what the- | Chapter 1
Cheys P.O.V
I was sitting on my bed watching Xylos P.O.V of Supernatural origins, I was done with my homework my mom gave me and I didn't have ideas for my story's so I was sitting watching YouTube.
I was watching the Video when my screen get brighter, I went to turn the brightness down but I found It was already all the way down, Before I could think about it more, it get so bight I had to close my eyes, but when I did I felt like I was falling and when I opened my eyes I see im above a forest falling down the sky!
I closed my eyes again waiting to feel the pain of hitting the ground, but when I did I couldn't help but scream out in pain, black dots were coming into my vision as It blurred to, I was laying there what seemed like forever when I heard muffled yelling and footsteps, I saw a figure looking down at me and saying something I couldn't hear what it was but I think they said something about staying awake? but closing my eyes and going to sleep sounded so good righ-
I felt someone hit my cheek, I think my eyes were closing, my eyes opened half way and I saw the same figure hitting my cheek, they stopped when they saw my eyes were open, I saw something fluffy on the persons head and I smiled.
I felt like I was being picked up and my eyes were slowly closing, I tried to keep them open but I couldn't and I just let the darkness take me.
I felt like I was laying on something soft, I opened my eyes but I closed them right after, The room I was in was so bight, I opened my eyes again getting used to the brightness of the room, I looked around the room, it looked like a normal room at first, I tried to sit up but I just get more pain, I layed back down trying to think of what happened to make me feel so much pain, my head hurt and my back, and my feet, I heard footsteps and I turned to the door and I see two men, one had dark brown hair with a red strap in it, he wears a hat, he has red eyes, he wears a white shirt with a black vest on, he has blue jeans on with brown boots on.
the other has brown hair, he has 1 purple eye the other eye covered with a eye patch, he has a white shirt on with dirty red and gray jacket, the solves rolled up, he has finger-less gloves on, gray pants with black boots on, but he has something on hes head that look very real but cant be real right? right! he has werewolf ears and a tail.
my eyes widen as they walked closer, I tried to get up to get away from the 'people' but I just get more pain, I fall back to the bed and closed my eyes tight.
"hey hey you shouldn't try to get up, it seems like you fall pretty bad" the one with a hat on says as he walks closer.
I whimper and open my eyes, as they both get closer, "hey its fine we wont hurt you" the hat one says.
"h-huwt.........." I whisper.
"ya you are pretty hurt, you should get some rest but first, whats your name?" the hat one says.
"C-c-chey.....C-cheyenne" I whisper.
"will Cheyenne im Xylo and this is alpha" Xylo says.
"Mario my names Mario" hat guy says.
I nodded but that just hurt my head more, I closed my eyes and groaned.
"just rest, we can talk more later pup" Marios says.
'pup? shut up brain and let me sleep!' I think as I slowly fall asleep.
I was awoken by someone poking my cheek, "go away" I groan as I turn the other way trying to go back to sleep, but the person kept poking my cheek, I groaned again as I turned to them and opened my eyes.
"what do you want" I say sleepy, I see it was Xylo poking me.
"we have to go to a meeting" he says.
"and I go why?" I ask.
"cause alpha says so" he says as he picks me up and puts me down so im standing up, I groan from pain.
"but I cant stand up and I sure cant walk" I say as I lean on Xylo so I can stand.
"ill just pick you up and carry you there then!" he says.
"how im I gonna get dressed? 1 I dont have clothes and 2 I cant do it by myself and I wont let anyone help me unless there a girl" I say.
"ok we have some clothes for you and Hannah can help you!" he says as he sits me on my bed and walks out, he comes back in with a girl.
she has blonde hair with blue eyes, she has a dirty white shirt on with a black jacket on, he has ripped jeans on with brown boots, she also has wolf ears and tail.
she walks over to me, "hello! im Hannah! and I have clothes for you" she says as she sets the clothes down on the bed.
"now Xylo leave!" she says, he walks out as things start to clack in my head.
'wait Xylo and Hannah? wait! wait wait wait oh oh no no no, I cant be right? but the names and the way they look!' I think and start to panic.
"hey are you ok?" she asks.
"yup! just fine!" I say as I put a fake smile on.
"ok?" she says.
"now just sit still, it may hurt and im sorry for that" she says as she slowly takes the shirt I appeared here in off, and it hurt! I start to whimper a bit.
"shh shh I know I know" she says as she puts a new shirt on, she helps me stand up and I lean on the bed so she can put my pants on.
after she was done and the pain went away I started to feel something on my head and behind my back, I looked behind me to see what was there and I saw a tail! a freaking tail! I put my hands on my head and I could feel ears! im a werewolf! I started to panic and I think Hannah noticed.
"hey whats wrong?" she asks.
"ears...tail!" I say in a panicked voice.
"what?" she asks confused.
"I have ears and a tail! they weren't there before I get here!" I say.
"this has to be a dream! I mean I always wanted to be a Wolficorn but they arent real!" I say.
as I was saying that Xylo came in, "whats a wolficorn?" he asks.
"a werewolf and a unicorn, I made it up but they arent real just like werewolfs and unicorns, this cant be real" I say.
'I cant be in the story right? right! I mean my phone did get bight and I still dont know how and then I was falling down from the sky and then im a werewolf!' I think as I try to pull my ears off.
"ow ow ow pain pain" I say.
"you shouldn't do that" Xylo says worried.
"I just need to calm down and think about this" I say as I inhale and exhale.
"maybe think about it on the way to the meeting, cause we still need to go" Xylo says.
"will I cant really walk so!" I say.
"oh right!" Xylo says as he walks over to be and picks me up and puts me on his back.
"lets go!" he says as we walks out of the room, will he walks.
'im really in the RP now ha? hmm maybe I can have fun with this' I think and I crazy smile appears on my face.
and! done! took me all day! and I get this idea from another story. I forget the name of the story o-o but it was of FTO and not SNO and I hope you like it!
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