*Chapter 3*
*I own nothing. Although I wouldn't mind owning any of the male characters. heck, even any of the female characters if I'm honest*
words: 2173
Published: 21st March 2016
Updated: 21st June 2021.
The Monday after Derek was arrested Selene drove peacefully to school. She was still mad at Scott and Stiles but that wouldn't be any help. As hard as it would be, she would have to move past this. Selene and Derek still needed Scott to find the Alpha. She parked in the spot that was now unofficially hers. As she parked, she saw hordes of students rushing towards the bus bays. Curiosity got the better of her and she followed them. She gasped at what she saw. There was a school bus covered in blood and a lot of it. She could smell two scents. Human and wolf. She grabbed her phone and texted Derek.
She and Derek agreed that it would be better for Derek to look deeper into it later as the scene still had police and medics on sight. If he turned up now he would either get sent away or quite possibly arrested again which would be no help to anyone. For now Selene was to go about the school day like it was normal.
As normal as it could be when a body was found at your house and your legal guardian was arrested for the murder. But, then again that happened over the weekend and the bus happened today so there was a hope and a chance that all that the people would want to gossip about would be the bus.
It was Chemistry when she overheard Stiles and Scott talking about the bus. She hoped she could hear them due to her supernatural abilities and not because they were loudly and openly talking about being a werewolf.
"Could have been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something." Stiles said reassuringly. Selene let out a small laugh through her nose.
"And did what?" Scott replied in a small, innocent voice.
"Ate it." Stiles said simply.
"Raw?" Scott sounded like a 5 year old. She could almost smell the disbelief on Stiles.
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."
They were interrupted by Mr Harris who immediately separated them. To Selene's luck Scott was placed into the empty seat next to her. She groaned in response. Her unhappiness seemed to make Mr Harris grin in glee. Scott leaned in close to Selene. Obviously learning his lesson on talking to loud.
"Selene," he whispered, she ignored him, "I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be but listen. I really need your help. I think it was me who did that to the bus last night and I want to know how to be in control. Like you and Derek." Selene turned to look at him
"No." She responded.
"No?" He was shocked at her answer. "Please. Something happened and I can't really explain it right now but it's important.
"No it wasn't a rabbit. Or any other type of animal. That blood is human." She looked forward knowing that Scott would need a moment to take the information in. There was no point in lying and Scott clearly didn't want friendship. Suddenly a girl shouted and pointed to the window, jumping from her seat. It was a man being taken from the scene of the crime... screaming.
"Selene," Allison shouted getting Selene's attention while she was buying lunch.
"Hey." She responded putting everything she wanted on a tray. Due to the whole bus incident not many students were in the mood to eat meaning that Selene practically had the choice of everything.
"Are you sitting with us today?" Allison asked pointing to herself and Lydia. She smiled at the two girls before nodding. Of course she would sit with them. She has every day since she began at the school.
She regretted the decision immediately when Allison began walking to 'their' table."What's wrong?" Allison asked noticing Selene's hostile body position.
"I don't want to sit with them. We sort of... got into a fight at the weekend and I can't deal with them at the moment." Selene explained.
"Selene please. I want to sit with one of my best friends and my boyfriend at the best time."
"Best friend?" Selene asked, Allison nodded. Selene hated to admit it but Allison calling her a best friend won her over. The only available seat for Selene at the table was next to Stiles who looked very uncomfortable. He was still scared. But Selene on the other hand. She could feel the pull, the pull she felt only when she was with him. She needed to figure out what this meant as she hated it. Why did she feel this way about a human she barely knew and at this moment, hated.
"I heard mountain lion." Jackson gossiped. Selene rolled her eyes. She always seemed to come in during the middle of the conversation.
"A cougar is a mountain lion..." Everyone looked at Lydia who had spoken. "Isn't it?" She was a lot smarter then she let people knew. Why did she dumb herself down?
"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway" Jackson scoffed brushing off the worry. Stiles announced he had a video explaining who the man was before showing it to them all.
He brushed against Selene's arm while leaning over and she glared at him. He quickly broke the contact but she could still feel the ghost of where their skin touched. After the video had finished the group went back into an awkward silence. Clearly this group of people had never had lunch together before.
Selene tried to bite her lip to avoid laughing as she watched Lydia invite herself to Scott and Allison's date. It was a train wreck.
"How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia suggested to Jackson
"Yeah, with actual competition." Jackson scoffed for the second time.
"How do you know we're not actual competition? You can bowl, right?" Allison defended her boyfriend before realising she had no clue.
"Sort of." Scott winced.
"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson challenged.
"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler." Scott answered back.
"Great it's settled!" Lydia clapped she turned to look at Selene, "Maybe we can triple date! You and..." she paused, clearly not knowing Stiles' name. "Him!" She pointed to Stiles. Both of their mouths dropped at the same time.
