Chapter Thirty-Eight: Rings
"Ruby. We've been through so much together in these past few months. More than I can say without sounding crazy. I feel like I know you inside and out, but you still manage to surprise me everyday. And I want to be with you everyday for the rest of our lives. I would die for you, Ruby. I love you."
It was so surreal. To be in a tiny chapel in Arkansas, standing in front of Sam, holding his hands in hers, hearing him tell her how much he loved her. His misty, hazel eyes looking into hers with intensity. She was smiling through her tears of joy.
"Sam. You changed my life for the better. You protect me and I need you. Thanks for caring about me and loving me. I love you, too and I'll never stop." Her heart felt so full. She'd said so little, but it was all she needed to say. Sam knew her so well.
Now for the rings. Along with the vintage, green dress, they'd bought rings. The dress was an emerald green. It reached her knees and was extremely flared due to the sheer amount of tulle. They'd found narrow, silver rings at the store too.
Sam's hand was steady as he put the simple ring on her finger. Ruby's shook slightly, but Sam steadied it; he had to help her put the ring on his finger. She gave a shaky laugh. He was always helping her; another tear slid down her cheek and Sam wiped it off.
"You may now kiss the bride." Bride. This was really real. Ruby barely had to stand on the balls of her feet to kiss him, even with heals. It was the best kiss she'd ever had, only a hint of what was to come.
• • •
Sam went slow. He pushed Ruby's hair over her shoulder and slowly unbuttoned the back dress then dropped it to the ground. He unhooked her bra and let it drop to the floor next. She turned toward him. His eyes lingered on her face before moving down. "You're beautiful," he murmured.
She lifted his suit jacket off, her hands sliding down his arms before unbuttoning his white shirt, slowly revealing his muscled chest. He'd started slowing running his fingers over her body. He started at her neck, then moved to her arms, and finally her breasts. She got chills.
Once his shirt was off, she traced the lines of his muscles with the tip of her finger. He was so warm and he smelled so good. With her other hand, she started to take off his pants. His hands were tightening in her hair now, pulling it a little, the way she liked. She tilted her head back, closing her eyes. She whispered his name.
They moved to the bed then.
It was bliss. She'd never experienced anything like it. It was as close as you could get to someone. Their bodies pressed together, his hands on her, the way he said her name. It felt like it lasted forever, but also for no time at all.
• • •
Much later, Ruby was laying on her stomach on the bed, with back exposed. Sam was lazily tracing lines on her back. She was half-asleep. "I'm so happy, Sam. I love you so much."
"I love you too. I wish we could stay like this forever. My wife, the beautiful, kind, strong hunter." She giggled. He pushed her hair to the side and started kissing her neck. She scooched closer to him then rolled onto her back. Sam, laying next to her, put his head against hers.
She laid very still as he rested his hand on her stomach, then he traced the scars there. There were so many, crisscrossing over her skin. A few were pink, but none were too recent. He touched the pink ones before trailing his finger up her chest. She grabbed his hand and turned on her side to face him.
Ruby sighed. Her left hand held his while she used her other hand to push his hair back. It kept falling in front of his eyes. It was hard to keep it up because she was tired. She had no idea how long she'd been awake for. Ruby dropped her hand and put it between them.
Sam, seeing that she was tired, reached down and pulled the blanket over them. He tucked it underneath her. "Good?" Sam asked. She knew the look in his eyes. He was happy, but he could never let himself be completely happy. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to protect her from the monsters and from herself.
"I'm perfect." She truly meant it, for the moment. Nothing lasts forever. She gave him a reassuring smile. "Today was literally the best day of my life. I love you, Sam Winchester." She murmured the last as her eyes drooped shut and she fell asleep.
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