*Chapter 8*
This is a short chapter. But an important one.
Words: 2572
First published: 6th August 2016
Updated 27th June 2021
Selene, while grateful to the Sheriff for letting her live in his home, couldn't help but feel awkward. The Sheriff was convinced that there was something going on between Selene and Stiles. Every time Stiles and Selene were left alone the Sheriff would make a comment making the teens blush. Which of course made the Sheriff laugh.
Growing up Selene always viewed herself being with another wolf. Her family growing up were surrounded by wolves. Never getting sick. Always protecting each other. Strong and happy. Yes there were humans in the pack. But Selene spent more time with the wolves as they taught her how to control herself.
Stiles wasn't a wolf. He was a human, but it was in that she found herself growing fond of him. He wasn't graceful, he wasn't that strong. But he was strong willed. He was smart. He was funny and Selene felt herself falling for him the longer she was staying at his house, but in the back of her mind she couldn't help but think about the fact that Stiles had a crush on Lydia and not her... Selene had to stop these feelings from growing any further because she was just going to get hurt in the end.
But that wasn't the only thing growing in her thoughts the longer she found herself at the Stilinski's. She overheard the Sheriff on the phone most nights when he thought the teens had gone to bed. They still hadn't found Derek which meant Derek was still probably alive. If he was dead they would have found his body by now. But, if there was no body that means he was still alive. Although... That could be another one of her day dreams.
Selene was currently sat in her room alone. It was late at night and with the full moon coming tomorrow she just wanted to sleep off any jitters she was having. There was a knock on her door which brought her from her thoughts. She stood up and opened the door revealing Stiles. He didn't often come into her room. In fear of the Sheriff finding out. But it was a pleasant surprise anyway. She sat up further on the bed and found herself smiling at him. Gosh she had it bad for the boy.
"Stiles. Hello." She smiled even wider. The boy was holding some alcohol in his hand. "Why do you have alcohol?"
"Oh well..." He passed the alcohol quickly between his two hands. "As you know Allison broke up with Scott." He licked his lips.
"Yeah. I heard. It's a shame. If she knew what he did that night for her. But she can't. Its frustrating that this could be solved with an explanation that we can't give."
"Well, Scott and I are going out to help him get over Allison. You know... I wanted to invite you but you're a girl and I'm trying to get his mind off... girls. But I wanted to let you know that I wanted you to come."
"Thank you for the non invite. I think." Selene chuckled. "It seems like a good plan though. I think he needs time to get his mind off Allison. But I do have to warn you there is a full moon tomorrow. His emotions are already running amok. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Thanks." He blushed slightly. "I'll keep that in mind."
Selene sat in the Jeep as Stiles drove them to school. It made sense for them to travel together and there was no way Stiles would choose Selene's car over his. No matter how fancy her car was. The more Selene sat in the Jeep the more she also found a fondness for it.
Although this morning all the Jeep smelt like was anxiety. Selene looked over at Stiles and saw He was gripping the wheel tightly.
"Stiles. Whats wrong? Did something happen last night? Did you get hurt?" She lent forward so she could see his face. He shook his head.
"No." He answered. "Some jackasses last night decided they wanted to be jerks and Scott threw the bottle right at them and only just missed."
"I can't believe he did that." Selene tried to wrap her head around it. She knew he might act odd but Scott didn't act this badly the previous full moon. Maybe the breakup was taking its toll. "Has he done anything else stupid?" She asked. Stiles shook his head again.
"Nothing that I am aware of."
"Let me know if he does okay? This could get serious."
Silence filled the Jeep as Stiles pulled up at the school. As she climbed out of the car people turned to look at her followed by whispers. The whole school knew that Derek was on the run. That he murdered the janitor. She could hear people saying Selene herself should be locked up. That they always knew she was a weird one. How safe were hey when she was around? Every where she turned people were looking at her. She couldn't take it. Her claws began to grow longer and her eyes flashed gold.
