DAY 798
Jimin blinks a few times, sauntering inside the room with confusion littering his face. "Um... is this a cult or am I really late to the meeting?" he asks.
Namjoon, Jungkook, Katherine, and Y/n glance up at him. Jimin shuts the door to Namjoon's office when none of them reply. The somber mood in the air has his face falling more than before. He sulks inside and plops down next to Y/n on instinct, her hand going to his thigh as soon as he hits the cushion. Jimin stares at her with furrowed brows, but she doesn't so much as glance in his direction.
"There's a caravan that came by yesterday. Katherine and Fiona dealt with it and told them we're not interested in trading. Never mentioned why we aren't, but they assumed the answer to be that we have enough stuff and it's not worth risking losing anything," Namjoon says. Jimin doesn't reply, neither does anyone else. "They're at our gates right now demanding to be let in. Ves and Sky are inside and safe." Jimin relaxes at that, Namjoon nodding in his direction. "Everyone's inside, Jungkook told them he'd talk to me to see if I'll let them in. Jimin, you're an outsider." He pauses. "No offense."
"None taken."
"What do you think we should do?"
Jimin gives Y/n's hand a squeeze before standing, going over to the window and peeking out the curtains. He stares at the front gates, not noticing anyone there. "I'd have to talk to them to understand more. Just hearing about the situation isn't going to help. Namjoon, when we go down, let me do the talking."
"Are we going alone?"
"We have to. Don't risk anyone else. Stay inside with weapons on the ready. Where's Fiona?"
"Doing exactly what you said. Getting weapons. I'll tell her to stay outside with a small team, hidden but there in case we need backup. Not to argue with your plan, but don't you think we should have some people outside to protect us?"
Jimin smiles and turns back to him, walking over and patting him on the shoulder. "Congratulations. You're learning." Jimin gives his shoulder a squeeze before striding to the door, motioning for Namjoon to follow. Y/n on the other hand hops up, coming over.
"Please stay safe. Don't do anything stupid," she pleads as Namjoon departs.
Jimin gives her a signature cocky smile, even winking to add to it. It's fake confidence, but it'll calm her nerves. Hopefully. "Wouldn't dream of it. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's safe. And if it isn't? We'll deal with it. I've certainly dealt with worse." Jungkook and Katherine, to Jimin's surprise, aren't watching the exchange. Instead they're next to each other, whispering amongst themselves. So, their eyes aren't here. Jungkook's eyes aren't.
He leans down and kisses her cheek, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "I'll be back. I promise, and I'd never break a promise."
She nods, placing a hand on his face and staring at him a second longer than she probably should. She backs away, Jimin doing the same and shutting the door. Jimin shifts to see Namjoon waggling his brows. Jimin flips him off. "I don't wanna hear shit," Jimin says.
"You're so fucking in love."
"Okay, this is the part where I ignore you Mr. 'I keep porn magazines in my office'."
"You're never letting that go, are you?"
"Never," Jimin says, following Namjoon to the outside. A pang of worry hits his core, but he forces it aside. He thinks of Y/n's sweet eyes asking him to return safely. To not be dumb. Unfortunately, Jimin can't even sit in a chair properly. How is he supposed to do this? He hasn't had experience with this in a while. Guess he'll have to channel his old lessons in order to survive.
They approach the front gate, Jimin eyeing two men standing there, but there's more likely hiding away in the trees. The first man he sees appears to be the leader. Or at least, Jimin assumes that based on the way he steps forward. "How can I be of assistance to you gentlemen this morning?" Jimin asks, Namjoon right on his tail.
"You the leader?"
"What kind of trade were you looking for?" Jimin says instead.
Both men appear wary for a moment, then, they calm themselves. "Food in exchange for weapons and gear. We've had a Howler problem recently." The classic excuse. The excuse everyone uses when they're looking for trouble.
"We give the food or you give the food?" He points to Jimin, signaling that they would give. "Ah I see. Must think you're smart, huh?" They both raise their brows. "Coming to this school asking for a trade for weapons and gear when you don't know how many people we have or the amount of guns we have too. Here's a little piece of advice fellas. You're on my property begging to be let in. We said no, and you should learn that no means no. Next time I see you standing at my gates, I'll kindly ask my sniper sitting in our watchtower to take you out. Have I made myself clear?"
The two men are about to step forward, but Jimin holds up his hand. "Don't make me," Jimin says, motioning to the watchtower. "She's still up there looking for excuses to rain hell." Jimin pauses to smile. "She has anger issues. Want to help her handle them?"
They're quick to back away, turning on their heel and disappearing out of sight. Jimin huffs, rolling his eyes. "Prepare the school. Reinforce the walls and get weapons distributed to everyone. Prepare for an attack at all times."
"You think that's coming?" Namjoon asks.
