*Chapter 22*
Words: 2545
First published: December 31st 2016
Last updated November 14th 2021
Imagine explaining the supernatural to someone with out actually mentioning the supernatural. That is what Selene, Scott and Stiles were trying to do. They were trying to convince the Sheriff that Matt was the real killer of everyone who had been murdered the past few weeks.
"So this kid's the real killer?" Noah said, he really didn't believe them.
"Yeah." Stiles said rather happily that his dad was finally getting it. The Sheriff shook his head.
"No." Stiles scoffed.
"Dad! Come on! Everybody knows that the police look for ways to connect victims in a murder, okay? So all he had to do is, like, look through their transcripts and figure out which class they all had in common. Mr Harris is innocent... in this case"
"Yeah, except for the fact the rave promoter Kara wasn't in Harris' class." The Sheriff said. He was lost in thought. As if Stiles was making sense.
"Yes! You're right! Then I guess they should drop the charges against him?" Stiles said hopefully. The Sheriff rolled his eyes. Selene laughed. She had seen the exact same look on Stiles' face.
"No!" The Sheriff shook his head. "They're not dropping the charges. But that doesn't prove anything!" He looked at Scott, "Scott do you believe this?" He pointed to the year book on the desk. Scott nodded.
"It's really hard to explain how we know this, but you just gotta trust us. We know it's Matt." The Sheriff wasn't convinced, he looked at Selene for one last inch of hope.
"Selene, how about you?"
"Ive never met the kid." She shrugged, "But you know, I trust Stiles and I trust Scott. If they say something is true, then I believe them." She smiled at the two boys before looking back at the Sheriff. The two boys grinned. Stiles stood up from his seat and put his arm on his dad's shoulder.
"He took Harris' car, okay?" Stiles said, providing more evidence for this father. "Look, he knew that if a cop found tire tracks at one of the murders, and that if enough of the victims were in Harris's class, that they'd arrest him." The Sheriff sighed, he knew disagreeing with his son would get him nowhere.
"All right, fine. I'll allow the remote possibility but give me a motive. I mean, why would this kid want most of the 2006 swim team and its coach dead?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Stiles raised his arms and looked around the room. "Our swim team sucks! They haven't won in, like, six years." Selene groaned. That was not the best way to convince Noah. "Okay, we don't have a motive yet." Stiles admitted. "I mean, come on, does Harris?"
"What do you want me to do?" The Sheriff asked despairingly.
"We need to look at the evidence." Scott explained.
"Yeah, that would be in the station, where I no longer work." He pointed out.
"Trust me, they'll let you in." Stiles said rubbing his hands together. The Sheriff scoffed.
"Trust you?"
"Trust - trust Scott? Selene?"
"Scott, I trust. Selene, I trust more."
Selene and Scott were squeezed together in the back of the jeep. Not because there wasn't any room. It was actually quite spacious. They were both trying to see down the middle of the front seats. Selene could feel the anxiety coming from Stiles. They all knew Matt was the one controlling Jackson however it would take more time to convince Noah.
Scott was relatively calm, and The Sheriff was uneasy. He wasn't sure what to believe. When they finally got to the station, they all pealed themselves from the Jeep and walked inside.
"It's 2 in the morning." The officer at the desk observed, confused by the sudden entrance of 4 people. They were expecting a relatively slow shift.
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't important." The Sheriff explained. The woman nodded and let them through immediately.
"We look at the hospital stuff first, okay?" Stiles said quietly to the two wolves.
"Why?" Scott asked.
"Because all the murders were committed by Jackson, except for one, you remember?"
"The pregnant girl, Jessica."
"Yeah. Since Matt had to kill her himself, somebody from the hospital could've seen him." Selene looked at the two boys in wonder.
"How much have I missed?" Selene asked astonished.
"That's what you get honey when you spend all your time with sour wolf and his bunch of merry dogs." Stiles said fake sweetly. Selene glared at him before following them all through to the Sheriff's office.
