3 - Jack
Jack could barely focus on his classes that day. Even when his (sort of) friend, Rose, sent him a smile in the hallway, he was almost too distracted to notice it. He had a strange relationship with Rose. He liked to think of her as his friend, but he had a feeling she didn't think of him the same way.
He was too excited about that night. He had read in one of the books he had 'borrowed' from the restricted section of the library about a map created by a group of boys calling themselves 'The Marauders'. It would supposedly show secret passageways, and anyone on school grounds, as well as Hogsmeade.
According to the book, which seemed more like a journal, it was hidden in a drawer in Filch's office. He hadn't met Filch yet, but from what he had heard, he sure as hell didn't want to, and this map could insure that he never did.
He looked at the watch he had brought to school with him, and it read 11:32. If he wanted to be on time to the Hufflepuff common room he would have to hurry. The Doctor didn't like it when people were late.
As he rounded the corner to the Hufflepuff dorms he saw him standing outside the door.
"I'm here, I'm not late." He checked his watch. "It's only 11:58. I'm actually early."
The Doctor just groaned at his friend's antics and began walking.
"Where are we going? We both know I know this school better than you do."
"Argus Filch's office."
The Doctor stopped momentarily, before turning on his heel and walking back to his dorm.
"No. I will not get caught and get detention, and being into the caretaker's office if just asking to get caught. Especially when said caretaker hates the students."
"You know I'm too good to get caught." Jack argued, keeping his sly grin on his face.
"You may be lucky, but your luck is bound to run out at some point."
"Please, just this once? If you ever say no to another adventure I wont pester you any more. Just come with me this once." He was pleading now, because his plan didn't work without both of them working in sync like they always did.
"Promise? All I have to say is no, and you wont ask me again?"
"Fine, but if we get caught I'm telling him you forced me to come against my will."
Jack wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"Nah, you Hufflepuffs are too loyal for that."
The Doctor just sighed in annoyance, and Jack knew he was right. It made him happy, to know that his friends would always stick with him, even if they had only known each other a few months.
Once they had found a good place to hide near Filch's office, Jack explained the plan.
"Alright, since you're better at charms than I am, I want you to 'alohomora' your way into the office while I keep watch. If anything goes wrong I am going to yell the word 'allons-y' and you are going to cast the nox charm so we can escape under the cover of darkness." Jack explained.
"Okay, but what are we even looking for?"
"A piece of paper. It should be in a locked drawer and appear to be blank."
The Doctor nodded his head in understanding as Jack looked out from their hiding place. After making sure the coast was clear, they shuffled over to the door of Filch's office.
The Doctor whispered the unlocking spell and slipped in, leaving the door cracked open behind him. Before he could even check which drawers were locked he came across one that read Confiscated and Highly Dangerous. It was the most likely place to keep something Jack wanted, so he quickly cast the unlocking spell once more and the drawer popped open.
Atop many other objects that screamed 'don't touch' was a piece of parchment with a note on it. He quickly grabbed both before losing the drawer and leaving the office, making sure to close and lock the door behind him.
"Do you have it?" Jack asked, grabbing the other boy's sleeve.
"Yes, not let's go before Filch gets back."
They both headed back to their dorms, agreeing to meet tomorrow night near the lake with the map. As they parted ways, they also agreed it would be smarter (and less suspicious) if The Doctor were to keep the map in case Filch found out it had been taken and began a manhunt for it. It was obviously important to be in a drawer with all those other dangerous objects that had been confiscated.
Jack wondered exactly how to open and use the map, since the journal had said it had a password to show the actual map, but decided he would worry about that tomorrow at the lake, when he actually had it with him. There was no use worrying over something he couldn't change.
Word Count: 838
Doctor: So, what are we looking for?
Jack: A blank piece of paper in Filch's desk.
Doctor, walking away: Nope.
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