"There's two options here. They actually have a Howler problem, which means soon enough we'll have a Howler problem, or they're looking for trouble. Either option ends with a fight, the Howler one may take longer, but they'll kill off that caravan and move to us. Luckily we have more weapons so we stand a much better chance, but if we aren't careful, we might get seriously hurt or worse. I don't want that happening to anyone here."
"I'll handle that, don't worry," Namjoon says, "I'll put everyone to work as fast as possible. Can you help with reinforcing?"
"You're the boss."
Namjoon and Jimin come back inside the main building, Jungkook, Katherine, and Y/n waiting by the stairs. Y/n rushes over and stops by Jimin's side. "Everything okay?" she asks.
Jimin and Namjoon share a look, but it's Namjoon who speaks. "Jimin thinks we could be in trouble. The caravan claims they need weapons for a Howler attack. Two options, either they're serious and we'll have to face some Howlers soon, or they're gonna come back and raid us cause they were looking for trouble." Jimin agrees, Y/n sighing. "We have to fight. Where are the kids?"
"Present," Ves says, approaching. "Sky's in her room still sleeping. Julia just checked on her a minute ago, she's fine."
Jimin, Y/n, and Namjoon nod their thanks to the kid, the four gathering around and striding down the halls. "Jimin I'll need you and Y/n to lead any combat teams we have. Keep Katherine and Jungkook safe and in the nurse's office. Have Julia be their own little security guard." They accept their task. "Ves, go tell Fiona and Louis to set up snipers in the watchtower and take turns. Anyone who isn't skilled with a bow needs to have handguns and knives. Y/n, after you and Jimin are done with the combat, organize a schedule to reinforce the walls and double-check them. And Y/n, if Jungkook is on any of these teams, I'll be severely disappointed in you," Namjoon says.
"Dully noted. Honestly, I didn't think I was setting the bar very high to begin with, sir."
Namjoon snorts but doesn't answer her words. "Are you two okay with those tasks?"
"Anything to keep this place safe. Are the food supplies safe?" Jimin asks. Namjoon confirms. "Good. Y/n, shall we?" Y/n follows Jimin, the pair breaking off from Namjoon and Ves to instead rush down the halls. "I don't know half these people. You know all of them though, right?"
"Sometimes I don't even know. Come on, Omar's in here. I'll get him, Hoseok and Jin are in the room behind you."
"They're together?"
"Well, not romantically... I think, but-"
"You're hopeless. You know I meant room-wise," Jimin says, sighing and shaking his head. Y/n slyly smiles but doesn't reply. She goes to Omar's door, knocking. Jimin does the same with Hoseok and Jin's door. They open it seconds later, Hoseok in front of Jin.
"Need something?"
"Yeah, help. We have a situation."
"A situation?" Jin asks.
Jimin sighs, the reality of the situation dawning on him. "This is gonna be a long fucking day."
Night watch with Y/n is what he lives for. Jimin back-hugs the woman, resting his chin on her shoulder. After reinforcing the walls and gathering weapons, the entire school became armed and prepared to deal with any threats that may come to them. Night watch, however, seems to be the biggest threat to Jimin's poor heart.
The braid in his hair brushes past her cheek, Y/n bringing her hand back to touch it. "You still have it in?"
"Of course. You so kindly did it for me, I'm not about to undo something so gorgeous." He squeezes her, the two staring at the surface together. "Plus, it's more special the first time. I don't want to keep bothering you to do it over and over again."
"Oh really? So you don't want to have my presence all the time, is that what I'm hearing?"
"What? I think you're reaching Miss L/n, I mean look at me now." He nuzzles his nose against her neck, huffing in her scent that's somehow good despite being in the damn apocalypse. She's magical, that's for sure. Wait. Okay wait Jimin took that in a different way. He needs to calm down before he gives himself a boner.
"You're hopeless," she says with a laugh, the harmony of it making him laugh with her. She turns, backing up a bit so they can look at each other. "It looks good on you."
"Everything does."
She pauses. "Even me?"
He chokes on his own spit, almost falling over as his entire face heats up from her comment. "I-Is all you do make sex jokes?" he asks, coughing for a moment to regain his breath. When he faces her, he almost loses all his air again. She comes over, sliding on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. On instinct he holds her waist, but every intelligent brain cell he has (around 2) scream at him that they're on watch. "Y/n, we're on watch-"
She places a finger over his lips, "So are Louis and Fiona and Ves and Sky."
"The kids are on watch?"
"They're patrolling the walls, Fiona and Louis are on the roof of the school." She takes her finger away from his lips, placing her forehead against hers.
"Y/n," he whispers, but he's not sure why he did. He isn't sure if it was as a warning for them to stop (because then he won't be able to) or if it's because he's genuinely concerned about watch. "Watch. Night watch. We could get attacked at any moment, come on, we'll have plenty of time later."
"Time for what?"
"T-This." Whatever this is.