"Woah woah," Stiles grabbed her and turned her away from the crowd. "What's wrong."
"They are all looking at me. All of them. I can hear them talking about me. Can't they just get on with their own lives." She growled. Stiles grimaced as he looked around the lot and saw that people were still looking at them. It angered him that they would treat her this way. Like she was a freak show. She wasn't.
"Selene. Look at me, not them. Look" He put both hands on either shoulder and forced her to look at him. Her eyes were golden, just like Scott's. "You need to calm down." It was in this moment he would tell Scott to think of Allison, but he knew in this situation that would be useless. What would be her equivalent? That is when he noticed she mumbling something. Alpha Beta Omega. Alpha Beta Omega. She continued to look at him and her eyes returned to normal. Her claws retracted. Stiles smiled at the girl but he couldn't help but wonder how both wolves were going to last the day and by extension. Him.
Mr Harris had set a test in Chemistry. It was when she read the questions Selene realized she didn't spend much time studying. All of her time was spent either training Scott, protecting Scott or being juggled in between homes. Before she even had time to answer the first question she heard the screeching of a seat on the floor. Scott ran from the room followed by Stiles. Selene stood up herself to follow them but was promptly stopped by Mr Harris who blocked the door with his body.
"Miss Violet I suggest you take your seat. Otherwise you will fail this test. Now that's not a good start to the school is it?" He smirked. "I'm sure your boyfriend can take care of his." She scowled at her teacher. There was something off about him. She wasn't sure what. But looking at him sent her on edge. There was also a look in his eye. He loved being horrible to students and he was no exception. But when he was rude to her, it was almost like he was looking past her and not at her. He could never look her in the eye.
After the test Selene tried to find the two boys but was unsuccessful. They had different classes from her. It wasn't until late afternoon when she knew they had lacrosse practice she found Stiles who had a rather large grin on his face.
"What has you so happy?" she asked. This was an entirely different emotion from when she last saw the boy.
"I made first line!" He shouted in excitement. Selene clapped.
"Are you serious? That is amazing!"
"Although You have to call Biles." Selene narrowed her eyes in confusion.
"Yes Biles." The seriousness on his face made Selene laugh at the stupidity of Stiles being called Biles just so he could play first line. Stiles couldn't help but smile along with her laughter.
Selene stopped laughing and looked around the field trying to find Scott. If he wasn't in control then maybe he shouldn't play today. But, on the other hand it could distract him long enough not to do something stupid.
"Where is Scott? How is he after this morning?" Stiles winced and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I last saw him in the locker room. He said he needed to do something but he didn't tell me what."
"Lets hope its nothing destructive." Selene hoped.
Later that night. After practice and after Mr Stilinski had celebrated his son making first line, Selene and Stiles made their way to Scott's house. They had found he had kissed Lydia before practice which was very out of character. But Scott had gotten the reactions he wanted. Or most of the reactions he wanted. Allison was jealous. Jackson was mad but it was Stiles who didn't act the way Scott had hoped. Of course Stiles was upset but not as much as expected.
Stiles parked the Jeep and the two of them climbed out and walked into the McCall's house which gave Melissa a little fright. She noticed there was a key in Stiles' hand. She pointed to the key.
"You have a key."
"Yeah. I had one made." Stiles said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Melissa looked slightly uncomfortable but accepted it none the less.
"Selene, its good to see you again. I'm sorry about everything that has happened. If you ever find yourself needing somewhere to stay after the investigation. You are always welcome to come back." Selene smiled at the woman. After Laura had died, Selene was worried that she might not have a female role model in her life, a motherly figure but Melissa had quickly stepped up to that roll.
Melissa excused herself as she needed to go to work. Selene and Stiles made their way upstairs and found Scott sat on his bed looking rather angry. Stiles tried to hide the bag he was holding from the angry wolf.
"We didn't realize you were here yet Scott." Selene said with a smile on her face hoping that her calm vibes would rub off on Scott. They didn't.