After looking though some security tapes of the hospital they finally had a lead. Scott's mother, Melissa could be a witness which put Matt at the scene of the murder. Noah nodded while watching the tape. Scott left the room to call his mother. The Sheriff was finally convinced. He stood up and began looking though some files. He pulled one out and out them on the desk in front of his son and Selene.
"We've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site." The Sheriff pointed to a picture. Stiles rubbed his hands together.
"And if they match, that puts Matt at the scene of three murders. The trailer, the hospital, and the rave." Stiles was getting excited.
"Actually, four." The Sheriff corrected. He pulled something else out of the file, "A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed. Just a couple hours before you got there." Stiles held up 4 fingers.
"All right, dad, if one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern, what's four?"
"Four's enough for a warrant." Stiles grabbed Selene and pulled her in for a hug. They had done it. They solved it and had proof. They jumped slightly while embracing. "Scott, call your mom back, see how quick she can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let Scott's mom in when she gets here." Stiles nodded before going. A few seconds past and Selene felt a ripple of fear run down her back.
"Something's wrong." She said. The Sheriff looked at her confused. Scott's heart leapt in his chest. If Selene thought something was wrong, she was usually right. "Stiles!" She called out after him. In the hallway a deputy laid on the floor. Very much dead. Blood was splattered all over the walls and stood in the middle of the hallway was a boy pointing a gun at Stiles. This must be Matt.
Selene felt her blood begin to boil. The need to protect her soul mate had kicked in. This boy was holding her boyfriend at gun point. Selene knew charging at the boy would just end badly. She put her hand on Stiles' shoulder and walked him backwards into the office. Matt followed them, his gun never lowering. Scott and the Sheriff gasped when they saw what was happening.
"Matt?" The Sheriff said standing up straight, his hands up in surrender. "It is Matt isn't it? I'm sure there is a solution which doesn't involve a gun." Matt laughed manically.
"You know, it's funny you say that, because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are."
"I know you don't wanna hurt people." The Sheriff tried to reason. Matt shook his head.
"Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. You four weren't on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cell phone, like McCall is doing. That - that could definitely get someone hurt. Everyone."
He pointed to the desk with the gun. No one moved. "Now!" they all put their phones down. Selene tried to think of a way to contact Derek with out the use of a phone. The only method she could think of was howling but she couldn't do that with the Sheriff stood right there. She temporarily thought about using her powers to send a distress signal but she wasn't nearly strong enough to do that either.
Matt lead them into the cell room where he ordered Stiles to handcuff his father.
"Tighter!" Matt yelled. Stiles was unsure.
"Do as he says," The Sheriff reassured. Stiles nodded and did as he was asked. The three teenagers were marched away from the cells and further into the station. They passed a corridor which was littered with dead bodies everywhere. They gasped. Stiles looked at them with sorrow. He had known them all.
"What?" Scott asked defiantly. "You're just gonna kill everyone in here?"
"No. That's what Jackson's for. I just think about killing them and he does it." Matt smiled.
They began to delete evidence from the computer systems when a car pulled up outside. Melissa.
"Sounds like your mom is here McCall." Matt smiled. Once again he marched the teenagers though the station to the front door. Scott opened the door preparing himself to warn his mother to run and not come back. But it wasn't Melissa at the door. It was Derek. Selene smiled.
"Thank God." She let out a sigh of relief. Derek didn't say anything which confused the teenagers.
He fell forward slowly. His knees had given way. Behind Derek revealed Jackson. Their last hope had died before it had begun. Derek looked up at them all from the ground.
"He is the one controlling him?" Derek was unimpressed. "This kid?"
"Well Derek. Not everyone is lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf." Matt retorted. "Oh, yeah, that's - that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas. It's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon. Except for you, Stiles. What do you turn into?"
"Abominable snowman. But, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal." Stiles' neck was cut from behind. He fell to the floor.
"Bitch!" He shouted as he fell on top of Derek. Selene's temper flared. She had been holding it together since Stiles had not been physically attacked but now, nothing was holding her back. Derek could sense her anger.
