect them. That was something very important to them".
And that's also exactly what made my life so difficult to live.
Yoongi comes back to join us at that moment, and he wastes no time in getting a hold of my other hand to do just like Seokjin, their scents lathered over my skin to claim me in a way that only wolves can tell, which is what matters the most.
The alpha frowns before looking down at me with concern in his light brown orbs. "Do you feel like you're being a bad alpha if you turn your back on an omega who needs your help? If because of some circumstances, you can't offer them help, will you feel like you did something unforgivable?".
I purse my lips before nodding my head, of course I would.
"Wouldn't we all feel that way? Alphas are at the top of the hierarchy so... we have to watch over them, right? My parents told me that if I don't, then no one would" I answer with a voice that turns barely audible near the end when their scents turn displeased, did I say something wrong?
"That's... you were forced into being every omegas' savior by your parents, baby. They had that perfect image of an alpha in their mind and forged you to fit their ideals because they couldn't find anyone else to fill that role. Very classic of them, you wouldn't be the first one to grow up that way. That's a form of abuse, sweetheart".
The dark haired alpha's words settle heavily in the pit of my stomach and I feel my shoulders sink a little at what I'm hearing for the first time, what?
"Yoongi... we just met her" Seokjin murmurs from over my head but the alpha scrunches his nose unhappily, his sea turning slightly stormy because of an all-too-often ignored matter that should not ever affect their mates that way.
"You heard her speak, Jin, they made her believe that she should offer herself to every omegas like she's some kind of angel while they drain her dry, I'm not going to stay quiet about something like that, I can't even imagine the pressure she must have felt to be the perfect alpha because of them".
"I know, but we could've mentioned the matter another time... oh dear. Sorry about that, dollface, what Yoongi said isn't wrong but the timing wasn't exactly ideal for such a conversation. Don't think about it too much for now, this isn't how I want you to remember our first meeting" Seokjin speaks softly to my intention and I nod slowly, bottom lip sucked in in nerves as I still process what I heard.
Is that what dad and mom did to me? They tried to build their own perfect alpha with me? Is that why nothing ever felt right, then? I struggled all my life just to fit their ideals without even knowing... that leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.
"It's fine, I... I think I needed to hear that so thank you, Yoongi. Honestly, it does get very tough to take care of all of them all the time, they come to me like I carry some beacon over my head and it's... a lot to handle. Just this morning, five omegas came to me because they knew that I never refuse, Woozi tried to help but his pheromones don't do much on strangers so it never really works.
I always end up taking all of the burden on my own and it's really hard, I don't want to do it anymore but I feel like I'm being such a bad alpha if I refuse to help" I admit under my breath, and saying it aloud... it just makes everything feel a thousand times worse, the burn of tears the last thing I want to feel as I stand between the two of them.
"Oh sweetheart" Yoongi murmurs softly before wrapping an arm around my back to pull me close, and to feel his warmth from so close as I rest my face on his chest, his scent strong and soothing on my nose, there's no price for something like this.
"You're allowed to refuse, doll, you can't be responsible of their well-being all the time, that's not your job" Seokjin utters while rubbing my hand with his thumb, but that's a concept that I find very hard to adapt to, they can see it on my face and in the way I hold myself.
"Who will help them if I don't? I can't just leave them to have a drop in the middle of the shopping district on their own, so many people could take advantage of them. What if something happens to them after I refuse?".
"They're supposed to be taught how to prevent these things at school, babygirl, they know exactly what they need to do to avoid a drop. I think it's possible that the word spread about you from other omegas, so now they take you for granted. They don't have a pack and they want to feel cared for by an alpha, so they come to you to fulfill their fantasy. Nothing will change if you don't set boundaries to protect yourself" Yoongi explains gently, his sea comforting to my senses, I can almost imagine the sound of the waves if I close my eyes.
Boundaries, huh... Have I ever taken the time to acknowledge my own limits? I've always been what others needed from me, but what about what I need for myself?
I sigh softly. "That makes sense. I'm sorry for dumping all that stuff on you like this, that's not very... fun first meeting material" I mumble, to which they both shake their heads with a comforting puff of their scent to appease me.
"Don't worry about it, baby, I'm glad that this matter could be tackled right now if it's what you needed, we did notice that your pheromones are a bit weak earlier, you must be exhausted. You should try to take a break from using them for a while, give your wolf some time to recover, that's important" Seokjin recommends and I slowly nod my head, thankful for their support and knowledge.
