*Chapter 14*
Words: 2329
First published: 3rd September 2016
Last updated: 24th August 2021
Selene was having second thoughts. Yes she wanted a bigger pack so they could defend themselves against the hunters but she also didn't want to put people's lives in danger. The more wolves in the pack, the more targets for the Argents. That's assuming they survived the bite.
"You've seen how his dad treats him. This way he will be safer." Derek tried to reassure Selene. She winced. Derek had a point. Isaac's dad wasn't the most pleasant of men. The door of the warehouse burst open and Isaac ran down the stairs.
"Derek! Derek! Selene!" He was frightened, his heart was racing.
"What's wrong?" Derek responded to the incoherent boy. Isaac's hands were shaking. He stuttered a few times but managed to speak finally.
"My dad. I think He's dead." Isaac looked between Selene and Derek hoping they would do or say something. They couldn't bring back the dead. If they could they would have done it a long time ago. Derek pinched his nose.
"What did you do?" Derek asked. If he was going to keep the fact he was growing a pack a secret then this wasn't the way to go.
"That's the thing. It wasn't me." That got their attention.
"Have you spoken to Selene?" Scott questioned his best friend. Stiles grimaced. They were in the locker room getting changed.
"Not really. She's really spooked you know." He gestured with one hand while putting his things in his locker with the other. "About Allison's grandfather. Which is understandable you know... given he chopped a wolf in half!" Stiles progressively got louder as the sentence went on. Scott looked around the locker room to make sure nobody was listening. Derek had taken Scott to watch Gerard in action so naturally Scott had told Stiles all about it.
"Do you think she'll come into school?" Scott asked. "I know she has been given leave, but I want to make sure she is okay. Especially with the full moon and... you know, how it went last time." Stiles looked at Scott disapprovingly. "It's not like last time." Scott defended himself.
"Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?"
"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you." Scott promised. Stiles was still unsure.
"You know, you say that now but then the full moon goes up and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? And it's very stressful on me and so yes, I'm still locking you up." Even when stressed he still tried to make a joke out of it.
"Okay, fine. But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison."
"Okay, I'm aware of how good things are with Allison." Stiles rolled his eyes, he had only been told a thousand times.
"They're really good." Scott said with a smile.
"I - thank you, I know." Stiles wanted this conversation to end.
"I mean, like, really good. How are things between you and Selene?"
"All right! Just please shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself."
"All right, did you get something better than handcuffs this time?"
"Yeah, much better." Stiles opened his locker again and a massive chain slowly fell from his locker getting the attention of everyone in the locker room.
"Part of me wants to ask." Coach said walking over "The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So - I'm gonna walk away."
Scott began to smell the air. Something wasn't right.
"You okay Scott?" Stiles asked becoming concerned for his friend.
"There's another one here."
"Another werewolf." Scott clarified.
"Selene?" Stiles asked before looking around hoping to see a glance of his girlfriend.
"No. Not Selene"
Selene and Derek drove as fast as they could towards the school.
"We shouldn't have let him go this morning." Selene said out loud. "Of course if they find his dad's dead body he would be the first suspect. Especially given... you know."
"Yeah. I do know." Derek growled. His knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too hard. They arrived just too late. As Derek pulled up the police car that held Isaac drove away. Scott stood at the entrance of the school in shock.
Derek rolled the window down.
"Get in!" Derek called to Scott. Scott scoffed.
"Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault." He shouted back pointing at the police car.
"I know that. Now get in the car and help me." Derek admitted.
"No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up."
Derek shook his head.
"Not when they do a real search of the house."
"What do you mean?"
"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse." Scott became interested. He walked towards the car but not before Selene mumbled.
"Go on without me. I'm going to pay Jackson a little visit." Derek was unsure but he let her go anyway. Scott took her seat in the front of the car.
It didn't take Selene long to find Jackson. When he saw her he was slightly frightened.
"What are you doing here? You can't just keep turning up here when you're not supposed to. I've already told you I don't want to be in your little 'pack' and how you walked away from me the other day. You clearly don't want me either so back off."
He pushed her away slightly and used his own height in hopes to scare her. But he could never do that, he could however, make her angry. Her eyes flashed gold and she pushed him up against the lockers.
"Try that again and you won't live long enough to see the moon tonight." She threatened. People had started to form a crowd around them.
"You wont do anything to me while everyone is looking." Jackson challenged.
"You wanna bet." She growled, her eyes flashed yellow.
Stiles, who saw the crowd came over to investigate. He pushed through and pulled Selene from Jackson.
"Calm down Selene. Everyone is looking. You need to be calm." He whispered. She looked around and for the first time she saw how many people had gathered around. She felt slightly embarrassed. Stiles lead her away from the people. He took her outside for some fresh air.
"Are you okay? Do you feel better?" He asked in a soothing voice. She nodded.
"I don't know what came over me." She brushed some hair out of her face. "I was calm and then it was like something inside of me snapped. It was when that dick pushed me... He shouldn't have done that." Her eyes flashed again and Stiles grabbed her by the arms.
"Okay, soothing thoughts. Forget about him. Think of another reason. Could it be due to the moon tonight?" Stiles suggested. Selene shook her head.
