Chapter Fifty-Eight: Return
Cas and Ruby landed just inside the doorway of the hotel. Everyone was talking at once. Julissa saw them first. "Guys." Then louder, "Guys!" The room went silent as everyone looked at Julissa then the door.
Sam walked over to Ruby. He was so tall, it only took him three strides. He wrapped her in a hug. It surprised her, but she put her arms around his lower back.
When he let go, she spoke before he could. "Before you say whatever you're about to say, let me talk. I hope you didn't yell at Kevin, by the way," she said sternly. "He found out what the second trial was, so Cas and I went. I'm the only one that can do it since I killed the hellhound in the first place. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Cas could get us in and out of Hell just like that. Everything went perfectly."
"Are you sure? Because lies tend to blow up in people's faces in this family."
Ruby rolled her eyes. "Yes. We got in, snatched a soul, got out, and sent the soul to Heaven. Then I said the spell, and Cas brought me back here. End of story."
"Don't think I forgot what happened to you last time, Ruby," Sam said quietly. "I can see what it's done to you."
She nodded. Truthfully, her head was killing her and she felt like she could barely breathe. "I just need some rest. I hope I just need some rest." It wasn't even late. The sun was still up.
Ruby walked toward the bedroom, looking down, embarrassed. Sam's arm was around her shoulders. "Okay, what the hell just happened?" Ruby heard Dean ask. She heard Castiel's gravelly voice respond.
Sam helped Ruby into bed, then sat down next to her. "So what happened?" he asked.
"It was terrifying. I mean, it was Hell. What else would you expect? There were cells, people screaming, blood and guts everywhere. This girl was just curled up in the corner of her cell." Ruby started coughing.
"Who was she?" Sam asked when she caught her breath. He moved a strand of hair that was on her cheek.
"Her name was Sarah. Her mom had terminal cancer, so she sold her soul for her mom to get healthy. She was so hopeless. She'd been in so much pain. She'd given up." Ruby started coughing badly again.
"Okay, real talk," Sam said. "How do you feel?"
"Uh. My head is killing me. I feel like I can't breathe. And then the coughing."
"What can I do? What do you want me to do?"
"I have no idea."
"Well, what did Cas say?"
"Uh, nothing. We didn't really have time..." she trailed off, closing her eyes. She heard Sam get up and open the door. There was a quiet conversation outside. It sounded like Cas was telling them what happened.
She could hear some of the conversation.
Dean asked "How's she doing?"
"Not well," Sam said. "Cas?"
Ruby opened her eyes to see Sam and Cas walking inside. Sam sat down on the bed next to her. She sat up. Cas touched her forehead. He closed his eyes, concentrating. When he was done, he dropped his hand and opened his eyes. He looked at Sam, then Ruby. She couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"I'm not sure, but I think I know why this is happening. God wants to see how strong you are. He's testing you."
"I don't like any of this," Ruby said. "Why can't God close the gates of Hell himself? Making me feel like this just seems cruel." As if to make her point, Ruby coughed again.
"I don't have the answers," Cas said.
"So you can't heal her?" Cas shook his head.
"What about the baby?" Ruby had her hand resting on her stomach. Sam put his hand on top of hers.
"Your child appears unaffected. I believe that once the trials are over, you will be healed." Ruby would have thought he was lying, but his expression was sincere.
"Okay. I can do this. I'm gonna do this." She'd made her decision. "Help me up. I'm not just gonna stay in here, wallowing in self pity."
They went into the living room. Ruby sat down on the couch. Kevin walked up to her. "Ruby, I'm so sorry. I had no idea any of this was going to happen."
"I know. Listen, everything is going to be fine. What about you? You were passed out on the floor last time I saw you."
"Reading the tablet is hard. It's like looking through someone else's glasses. It hurts, but I have to do it."
"Kevin. You are so freaking amazing. We really appreciate what you're doing, the sacrifices you've made."
Kevin rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks." Ruby nodded.
"You guys are really making me tear up," said a sugary sweet voice sarcastically. In two seconds, five guns and an angel blade were drawn. A woman walked out of the bedroom and leaned against the doorframe. She had brown hair that was slightly curled and a small, yet full mouth. Her left eyebrow was arched, making her seem arrogant. "The name's Meg."
"She's a demon," Cas said.
"Very observant... Clarence." She eyed the angel blade he held. "I'd just like to remind all of you that I'm inhabiting a human. She wanted to be an actress, you know. I'd also like to point out that if I wanted you dead, I'd be more creative about it. Hey Dean," she whipped her head to look at him "remember that text you got about the asylum?"
"Remind me," Dean said. His gun was still pointed at her.
"Rockford, Illinois. The ghost of Dr. Ellicott. You got a text, probably from an unknown number. That was me. I've been watching you for awhile."
"What do you want?" Ruby asked. She sat back down on the couch and set the gun down. It's not like the gun would do anything to her.
"To help you. It looks like you need it." She looked Ruby up and down. Ruby noticed that Sam tensed, but he didn't look back at her. "We have a common goal: shutting down Hell. See, you'd think that Hell would be like Disney Land for demons, but it's still Hell. It's a prison made of bone and flesh and blood and fear. Not to mention that the King himself tortured me awhile back. Revenge. Well, you'd know all about that."
Ruby stood and walked toward Meg. Sam grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Sam," she warned. He let go. She maneuvered around the others until she was two feet away from Meg. "Maybe we can make a compromise. We won't torture or kill you if you agree to wear these." She held up a pair of handcuffs.
"Kinky." The corner of her mouth turned up in a smile.
"Well, they're special handcuffs. Demon trap handcuffs. You won't be able to do any of your usual tricks or smoke out of your pretty little meatsuit." Ruby winked.
"Okay," Dean spoke up. "Who thought it was a good idea to put Ruby in charge?"
Ruby laughed. "So, Meg, do we have a deal?" She jingled the cuffs.
"Normally, I'm not this submissive, but I want to prove myself to you." She held up her arms and Ruby cuffed her wrists.
Ruby wiped the sweat off her face with her sleeve. "What was it you said, Dean? About putting me in charge."
"That it was a great idea. I still think we should torture her, though." Dean walked over toward them. He grabbed Meg by the arm roughly and walked her toward the table, making her sit down.
"Mm. I like it rough, Dean."
"He's mine, bitch," Julissa said, putting her gun in the waistband of her jeans.
"So, pretty boy is taken. Pretty boy number two is taken, based on the way he protected innocent little Ruby from me." Meg pouty, then smiled. "Which leaves me with our itsy bitsy prophet and the angel. Clarence? Want to keep me company?" She put her feet up on the table. She had on muddy black boots.
"I don't consort with demons," Cas said flatly.
"You'll be doing that and more soon. I'm very convincing."
"Okay," Ruby interrupted. "Just hearing that conversation makes me feel dirty. I'm gonna go take a shower."
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