"I'm sure you will want to head back to work soon so how about we have a look at the paint now? Do you already know what you want?".
I make a soft noise before glancing at the shelves in front of us, they have so many colours here that it's impressive, I'll definitely come back to buy more another time.
"Yeah I do, I just need a few for now but these look so pretty, it's my first time seeing this brand".
"Back so soon? I thought you would have stayed with them at least for one more hour" Woozi says when I reach the desk with my bag of paint, and I give him his credit card before having a look around the area, incredibly uncomfortable about any potential hurting omegas now that I know what I do.
"Didn't want to let you do all the work alone, but we did talk a lot about my... perceptions of what I must do as an alpha" I answer with a light grimace, and Woozi makes me sit down on the chair before kneeling in front of me to take my hands in his, he can see that there's a lot I need to process at the moment but he does feel relieved when he smells the two alpha's scents on my wrists.
"You never had alphas to guide you before, that's a good thing, isn't it? What did they say?" he encourages me to speak with his usual gentle smile and I purse my lips before shrugging a little, as if that could lower the importance of what I heard and its implications.
"Yoongi thinks that my parents tried to make me into the perfect alpha by making me believe that I have to do my best to help omegas all the time, to fit the image they have of an alpha that no one could fill. They said that omegas probably come to me because they want to fulfill their fantasy of being cared for by an alpha without requiring a pack and that I should take a break from using my pheromones for a while, but I don't know if I can do it, Wooz, I'll feel awful if I send them away without doing anything" I tell him with a wilted frown, my rosemary turning weak in my confusion.
Woozi sighs deeply at my words, and he pats my hands softly.
"Honestly, bunny, I always had a bad feeling about the omegas who come in full panic. Sometimes I don't even notice that big of a change on them when you're done soothing them, yet they act as if you saved their life, it's as if they faked their distress just to get your pity. There are so many of them everyday that it's come to feel like you're some kind of park attraction on your own, I don't like that for you".
Even Woozi could notice that? Why couldn't I see that something was wrong? Am I that oblivious to the truth?
"Just take your time to think about it for now, okay? I think they gave you a very good advice so work your way up to it in your mind, I'm sure it would help you a lot to get rid of that pressure, you always put too much weight on your shoulders" he adds at my silence and I nod lightly, that would be for the best, right?
"Yeah... I'll try".
The rest of our shift goes pretty well from there, things are calmer than usual, with not such a big crowd walking around anymore, it makes me feel immense relief because that also means that no omegas came to the desk to find me.
I've been mulling over the matter for the whole afternoon and I eventually came to the conclusion that I need to confront my parents about this.
Did they force their ideals on me? Was it intentional? Was my presenting as an alpha their ray of hope to get me to be what they wanted? What they couldn't find anywhere else?
I texted my big brother a while ago to explain everything and he said that he would be there with me, to not go without him. He didn't write much besides that but I know that he's very angry for my sake, he's always been the protective kind of brother so anything that has to do with me - he takes very seriously.
"Are you going to go back to your mates when our shift ends? Did they tell you when they close the store?" Woozi asks while sipping his cold drink and I nod as I press my bottle of juice against my neck to get some freshness on my skin, the sun is very strong today.
"They close a little sooner than the others so they said they'd come here when they're done doing the inventory, but I can come to them if they're late" I answer with a soft smile, the flutter in my chest a sensation that reminds me of butterflies, it barely feels real yet that my mates are two very kind alphas.
I always thought that my mates would be helpless omegas in constant need of my care and I wasn't that excited at the thought of it, but I can see now that it was just a groundless fear.
This job is feeding right into a growing trauma so maybe it's time to look for another job, I don't care what it is as long as it doesn't push me into a similar pattern again, it's not healthy for me.
"Wooz... would you be mad at me if I dropped this job? I know that you got it so we could at least spend time together while we work since the university takes a lot of your time but... I don't think I can do this anymore".
My best friend stares me right in the eyes... then pulls me into a strong hug, his caramel sweet and loving as it wraps around us to give flavor to my own scent.
"Bunny, I'm not mad, I'm begging you to drop this job. I don't care where you go or what you end up doing, but this is not where I want to see you work for the rest of your life. You deserve to work in a healthier environment. As for our working together, I'm about to get my diploma soon so I wasn't going to work here for much longer anyway, I was hoping I wouldn't have to leave you alone behind this cursed desk".
I relax before hugging him back. "Yeah, working alone here would be hell" I echo, and to that, we share a chuckle, it would be a disaster for sure.