She carefully slides off him, his eyes not leaving her the whole time. Okay, fuck watch. He's very close to going to burst down Namjoon's door and make him do it so Jimin can fuck Y/n's brains out. Or her fuck his out. At this point he isn't even sure who the dom in this relationship is-
Jimin jumps, Y/n glancing out at the terrain. "Ah, just Ves killing a zombie." Jimin backs up to the corner, hyperventilating. When she turns, her body halts. "Jimin?" He tucks his knees to his chest, tears welling up in his eyes. All he sees is a dark crimson color he recognizes as blood on his hands, but he knows it isn't really there. He sees flames bursting out around him, but again, he knows it's all in his head. A tremble passes his body, the sight of bodies on the ground littering his brain.
He didn't realize he was screaming until Y/n places her hand over his mouth, the temporary adrenaline he had fading. His heartbeat softens, his breathing still jagged while hot tears burn his face as they escape his eyes. She brings him into a hug, understanding what happened right away. He hugs her tightly, her rocking him back and forth and stroking the back of his long hair. "I-I'm sorry I-I just..."
"Shh," she says, "you don't have to explain to me. Thought it was Howlers?" He rapidly nods, the memories of the Howler attack coming to him. "It's okay, it's not Howlers, just Ves killing a zombie, I promise okay?" He digs his head against her shoulder, holding her like he's a child again. His tiny hands grab the fabric of the back of her shirt. Jimin's sure he looks like an infant right now, all cuddled up in her arms. "You're okay, we're all okay."
He believes her, calming down after about a minute. When they part, she rests a hand on his cheek, brushing away his tears. "Thank you," he says in a hushed tone, placing his hand over hers. Before she can reply, the ladder to the watchtower shakes, Ves popping up moments later.
"Heard a scream, what's going on?" he asks.
Y/n stands, "Hey kid."
"Hey mom, wanna answer the question?"
Y/n glances back at Jimin, and he gives her a nod. She comes over and pats Ves on the shoulder. "I'll go finish up the walls with Sky, you stick with Jimin?" Ves, although extraordinarily confused, agrees. "See you later stranger," she says to Jimin, saluting. He weakly smiles and waves, her disappearing from sight.
Ves comes over and sits next to him, glancing out at the school's borders. "I haven't been on night watch in a while."
"You seem like a night owl."
"Namjoon seems to think that since I'm a kid, I like to sleep all the time." Ves brings his gaze to him. "Not wrong, but I'm still a little offended."
Jimin chuckles, then realizes that Ves is only humoring him and wants to know what's going on. Jimin sighs. "Rock paper scissors me for it at least."
Ves holds out his fist, Jimin doing the same. "Ha, small," Ves says.
"Shut up."
They do the motions, Jimin choosing paper and Ves choosing scissors. "Loser. Now tell me what's going on."
Jimin's head hits the wall, his eyes going to the ceiling. "You killed a zombie, right?" Out of the corner of his eye, he sees him nod. "I heard the shriek and it uh, triggered a memory. A memory involving Howlers." He pauses to chuckle. "Guess I've been gone from the action so much I forgot about what it's like."
"And what is it like?"
Jimin pokes his tongue against the corner of his lips, almost laughing when he answers. "Hell. Absolute fucking Hell that never gets better. But at least I have this place after all this time. A place I really like, probably the most out of any group I've been in."
Ves gently takes Jimin's hand, their small fingers entwining. Jimin shakes his head, taking his hand away. When Ves's face falls, he chuckles. "What, you thought I was being cold?" Jimin asks. Ves looks up in confusion, Jimin fully wrapping his arm around Ves's shoulders. "C'mere kiddo." He does, snuggling up against him. Jimin peeks out at the gates, not seeing anything of note.
Jimin freezes, his smile dropping and his eyes expanding. He swivels his head to face the kid nuzzled up on his chest, the boy looking tiny against him. "Y-Yeah?"
His eyes are peacefully shut, almost like he's sleeping. "Please don't leave me."
He brushes Ves's hair out of his face, his smile coming back while he cradles him. "I'd never leave you bud, I think you're starting to grow on me."
Ves grins with his eyes still closed. "Thank you. Oh, and please don't bang my mom when I'm around. We saw her sitting on your lap from down by the walls. Gross."
"I take back every nice thing I've ever said to you."
They laugh, Jimin staring out at the walls where Sky and Y/n are patrolling. He rubs his hand up and down Ves's arm, continuing the pattern for a while. A good fifteen minutes pass, then, he realizes Ves is asleep. Jimin's eye smile comes out, him gently picking Ves up and moving him to the corner of the tower where it's warmer. Jimin takes off his jacket, placing it over Ves, who's quick to cuddle into it despite being asleep. He chuckles quietly, making sure it's secure. "I love you kiddo," he whispers, and to his surprise, Ves smiles. Jimin shakes his head with an amused glint in his eyes, him standing and gazing down at the scenery. He lets out a breath.
Life isn't too bad after all, huh?
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