"Well I would love to but we don't want to intrude do we Stiles." She glared at him almost daring him to disagree with her.
"No... no intrusion." He sank in his seat.
"Maybe another time." Selene fake smiled.
Selene was sat in her room alone reading a book when she heard Scott's voice. He was outside and clearly wanted to talk to them.
"I know you can hear me. I need your help." With a sigh Selene placed the book down and walked down the stairs. Of course Derek looked unhappy with this decision but he followed her out.
"Okay. I know I was part of you getting arrested and that we basically announced you being here to the hunters. I also don't know what happened to your sister. But I think I did something last night. I had a dream about - someone. But someone else got hurt. And it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened." Scott quickly rambled out. If they weren't wolves with super hearing they may not have caught any of that. Although it was still confusing in some places.
"You think you attacked the driver?" Derek asked trying to interpret what Scott had just said.
"Did you see what I did last night?" Scott asked hopeful. If someone saw what he did then maybe they could tell him that he didn't murder the driver.
"No." Derek simply replied. Selene shook her head. Scott's hope quickly washed away.
"Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I gonna hurt someone?"
"Could I kill someone?"
"Yes." Selene could hear Scott's heart beat rising quickly in his chest.
"Am I gonna kill someone?" He squeaked out. Derek let out a sigh clearly annoyed by the new game of 20 questions.
"Probably. Look, I can show you how to remember. I can show you how to control the shift, even on a full moon. But it's not gonna come for free." Derek put his cards on the table. Scott looked uncomfortable and looked at Selene in hopes that she would give him 'free' help.
"Sorry Scott, I cant help you. I'm still learning myself in some ways." She shrugged at him. Derek seemingly ignored them.
"Are you going to accept my offer or not?" Derek asked. Scott nodded reluctantly. "Good. I'll give you what you want. But for now. Go back to the bus. Go inside. See it. Feel it. Smell, touch all your senses. Let them remember for you."
"I'm going out." Derek announced later that night, he pulled on his jacket and grabbed his car keys.
"Where are you going?" Selene asked, suddenly interested. She hated being alone in this house. Too many ghosts.
"There is something I need to do and I want you to stay here." He explained.
"Why don't you want me to come?"
"It's no place for someone of your age."
"Now you've really got my interest." Selene joked. Derek glared at her and began to walk away. "Fine. But you could at least get Wifi!" she shouted after him. She didn't expect him to turn around and walk back in.
"Go hang out with Stiles. I'm sure he has wifi." She couldn't tell if he was mad or if he was teasing her. With his emotionless face sometimes it was hard to tell.
"You heard about that?" She asked.
"I have my ways. You need to keep an eye out on Scott not Stiles."
"Derek. Its through keeping an eye on Scott that I knew I had to keep an eye on Stiles too. They are practically joined at the hip. The friend of my friend. If we get Stiles on our side then we get Scott. Simple as that."
"Fine. Play that game. But don't think I don't know."
"You don't know what?" She asked. Derek walked out of the house a second time. "Don't know what?" she repeated louder but he didn't come back.
Selene sat in her room thinking about what Derek was talking about. What did he think was going on? How was she to think that he didn't know something when she didn't even know herself what it was that he didn't not know... Her head hurt thinking about it. She was sat there for a long time because before she knew it, Scott had come back.
"I know what you did Derek!" Scott shouted though the house. Selene rolled her eyes.
"He's not here." Selene droned. Walking through the shadows. She wasn't surprised Scott was mad at Derek again.
"He killed him!" Scott bellowed.
"Derek doesn't kill people. He just threatens people." Selene defended.
"He's dead just like his sister!" The hit a nerve. She wouldn't listen to that sort of talk.
"Laura went missing. We came here to look for her and we found her. In pieces! Do you know what that's like Scott? Imagine one day looking for your mother or Stiles and you find them, in half. Their eyes looking right at you but not seeing you."
"Do you expect me to believe that? I'm going to tell the Sheriff. Everyone will know!"
Scott took a step towards her as if to fight her. She parted her feet and lent down ready to take what impact he was planning to give. She could feel his anger as if it was her own. Before Scott could do anything Derek rushed through the front door and knocked Scott away from her. This took Scott over the edge. He transformed and pushed Derek though a wall. Now it was Derek's turn to form.
"I didn't kill him! None of us did! It's not my fault, it's not her fault and it's not your fault!" Derek explained to the panting angry wolf in front of him.
"This is all your fault! You ruined my life!"
"No he didn't!" Selene shouted back at him. "He's not the one who bit you. There is someone else. He's an Alpha, we are Betas. And we both need your help to find him."
"He's the one who bit you." Derek finished explaining, "You're part of his pack Scott. You're the one he wants."
AN: As you may have noticed I changed the end scene slightly to fit Selene in. While I am fitting her into the episodes, I'm also changing things a little bit to make sure you guys aren't just reading the script to the episode.
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