It's peaceful for a short minute, relief at knowing that he won't be mad making me feel a lot better, but then a wave of adrenaline suddenly takes over my body when my eyes catch sight of a young girl shaking like a leaf as she stands in the middle of the pedestrian zone near us, the scent that reaches over us sweet omega, but with a bucket of distress over it.
This isn't like usual - this is real, nothing like the other wolves that would come to me before and I immediately feel the urge to run to her rescue, because in front of her stands someone that does not seem to want the best for her.
Woozi pulls back when he feels me tensed, and when he notices my gaze fixated on the scene before us, he tenses too.
Is that alpha someone she knows? This doesn't feel right at all.
I gently but firmly push Woozi to the side before standing up from my seat with an urgency that the beta cannot match, my musky scent going up in intensity as my wolf and I prepare for a fight that might or might not end up with me hurt - I dearly hope to win without having to show my teeth because I'm not physically strong enough to take on this big of a man.
I quickly pull the young girl back before standing in front of her protectively, the silence that is the street at the moment only increasing my unease and dread in face of what will take place here, and the tall man growls aggressively when he notices that I'm an alpha as well, his instincts telling him that I'm trying to steal his prey, that I'm keeping from him a potential mate - his potential mate.
The beta runs over to bring the panicked girl to the desk with him before calling for security, and where I should probably step back and try to put an end to this before it degenerates too much, I find myself unable to do so when I have to block the path again with a rumble of warning seeping out of my chest, the alpha in front of me very intent on getting the teenager, something I cannot allow.
It's a battle of pheromones and of glares as I stand firmly where I am between the desk and the unstable alpha, a rut most likely on its way with the way his pupils change of size every five seconds, he's going to attack me soon to get to his chosen prey and I don't think I can handle that on my own.
"Security is coming over, Y/N! Just step back!" Woozi shouts, alarmed when he comes to the same conclusion, but I don't listen to him, I can't. Stepping back means giving him permission to get to the girl and he's going to attack my best friend too. If I let that happen, I will truly have gone and failed as an alpha, I can't have that happen.
"Get out of the way, she's mine" the man snarls with one step closer to intimidate me when I don't cower in front of his overwhelming musk, and his face looms right over my own as I stand my ground, my scent pushing out to fight against his hot spices before they get me to surrender, I growl lowly with a flash of my teeth when he doesn't pull back like he should.
"She's terrified of you. You're in rut, alpha, you need to leave, this is wrong" I utter with my alpha voice, the only circumstance when I would ever dare use it willingly, if only to bring some consciousness back to his lost mind, but my opponent doesn't like that the slightest bit when he makes a move to get rid of me once and for all, his pupils turning dark and enraged.
He tried to give me a chance to get out of this unharmed and I didn't take it, so now he must use stronger methods.
He would've hit me right in the face if he had had a few more seconds in front of him, except that security gets here just in time, and when I see them pin the man to the ground with shackles and a calming injection, I step back before falling on the ground by the desk, all of my energy used up while trying to gain them more time.
I'm glad no one got hurt in the end...
The young girl begins to cry when she kneels by my side, so scared by what just happened that I can only take her in my arms for a comforting hug, the last of my pheromones used to calm her wolf and to stop the shaking of her body, my own perturbed state over what just took place pulled to the back of my mind because she had it much worse, so much worse.
"It's okay now, little one, you're safe, it's over" I whisper to her as she wails with hot tears running down her cheeks, face tucked in my neck to seek more protection, understandably so. She's going to be so scared of male alphas now, the poor girl.
A couple of betas soon come running with a gasp when they find her in my arms and at the sound of it, the teenager raises her head to look at them before immediately running up to them to melt in their embrace. She must have called her parents when she noticed that she was being followed by the alpha... she did good.
The mother bows lowly in our direction to thank us while her partner keeps hugging their little girl and I smile tiredly before observing in silence as they walk away together, the alpha in rut pushed in a police car to be taken somewhere safe and away from here.
Silence soon takes over the street once more and I stare before me in a daze, my wolf and myself exhausted, so tired that it almost hurts physically and mentally, it's a sight that Woozi doesn't like to see, and having someone come to ask a question has never bothered him as much as it does now.
Vanilla eventually comes to tickle at my senses and I look to the side to see Yoongi and Seokjin coming over quickly, their eyes stating that they saw at least the second half of what happened from a distance, and as it all finally processes in my mind, my emptiness slowly merges into restlessness and then sorrow, the wobbling of my chin hard to watch for Woozi as he remains aside to give place to my mates who finally reach my form on the ground.