"I came in through the window." Scott droned. Stiles looked between the two wolves and gulped. This was going to be a long night.
"Well... let me show you what I bought." Stiles laughed slightly hoping to break the tension in the room.
"I'm fine Stiles. I'm just going to lock the door and go to bed early tonight." Selene tried not to scoff. He wasn't a good liar. Stiles looked broken hearted.
"Come on man. At least take a look in the bag." The look on his face caused Scott to roll his eyes but he stood up anyway. Scott lent forward to look into the bag. Stiles took the opportunity and handcuffed Scott to the radiator.
Selene was impressed. Even she didn't see that coming. Stiles was a good liar. That would come in handy later in life.
"What the hell are you doing!" Scott shouted pulling at the handcuffs.
"Protecting you from yourself." Stiles explained. Scott screamed at the pair as Stiles lead Selene out of the room.
Both Selene and Stiles sat outside of Scott's room out of eye view. Neither of them could face the look of hatred in his eye. Selene had her head in her hands. She wasn't taking tonight too well either. Her foot was patting on the floor. Stiles began to wonder if she needed tying up too.
"What was that thing earlier?" Stiles wondered out loud.
"Excuse me?" Selene asked not quite sure what he meant.
"At school. You began chanting something and it calmed you down. What was it."
"Alpha. Beta. Omega. It's a way to calm us down." She smiled to herself. "By us I mean specifically the Hale pack. Every pack has a method of their own to teach the young ones how to control their anger. Talia, Derek's mother taught me it. We used to have this... thing... we held as we spoke the words. We were lead to believe it was a calming device but it was a lie. It was just something for us to concentrate on. The more we focused on it the more control we had. Quite clever really. I don't know where it went after the fire."
"All the young wolves? Did Derek use it too?"
"Yes. Derek. His Uncle Peter. All of us used it. The thing was ancient."
"What does it mean? The words."
"Its what we can all be. Every wolf has the power to become an Alpha, but we can all fall to Omegas... I'm an Omega. I have no Alpha. I'm alone"
"As emotional as this is... shut up!" Scott's voice shouted from his bedroom. Selene rolled her eyes at his rudeness. What she would give to be able to give the calming block to Scott. Even if it was just to throw it at his head to knock him out.
"Hey shut up!" Stiles shouted into the room.
"You two are giving me a headache. I hate being around the two of you. Dancing around it. I saw it weeks ago but you are both just so blind. Today just confirmed it." They both ignored him but he only continued. "I kissed Lydia today Stiles. I kissed her and she kissed me back and you Stiles, you didn't care. You don't like her anymore do you? You've moved on."
"I said shut up!" Stiles shouted louder.
The more Stiles got angrier the more Selene could feel it. It was like it was her own anger. Maybe it was her own anger. She could feel the pulse in her body. Every nerve in her body was on fire and pumping blood. She couldn't hold on much longer.
"Wow. Would you look at that." Scott continued. "As Stiles' heart speeds up so does Selene's. I wonder what that could mean." Selene was wired. She didn't need to think about what that could mean while she was trying to keep control. Stiles didn't like Lydia anymore? He'd moved on? Their hearts were in sync? What did it mean? No she needed to concentrate.
"Time to choose Stiles." Scott said seriously. "Who do you like more? Lydia... Or Selene?" Selene's head shot up. Stiles gulped and looked at the girl. He didn't want her to find out this way. He wanted to tell her on his own terms. He wanted to make a grand gesture. He didn't want Scott to throw him into it when he couldn't explain.
"Dude." Was all Stiles could say under his breath. Selene saw both Scott and Stiles looking at her. Waiting for her to say something. She couldn't say anything. Her brain was fried. She was broken. She was pushed passed her limit and she could feel her shift coming on any second. Stiles looked upset and Scott looked so smug. She couldn't take it. She did what she thought was best in that moment. She ran.
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