To My Baby
We met on September 29, 2017. I didn't know my life would change from that day. I was only there with my friends and it so happens that God placed me behind you. You can call it cliche the way we met but honestly, it's the most beautiful day ever. We started dancing to Suavemente or any other song but I do remember thinking you were gay. I thought that moment dam this dude really does know how to dance and you asked me what was my name and I told you and you told me yours. I lost you after that and I tried looking for you but my friend Wendy had you on Snapchat and turns out you go to the same school as him. The next day I asked my friend to give me your snapchat and he did. I added you and then 10 mins later you added me back. Of course, I told you I was the girl who you were dancing with and we started texting. Now I want to say this but I did want to play with your feelings in the beginning but I sort of started getting feelings for you in October though I didn't want to tell you. We met each other again at my friends 16 on October 8, 2017, and I never met anyone as handsome as you. My love, you had every girl's attention obviously I was just a rose in the field of sunflowers ( now that I know that you love sunflowers and I love roses.) I acted like I didn't care just like oh hey! you're here what's up type of way, a friendly way. Later on, in the 16 there was a song you wanted to dance with and out of everyone you picked me. You. picked. me. I felt so special that you chose me instead of my friends and we danced. Although we did have some trouble trying to find the rhythm between ourselves, we figured it out quickly and all eyes were on us. but most of all on you because you're the one that shines the brightest. I took a video that day and it would forever be saved on my phone, not in a creepy way but in an I want to remember this day type of way. Days went on and we had another party on October 21st. This was my friend's little brothers birthday. This day was so important to me and to you. We did have some conflicts that day but still let's not focus on the negativity but the positivity. That day was when we became official. I'm going, to be honest, and say I was still unsure but I still did it. We had major conflicts and only you know what I'm talking about but we remained strong. November 21st your birthday you turned 17. I'm sorry I didn't to your party I really did try to go and it's okay if you won't come to my birthday in March I will understand. December you bought me a gift. You bought me a crop top hoodie, shorts ( you know how much I love shorts), my favorite chips, and a letter. The letter was unique and I loved it because it came out of your heart and you spent time on doing it for me. I want you to understand that sometimes I would doubt myself and us because I don't think I'm worth it for you. I feel like you could do so much better. I mean just look at me and look at YOU. Amor, tu eres el mas lindo de todos estos chicos. I wouldn't even feel sad if you left me because I know I'm doing this for you and you clearly see that you can do better than me. January happened a couple of days ago and I just want to let you know that I thank you for being in my life and for not giving up on me or on us. We are almost going to be 3 months, and those are beautiful a pain in the ass. You make me happy and you make me forget about everyone except for my best friend lmao don't get it twisted she would kill me if I ever forgot about her (shout out to Layza). Back to this, I don't usually express my feelings but I have learned to express them with your help. I want to apologize for all the hurt I have caused you and making you go through all my bullshit. I am grateful for you and those little word phrases I steal from you but that's only because I love you. I love when we have our little calls or Facetime like we are right now while I'm typing this while you're doing your homework. I love how your face looks when you didn't understand a certain topic but then you finally do and you have that "ohhhh I get it now!" face. I do admit I get curious when I fall asleep and you're still awake and I know I shouldn't think of anything negative but I do because it's like maybe there are others girls waiting for me to sleep so you can talk to them...maybe that's why I decide to choose you over sleep but I know that's pretty idiotic. You could just be watching your favorite show ( The Office or Grey's Anatomy). I can honestly say this, I love you and I just want it to be us until we're older. You make me the happiest person so fuck Disneyland because you are all that I need that gets me smiling. You gave me hope that I could fall in love again and what's even better is that that person I fell in love with is you and it would never change.
~~~ J
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