Seokjin wraps his arms around my shoulders to hug me tightly and I can only burst into tears in response to his warmth, I'm so tired of this exhaustion, I can't do this anymore, I really can't.
"Oh babydoll, we saw, baby, you did so good to protect that little girl, such a good alpha you are, we're proud of you" he murmurs against my skin while pushing out more of his coffee along with pheromones to compensate for the lacking I currently have, Yoongi grounding as he rests his cheek on top of my head after leaving a kiss on my hair.
Hearing what I've always longed to hear in such a vulnerable state makes me cry and weep with so much strength that the shaking of my body is almost painful, to a point that Seokjin needs to tighten his hold around me to fight back against the convulsing that shakes through me.
Their hearts hurt so much, to see me in this state, not only in tears but also at a limit that they have never witnessed in person before, it makes them feel miserable for not being able to do more. If only they'd gotten here sooner, they could've taken care of the problem themselves.
The older, stronger alpha of the two strokes my cheeks softly and I try to calm down my crying into quieter sobs and hiccups, I can't believe this, why am I even crying so much? I really make a pitiful example of an alpha.
"How about some tea at our place, baby? Our mate here makes the most delicious tea while I bake the most delicious cookies, you ought to try them at least once. It'll cheer you up instantly, I promise" Seokjin muses gently, eyes soft as he gazes at me, it's an offer that makes Yoongi nod his head because indeed, a tea would surely do me the greatest good right now.
I wipe my eyes while contemplating the offer in silence, tea and... cookies?
"Bunny, you should go with them. I have to head to class now and I don't think being alone is what you need right now, you never had to confront another alpha like this before" Woozi steps in when I have yet to say anything, and my two mates definitely appreciate his help because they don't want to leave me alone either.
"Yeah, okay... I'll go with you then" I murmur, words that make Seokjin, Yoongi and Woozi smile gratefully, thank goodness.
"Alright, let's get you up, babygirl, our car's just a little walk away from here so you won't have to walk for long, you can rest once we're on the road" Yoongi offers as he and Seokjin help me to make it up to my feet effortlessly, my body not strong enough to participate anymore, which they don't seem to mind.
I have not often reached this level of exhaustion and it's not a nice feeling, it makes me feel heavy, as if I have huge boulders shackled onto my legs and arms to keep me from moving. Why must that always happen in the most inopportune times?
"Thank you... I could do with a little nap right about now" I answer sheepishly before glancing at Woozi who smiles softly, a wave of the hand as he hands me my bags with the other, things that Seokjin accepts for me since my arms are already linked with theirs.
"Take good care of my best friend, please. On the outside, she's a strong alpha just like any other but on the inside? She's just a soft little bunny, she's not very good at taking care of herself either".
I blush in embarrassment while the two men chuckle at his admission, and Seokjin tucks some loose hair behind my ear before smiling at the beta.
"We could see that already, don't worry, we'll be sure to take good care of our mate, that goes without saying. Thank you for being so considerate with us today, Woozi, we appreciate it, both now and at the store. You made sure we wouldn't feel threatened by your presence and it means a lot".
Surprised by the sudden gratitude, he recovers quickly with a pleased smile and a nod of the head.
"Of course. I could tell as soon as I saw you with her the first time that I could trust you. Just... don't make me regret it, yeah?".
Yoongi's lips stretch with a satisfied smile before he makes a sound of agreement, and that seems to seal the deal between the three of them.
"You should take her to the car now, her energy meter is reaching a negative number, just look at her".
The three of them stare at my droopy form and I purse my lips, it's not my fault...
"Right, we'll get going then. It was nice to meet you, Woozi, let's see each other another time. Come baby, before you fall asleep in the middle of the street" Seokjin says with a chuckle before wrapping an arm around my back to support my body when my legs grow weak, their hearts melting so much that it's about to become a puddle at our feet.
"I'm still fine... I won't fall asleep" I grumble stubbornly as we begin walking slowly, a statement that is not believed when my eyes droop against my will, fight as I might, this battle will not be won this time.
"Sure you won't, you're the very definition of being awake".
"Kisses to her forehead work the best to wake her up!".
Woozi... that was a secret!
"Interesting. Thank you, Woozi, we'll be sure to keep that in mind".
I know that I keep asking the same thing in every first chapters, but what do you think of this one? :))))))
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