Kings College
Lexi woke up in a cold, shaky, sweat yet again, trying desperately to block out the dream she had just had. As her hear beat slowed down a little, she glanced at the clock. The time read five in the morning, but her first class was only at ten. Knowing that she wouldn't fall asleep again, she climbed out of bed with a sigh, and headed toward the coffee maker in the tiny section of the dorm that resembled a kitchen. It had come with the room, praise the lord. Lexi knew however, that the comfort of the room would not be long lived. She was nearly broke and she knew there was no way she could keep paying for unshared dorm room for more than a month or two, and everyone else already had a roommate. As usual, she was the odd one out. Whatever.
As the coffee maker bubbled, she pulled out a pair of jeans and a Kings College hoodie from her suitcase, tugging them on lazily, not bothering to change out of the t-shirt she wore to sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she stumbled into the bathroom In search of a hairbrush, finding it on the floor in front of the sink. She ran it through her dark brown hair, and separated it into two braids. The coffee maker had, at this point, stopped bubbling so she stumbled back towards the coffee maker and filled her favorite mug up to the brim, chugging it down in a matter of seconds.
*time skip*
Lexi walked into her first class, History, with sweaty palms. Her anxiety lightened considerably as she saw who was sitting at the teachers desk. She couldn't believe her eyes! It was Mr. Washington, her old fifth grade teacher. She laughed a little to herself. Wow. He went from teaching Elementry School to teaching College. That's a drastic difference. Hesitantly, she walked up to him, wondering if he would remember her. "Hi!" She called out softly, not knowing what else to say. He looked up, and grinned as he noticed who had spoken to him.
"Lexi Hamilton! It's great to see you! Kings College, huh? How old are you now, 18? This is my freshman class right?" He said to her cheerfully. Lexi blushed.
"I'm only sixteen, actually. I started elementry a year early. And skipped sixth." He looked impressed.
"Wow! That's awesome. How was your summer?" Her smile dropped, and pain flashed across her eyes, but she quickly hid it with a fake smile. Mr. Washington had caught it however. "Oh, it's okay, I can asks something else-" He began.
"No, It was okay." Lexi lied. "How was yours?"
"Mine was okay as well." He responded, looking a bit confused. "How are your brothers?" Washington changed the topic. Her heart plummeted.
"Alex is here as well." Lexi said, and he smiled. "James... is at home." She continued evaisivley. You didn't want to say that he was dead. That would make it real. Washington opened his mouth to say something, but the bell rang so she gave him a small wave, and scattered into a seat in the third row. Lexi turned to her left and realized that the girl sitting next to her was really fucking cute. She blushed as she realized the girl had been looking at her as well.
"Hello!" She said brightly. "I'm Peggy!"
A/N lol so this fanfic was a lot better in my head but I'm just gonna keep writing it anyway even though it's total shit.
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