*Chapter 19*
Words: 1431
First published: November 20th 2016
Last updated 24th August 2021
AN: This takes place for episode 7 but is more of a filler chapter.
"I just don't understand why *I* have to be the one to get on their good side." Isaac complained. Derek had been giving new instructions to his pack.
"Because I trust you not to with hold information." Derek repeated. There was only so many times Derek could explain this to Isaac. He should have asked Boyd.
"I have never withheld information." Selene shook her head in disapproval. Derek rolled his eyes.
"Fine. I trust you to find out everything you can and then tell me rather than purposefully making sure that nobody tells you anything." Derek turned to Selene. "Is that specific enough for you?" Selene narrowed her eyes before pulling a face.
"Are you two sure you aren't related. You sometimes look the same." Isaac said more to himself. The two wolves heard him anyway.
"I think we would know." Selene said with a fake smile. "What are we going to do about the full moon?" She turned to Derek.
"That's another reason why I'm sending Isaac. I know he's still new to this but this isn't his first full moon. I need to keep an eye of Erica and Boyd for the full day. Especially with what happened last time." Derek raised his eyebrows and looked at Isaac.
"Hey, it wasn't my fault that I was wrong accused of murder." Isaac said in his defense.
"I also need you to stay away Selene. I don't want Erica and Boyd to affect you. I don't want to tie you up too." Derek opened a chest which revealed many lengths of chain. Isaac gulped. Selene nodded.
"I'll go stay with Stiles. Maybe I'll do some double crossing while I'm there." She joked. Derek wasn't impressed. Isaac shook his head.
"I'll never understand you Selene."
"That's a good thing." She grinned. Erica walked into the warehouse and immediately spotted the chains and something that was sitting on the top. She picked it up. It almost looked like a crown. A torture crown.
"These look comfortable." She commented putting it back into the box.
"I thought you were going to teach us to change when we wanted?" Isaac asked. The look of the crown made him nervous. Derek sighed.
"I haven't had enough time. Not with Jackson running around."
"But... If you have to lock us up during the full moon that means you are alone against the Argents." Isaac said.
"If it comes to it." Selene said trying to calm down the wolf, "I can help Derek. As long as he has control during the full moon then so will I. I'm only one howl away." Erica rolled her eyes.
"Wow. That was cheesy." She mocked. Selene didn't have time for her.
"Well, I'm off." Selene said with a wave. "I'm going to sort out my sleeping arrangements."
"Why not do it over the phone?" Isaac asked, he was slightly worried about being alone with Derek and the chains.
"Because... If I use my phone there is nothing from keeping Derek from using it to find Stiles. All meetings with Stiles or Scott have been done in person. Remember, there is a reason why you are on friendship duty and I'm not."
Selene thought she would find her boyfriend at the station, but she didn't realize how early it was.
"Hello Sheriff." Selene said with a huge smile. The Sheriff smiled weakly back at her.
"Shouldn't you be at school?" He asked. Unlike her, he actually knew the time. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge. Something wasn't right. But she didn't want to mention it. If the Sheriff wanted her to know, he would tell her.
"No... I'm on leave of absence. The whole drama with Derek and my uncle Peter... you know." Her eyes widened. He looked confused.
"I thought leave of absence was only for people with... jobs?" Selene pursed her lips in thought. The Sheriff lifted his hand. "Is there something you needed?"
"Actually..." She thought she could ask while she was here. Something that Isaac had said earlier hadn't left her mind. "Do you have access to birth records?"
"Do you, can you, are you able to find out who my mother is?" She eventually asked. The Sheriff stood up and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Sorry Selene. Without a court order I can't. You father as far as I am aware, had full legal rights which passed on to Derek. Until you are 18 you can't look into your file." He sighed. Selene smiled at the troubled man.
"That's okay. I understand. It was merely a curiosity." She couldn't hold it in any longer. The emotions he was giving off was giving her a headache. "Are you okay Sir? You seem upset."
"Oh it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He brushed her off. "I assume I'll be seeing you tonight at the house?" At the speed he changed the subject she knew he didn't want to talk about it.
She decided to return to the warehouse to wait for Stiles to finish school when she recognized his scent. Stiles was already here. How did Stiles know where they lived? She ran inside and gasped with what she saw. Erica was having a fit. When she was bitten she should have been cured of this. Scott and Stiles were carrying her closer to Derek. As Selene tried to get closer she felt great pain in her chest. She fell to the floor holding onto her chest hoping the pressure would cancel out the pain.
"Selene stay back!" Derek ordered pointing his hand at Selene. If Derek was right, this fit was produced by Erica's overwhelming emotions. The full moon, Jackson attacking her and the worry that she wouldn't survive another attack. He didn't want all of those thoughts and emotions affecting Selene too. Derek turned back to Eric. "Hold her up." He instructed. Stiles did as he was asked.
"Is she dying?" He asked. He held onto Erica tightly. His eyes darting between the girl on the floor and his girlfriend who couldn't get any closer.
"She might." Derek admitted. "Which is why this is going to hurt." He grabbed her lower arm and twisted it until there was a sickening snap.
"You broke her arm!" Stiles shouted in shock. Derek winced as he grabbed the broken arm.
"It'll trigger the healing process. I still gotta get the venom out." He began to squeeze the broken arm until Erica began to bleed. "This is where it's really gonna hurt." Blood covered the floor as Erica screamed. None of them were sure they had heard such screaming before.
Derek let go once he had managed to get all of the venom out. Erica stopped screaming and gave out a sigh of relief. She lifted her none broken arm and grabbed Stiles hand. Her eyelids were slowly falling due to exhaustion. She whispered to him.
"Stiles, you make a good Batman." And with that she fell asleep. Derek took her from Stiles so he could make her more comfortable as she healed. Selene felt horrible for ignoring the girl a few hours ago. She needed to stop seeing people for their bad qualities and see them for who they really are. Teenagers thrown into the deep end of things they didn't understand.
"Hey." Stiles said. Selene grabbed a rag and began to wipe Stiles' arms which were covered in blood.
"You were quite brave there Stiles." Selene commented while cleaning the blood away.
"Brave? How?" Stiles was utterly confused.
"When Derek broke her arm... she could have easily lashed out an attacked you." Selene explained. Stiles froze for a second.
"Wait, are you serious? You tell me this now?" Selene smiled at her boyfriend.
"Stiles are you honestly telling me you would have done anything different if you knew? She's right. You do make a good Batman." Stiles blushed slightly.
"She has a crush on me you know." Selene nodded.
"I know. My powers of empathy, I know everything she feels. Plus, if I'm completely honest. She would be mad not to have a crush on you."
"Stop!" Stiles blush grew even redder. He couldn't handle the complements.
"Its true!" Selene grinned. "You are the best person I've ever met Stiles. I need you to remember that. There is nobody out there like you."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"So you might believe me later."
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