Chapter 2: Unexpected Visit
A/N Sorry for the author's note! But I just have to say I won't be using the script anymore. If that upsets you a bit, sorry. I'm going to try to keep their personalities in check, but I can't promise you anything. Let's carry on wayward son, shall we???
"An angel?" Sam smirked.
"Yes, Sammy, an angel."
"An angel named Castiel...okay Dean." God, Sam was annoying. Sometimes I just wanted to kill him.
"If you don't believe me, ask Bobby. Sam are you listening? Dude! Pay attention!" He was staring off into space behind me, probably day dreaming about some stupid novel.
"Dean..." I jumped and let out a yelp, whipping around to see Castiel.
"Jesus CHRIST, Castiel! Don't do that!" He looked a little pissed at my reaction.
"Don't talk about my Father that way." I grinned then it dropped, seeing his serious expression.
"You know you could have just used the door." I pointed behind him as he crossed the motel room and stood near the bed. He let out a noise between a hum and a sigh.
"I'm sorry Dean. My 'people skills' are 'rusty'." He used air quotes to make himself clear.
"Eh-hm" Sam cleared his throat, standing awkwardly, and letting us know he he hasn't disappeared.
"Hello Sam. It's a pleasure to meet you, but I need to converse with Dean...alone." I scoffed. Why did he feel the need to talk to me alone?
"Oh...okay. I guess I'll be out here." Sam pointed to the door and head towards it. After he shut the door, Castiel walked towards me quickly with two fingers raised. I backed against a wall, remembering what happened to Bobby not even a week ago. It had taken that long to explain what happened to Sam. It was all too surreal. But hell, surreal is my job. It's my life.
"No no no. Last time you did that, you knocked a guy out." Before I could push his hand away, I was dizzy and felt like I was falling. When I opened my eyes, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I was in a white room with white carpet and a white leather chair in the middle. Castiel asked me to sit, gesturing towards the chair. I just stood their until he grabbed me by my collar, dragging me to the chair, forcefully flopping me down.
"Jeez Cas, gotta be so rough?!" Castiel seemed to hesitate at the new nickname. He regained his cover and, once again, put two fingers to my forehead. This time images came flooding into my mind. One "scene" there was me and Castiel...fighting? Then we were driving Baby, then we were in a diner with Sam, and finally, we were...what the fuck? We're we just...kissing?! I was dragged out of the slideshow and hurled into reality. Castiel looked frightened, but only for a moment. It could almost be played as my imagination.
"That last one was not meant to yet be seen. That was not even meant to be there." He said matter-o-factly, no emotion held on his face.
"What was that? Some sort of fantasy?!" He just looked at me with those damn blue eyes.
"One should not know too much about their own destiny."
"Okay Doc Brown, what year are we headed to now?" He cocked his head again. I had to admit, it was kinda cute. I was straight. I've always liked women. Boobs. Boobs, boobs, boobs.
"I don't understand that reference..." I laughed.
"Of course you don't." I kinda stood there awkwardly, not wanting to push the issue. Not wanting to know why that was there.
"There is a reason I showed you those images." I looked back up from my feet. His eyes were almost shining.
"Why?" I felt breathless. I didn't know why. Boy, I do now.
"You don't want anything to do with me. You have your doubts which I can understand. I needed you to see that we need to work together or this...thing will never be stopped."
"What thing?" Now I was intrigued. What could I possibly be used for. What could I stop that an angel couldn't?
"You'll find out soon enough." And with that, I was zapped back to the motel alone, just as Sam walked through the door.
"Where did Castiel go?" I blushed and looked up at Sam. Why did I, Dean Winchester, blush? I don't blush.
"I don't know, he kinda just poofed away." Sam nodded, not asking me anything else, and held up a grocery bag.
"Got you something." I smiled and stood up from where I was sitting on the bed, rubbing my hands together in excitement.
"Oh Sammy, you shouldn't have!" I falsely claimed, snatching the cherry pie from his hand, staring at the salad he got for himself. "Rabbit food."
"Shut up, Dean. You're going to have a heart attack, jerk."
"Bitch." I took a bite of the dessert with the plastic forks Sam handed me.
"Dude, it's a pie. No reason to act like a porn star!" I laughed and really turned up the heat, moaning and groaning after every bite.
"What, you like that Sammy?" He made a grossed out face and I laughed really hard. His salad was still untouched.
"Dude, you ruined my appetite." He pushed his rabbit food away and chuckled lightly, grabbing the remote. All I could think about was Castiel. That kiss. How every time I thought about it, I seemed a little more aroused. All night I would imagine his lips, the way his brows creased when he cocked his head, the way his hands were smooth but calloused at the same time. I couldn't concentrate on anything but him. At first I couldn't accept it, but by the time four in the morning rolled around I had came the conclusion that I had a fucking crush on that sexy little angel. God, how I supposed to tell Sam? And even worse? How would I tell Cas???
Damn it! Another short chapter. I hate author's notes SO much. I might have start updating less often if I can get my shit together and write a real chapter.
Love you Holly 😇
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