"Selene don't!" Derek warned but she didn't listen. Selene narrowed her eyes at Jackson letting him know exactly how she felt. Jackson grabbed his head and began to groan.
"Whats happening?" Matt asked. He was beginning to panic, was he loosing his control on Jackson? He pointed his gun widely at everyone. "What is she doing?" He asked his gun finally staying pointing at Selene. Nobody answered. "ANSWER ME!" Matt shouted grabbing Selene's wrist.
Her concentration was broken, all the anger going to Matt instead. Matt let go of her wrist as if she had burnt him. "How are you doing that? Is it with your mind?" Selene's eyes began to glow as she lost control. They were a bright yellow. They looked brighter than usual. If you had asked Matt he would have said they almost looked white. But thats not right.
"Selene you need to stop!" Derek warned. "Say it! Say it. Alpha, Beta, Omega." Matt looked at Derek on the floor.
"Oh shut up." Matt scoffed. He shot Selene in the leg. She cried as she fell to the floor. Jackson slit the back of her neck paralyzing her. Her blood slowly spreading out on the floor.
"Whats happening!" Stiles shouted. "Selene! Are you okay?" Stiles couldn't see what was going on due to the position he had fallen in. Before she could answer. The last thing she saw was Matt's shoe. Derek growled as he heard a sickening crunch. "Selene!" Stiles shouted. He was panicking, his friends needed his help and he couldn't do anything. Derek swore if Selene didn't make it through this, Matt wouldn't either.
Derek worked hard at healing himself. He dug his nails into his leg to trigger the healing process. As he began to regain the feeling in his body the lights went out. Scott ran back into the room.
"Scott, take Stiles!" Derek ordered as he began to sit up himself. Scott looked worriedly at Selene but did as he asked. Stiles was lifted up and that is when he saw Selene for the first time. Her leg was bleeding out and her face was bloody from Matt stomping on her. Stiles tried to put up a fight to get to her, but his limbs were not listening. Derek began to pull her away. A fight was going to happen, and she needed to time to heal and wake up.
Her eyes opened slowly. She blinked quickly and hard. The flashing lights of the station blinding her. Her head was pounding. She felt every heart beat in her skull. Like she was getting run over by 50 busses. That son of a bitch had knocked her out. She'd only just woke up! She tried to stand up slowly. She wasn't sure how long it took her to stand up but it was a long time. Smoke filled the air along side the sounds of guns firing. Not more guns.
She stumbled forward and grabbed the door handle. Opening it she had a quick peek out. Walking forward in a hunched position she followed the sounds of Derek growling in the distance. She paused for breath whenever the pain became too much to handle. She heard Melissa scream. She pushed herself to get there in time.
That's when she saw him. Stiles was on the floor dragging himself closer to his father. She could feel his desperation. He was still paralyzed but he could slowly drag himself. She needed to get him out of here. Derek rushed forward to get rid of Matt. The parents would be fine. Derek had been healed.
Selene hobbled forward and grabbed the back of Stiles' shirt. He screamed sending several Hells of pain through her head.
"Stiles." She whispered reassuring him.
"Selene?" He choked through his tears.
"I need to get you out of here." she explained.
"No, we need to help them!" Stiles argued. Selene shook her head.
"They will be okay. I promise. I need to help you!" She began to pull him away. Her body was still weak but she had enough strength to pull him. As they reached a safe room Stiles had regained all mobility in his body. He hugged her close.
"Selene, I was so worried." He cried out. She gave him a sweet kiss.
"I'm not leaving you yet." She promised.
After the fighting was over Stiles was taken over to the medics. The medics also gave her a one over but they gave her a clean bill of health. The police who hadn't been on shift arrived on the scene to take statements and identify the bodies. Every survivor confirmed the perpetrator was Matt. Derek had already left. He had gone in search for Jackson. He did want Selene to come with him but decided against it given the night she just had. She looked around the scene and saw a figure standing in the distance. Matt must have done some damage to her. The figure looked like... Peter.
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