Cams tips part one
Well before I start I am writing this at 4:22 AM. So I am tired but can't get to bed. But morale of the story there will be alot more mistakes. So this one thing I run on king of hill matches. When the enemy team makes there push you go being there push and pop an ult. So if they have a rien they are usually focused dealing with your team. I do this with soldier but I could see Pharah, junkrat(if you are on comp dont be junkrat),Mei,Reaper,and Mccree. I could maybe see dva possible working.But I can't say as a fact that all these will work. But I think It will but it's hard to tell because I am a soldier main now. I also want to talk about opportunities. Ults are very valuable . Because one good ult can change who wins the team fight. An opportunity I abuse is the tip I used before or a miss play by the enemy team or a beautiful play by your team. Like me and 2 other friends we're playing comp on illois. I was solider and had my ult. There was 3 low health targets but there is a rien in my way. So my friend Tyler(support God) bomps then rien off the back giving me a chance to pop an ult and clear off point. If your team makes opportunity take it. Well thats all for now. I will probably to a talk about bastions buff next or symetra rant idk right now
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