Wings! |Chapter 4
Cheys P.O.V
I woke up and my back was killing me, I groaned and sat up, I get up brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail then brushed my teeth, I went to put my clothes on but stopped when I felt something on my back, I turned around and saw red wings? wait no, not red wings bloody wings!
"ugh! at list they don't hurt, maybe the wings are just bloody cause they had to come out.... hmm maybe I should go to the fallen's for help" I say looking for a cape.
"here it is! and maybe I can hide that i'm a wolf hmm, so a hat" I say as I put the cap on and put a hat on.
"now my tail...maybe I can hide it" I say as I close my eyes and think about my tail going away.
when I open my eyes I don't see my tail! I smile and walk out of my house, I look around and see no one so I walk out of packheaven.
I jumped onto a tree and looked around, 'hmm where would it be' I think as I look around.
I looked up and saw the whale, I smiled and then did the only thing I could think of, I yelled.
"stop yelling!" I heard someone yell back, I smiled as I saw a guy with black and white hair with black wings, Brandon.
"hello! I need your help!" I say.
"why do you need my help!" he yelled, I sigh as I take my cape off showing my bloody wings.
"need help learning how to get blood off wings!" I yell, "and maybe learn to fly to!".
he groaned as he flow down.
"hello" I say with a smile.
"can you fly?" he asks.
"nope! just get these wings today!" I say with a smile.
"how?" he asks.
"woke up with them" I say as I look at them.
"guess I am a wolficorn now" I mutter.
"what?" he asks.
"nothing, soo how am I getting up there" I say as I point to the whale.
"get on my back" he says.
"ok!" I say with a smile as I jump onto his back.
he fly's up and lands on the whale, he puts me down and starts to walk into the house.
"where you are going!" I ask.
"to get stuff to clean your wings" he says.
I sat down and sighed, I looked up at the sky and smiled.
"at list I have my memory's of them" I mutter, I look down and see Brandon coming back out with another person, he has blond hair and green eyes, in a maid outfit, Lucas, Brandon was holding a rag and Lucas was holding a bowl.
"hello!" I say with a smile
"hi" Lucas says.
"come on, lets clean these wings maid" Brandon says.
"i'm not your maid!" he mutter yells.
Brandon kneels down beside me and Lucas sits down.
"sooooo" I say as they start to clean my wings.
"what?" Brandon says.
"what are your names! i'm Cheyenne but call me Chey" I say with a smile.
"i'm Lucas and that's Brandon" he says.
"good to know" I say fixing my hat.
"how did you get so much blood on your wings?!" Lucas says.
"I don't know, they just appeared today" I say.
"appeared?" he asks.
"mhm, I woke up and they were kinda just there" I say.
"ok?" he says.
after a while they get most of the blood out, I smiled as I took my drawing book out and stared at the shorted in the drawing (sorry Britt XD) I smiled more, I put the book back in my bag and hummed as I waited.
"and I think its done" Lucas says.
"yes we got all the blood we could get out" Brandon says.
"ok! thank you guys for the help" I say with a smile, I fix my hat again.
"whats with your hat?" Brandon asks.
"hm? nothing..." I say.
"ok...." he says.
"will anyway I will have to go get back to my place before it gets dark, and I cant fly yet so I have a long walk" I say as I put my cape back on.
"will have a safe trap!" Lucas says, I smile at him.
"yup! I will and good luck getting your memories back, you to" I say with a smirk as I jump off the whale landing in some water before they could understand what I said.
I ran under trees as I heard Brandon Yelling for me to come back, I smirked as I started to jump onto the trees losing Brandon, I made it back to packheaven and smiled.
I walked into my house not seeing anyone around and I let my tail out, I took my hat and cape off, 'how am I gonna hide my wings hmmm' I think as I get into something comfy, a big shirt with some big pants as I let my hair down, I took my drawing book out again and started to draw something new, two people kissed.
sooooooo i get lazy about doing the ladders so there ' p e m h l e' try and find out what it spells. o-o
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