"No, I've been calm all day. It was only when I spoke to Jackson that my anger flared up... And then he pushed me..."
"No. Don't think about him pushing you. Also, he does that to the best of us." Stiles admitted. "The anger part, not the pushing part, although I'm sure he would push a lot of people given the situation... Anyway!"
He put an arm around Selene who put her head on his shoulder. He ran his hand up and down her arm.
"I need to go." Stiles admitted with a sigh. "Harris has me in detention for the rest of my life. But I'll see you later." He kissed the side of her head and left in the direction of Chemistry.
Hours later. After the sun had gone down and the moon had gone up Selene found herself in another speeding car. This one was Stiles' Jeep. Derek was sat in the back. Stiles had been initially worried about having two wolves in his car while the full moon was out but neither of them seemed to be showing any effects.
They were speeding towards the police station. Allison had sent a text to Stiles explaining that a man was going to the station to kill Isaac with concentrated wolfsbane.
"Can this go a little faster?" Derek asked clearly annoyed.
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Stiles defended. "I don't understand why you turned Isaac anyway."
"There is strength in numbers and with Gerard out there we need all the strength we can get." Derek explained. Selene's phone buzzed with a text coming in.
"Allison has slowed the hunter down. That should give us a few extra minutes." Selene said out loud.
"Good. A few extra minutes might be all we need."
They arrived at the station.
"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lock box in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk." Stiles explained. They could see a girl at the front desk. She looked bored out of her mind.
"Okay. I'll distract her." Derek said before trying to get out of the Jeep. Stiles grabbed him.
"Woah! You're not going in there." Derek looked down at Stiles' hand. "I'm taking my hand off."
"I was exonerated." Derek scoffed.
"You're still a person of interest."
"An innocent person."
"An - you? Yeah, right! Okay, fine. What's your plan?"
"To distract her." Selene found herself looking between the two of them as if she was watching a tennis match. Both of them were too strong willed to stop this petty argument.
"Uh - huh. How? By punching her in the face?" Stiles bit his lip and rocked his head.
"By talking to her." Derek said sarcastically.
"Okay, all right. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?" Derek just looked at Stiles with disbelief. Selene snuffled a laugh. "That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"
"I'm thinking about punching you in the face."
"Please don't. I like his face." Selene defended. Derek looked at her disapprovingly before getting out of the car. He slammed the door shut. Stiles grinned at Selene.
"You like my face huh?" He said with fake confidence.
"Well it could be better." She shrugged. Stiles' mouth dropped open in shock. "I'm kidding. Now let's go."
"You had better of been kidding."
Stiles and Selene snuck past Derek chatting up the woman at the desk and made their way further into the station to unlock Isaac's cell. They bumped into an officer. Selene looked at the officer and a chill went down her spine. This wasn't a real officer. Stiles noticed too when the officer didn't recognize who he was. Every deputy knew who the Sheriff's son was.
The fake officer must have realized he had been caught by the looks on their faces. With almost lightning fast reflexes he grabbed Selene. She shouted in protect as she tried to kick him and get herself away from him. She had been trained on how to get out of a situation like this from Laura but for some reason in that moment all of her knowledge had left her.
She went to claw him in the face but it was no use. He had also been trained for a situation like this. Stiles watched in horror unsure what to do.
"Another one." The hunter laughed to himself when he saw the claws. "I came here to kill the boy but I might as well kill two birds with one stone. Gerard will be happy!"
"Stay away from her!" Stiles shouted running forward suddenly filled with the power to o something. The hunter easily kicked him to the floor. Selene struggled further. She was going to kill him for hurting Stiles. The hunter began to drag her backwards towards the cell room. Stiles stood up and set the alarms off. The hunter let go of Selene to hold his ears. The sound was piercing.
He turned and saw the cell was empty. Isaac wasn't there. The hunter looked up and saw Isaac holding himself up off the floor. Isaac swung his body forward kicking the hunter and knocking him out. Selene was almost impressed until Isaac turned on her and began to growl. Why was he growling at her? Then she realized. He wasn't looking at her, he was looking past her. Stiles was stood in the doorway.
"Isaac." Selene warned him. He didn't stop. His eyes were locked onto Stiles. The more he growled the angrier it made Selene. She jumped at him and tackled him to the floor. She felt the need to protect Stiles at any cost. Isaac swiped his clawed hand up and caught Selene's shoulder. She yelped out in pain before swinging her good arm down in a fist and hit him hard in the face.
Blood flowed freely from the wound on her shoulder but she still had the upper hand. She was practically sat on top of him swinging her fists. He swiped back at her when he got the chance. His nose was bleeding. Derek ran into the room at the smell of blood and saw his two pack members fighting. His loud and commanding growl got them to stop fighting and submit instantly.
"How did you do that?" Stiles asked in awe. He thought nobody would ever get them to stop fighting and all Derek had to do was growl at them.
"I'm their Alpha." Derek answered rather pleased with himself. He looked back at his two wolves. "We need to get out of here. Now!" Selene looked at Stiles with worry.
"Don't worry about me." He said. "I can handle this. You need to go with Derek." She nodded at the boy and followed Derek into the night.
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