The Locket
DAY 786
The exterior of the school provides calming scenery, but you're more focused on Jungkook. You glance at him and raise a single brow. "Are you okay? You've been cryptically staring at your stew for five minutes now," you say, crossing your right leg over your left one.
He peeps up and shrugs. "Thinking."
"No shit, I can see the smoke coming out of your ears." He shoots you a dirty look, then moves his eyes around the area. "Looking for someone?" you ask. He pats the air as a no, a habit he picked up from you. "You totally are. Let me guess - looking for Fiona to see if she has her cards?"
"Okay, playing cards at night is fun excuse you,"
"Ah, looks like I can still read your mind. Want me to go get her?"
"No need," a new female voice interrupts. A flash of black fills your vision, another weight being added to the table. And there Fiona sits, running a hand through her dark, thick locks.
You find yourself smiling. "Eavesdropping?"
"Good ears pry," she replies dismissively. "I heard something about cards?"
"Jungkook wants to play another game, what a surprise."
Jungkook shoots you a sour look you're quick to return. "Alright, I'll bite. On one condition though," Fiona replies with her classic blank expression. She's always been the best at poker for a reason.
"I'm a little scared to ask," Jungkook says.
Fiona finally lets her full lips turn up into a sly smile. She points behind her. "Newbie has to play."
You follow her finger and notice Jimin sitting by himself at one of the tables, drinking from his stew, almost as if scared to. Poor boy is like a deer in headlights. "Sure, I'll convince him," you say.
Jungkook gives you a head tilt. "He doesn't look like he wants to move."
"I'm convincing," you reply with a wink, hopping up and practically waltzing over to him.
Jimin glances up upon your arrival. "L/n."
"Park," you say, motioning to his hair. "Still haven't taken out the braid?"
"Oh I tried, but you did it so well that I think it's stuck permanently."
You snicker. "You flatter me. Now come on, we're playing cards and you're legally obliged to play."
He places his spoon in his stew and lets both his eyebrows shoot up. "Legally? I thought the Ranglers were the unofficial government, not this school."
"Well we have rules too. Rules are all newbies play cards whenever Fiona brings them out. You can refuse later down the line, but until we trust you, you have to play cards. Thems the rules."
He considers it for a moment, then chortles. "Alright, alright. Lead the way."
You bite back a squeal, waiting for him to grab his bowl and stand before guiding him to the next table. He sits across from you, Jungkook scooting over to make room. "Four adults, this should be interesting," Fiona says with a whistle, bringing out her deck of cards.
"I'm surprised Y/n's able to keep her eyes off Ves for two seconds," Jungkook says.
You give him a glare. "I put him to bed earlier, excuse you. I'm no irresponsible parent."
"No, you're really not. I'm sure he appreciates it, even if he doesn't verbally say it. Being his surrogate mom isn't an easy task."
"But it's a rewarding one," you're quick to reply. "I love Ves as if he's my own son, that's why I never take my eyes off him."
Fiona fake gags. "Gross."
"Stop talking about yourself like that, you're not that gross." She scowls, but you can tell she means it in a playful manner.
"What's tonight's game, Fi?" Jungkook asks, folding his hands together.
"Something simple so the newbie doesn't get overwhelmed. War," she says.
Jimin lights up. "That's the one where whoever has the highest card wins, right?" The group nods. "Oh cool, I'm not that dumb," he says in a cheer. All three of you stare at Jimin, who swallows. "I'm that dumb, aren't I?"
To your surprise - Fiona cracks a chuckle at that, hurrying with shuffling the cards. "Not bad rookie, maybe you'll fit in after all," Fi replies before dealing the stack in her hands. Only one minute later, the experienced Fiona deals all the cards, the group ready to play. "I'm surprised no Jin tonight."
"Looks like Namjoon has him occupied with planning." Jungkook sighs, gazing over at one of the tables not too far away. Louis, Katherine, Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok are plopped down at another table, discussing quietly amongst themselves.
"Nerds," Fiona says, preparing to flip her card. "Let's do this."
"Woah woah, ground rules. If one of us wins, we get to ask Jimin a question," you say. The accused man gulps. "If he wins, he gets to ask one of us, or all of us, a question. Deal?"
"Deal," Fiona says. Jimin nods albeit nervously.
"Now go," you say, shooting Jimin what you hope is a comforting smile. Based on the way he smiles back, it looks like it worked.
The group flips their cards over in-sync, and to your surprise, Jungkook wins first. He smirks, turning to Jimin. The man hides his nerves. "Ask away," Jimin says.
Jungkook ponders this for a moment, then lights up, "Grossest thing you've ever seen?"
Jimin grimaces. "I was in a group at the beginning of the apocalypse, back when my family was still together. We had this big barn, and one night a Howler got into it. Next morning I was on cleanup duty. Cow guts are gross, but not as gross as their eyes."
You wince, meanwhile Fiona shrugs. "One time I saw a cow get eaten by a Behemoth," she says. "It was so distracted by the cow that I got away without it noticing me. Thanks moo moo."
"I hate you," you say.
"Dully noted, let's go again."
And you do. This time, Jimin wins. He softly smiles, peeking between you three. "Hm... so I want the gossip. Who's secretly in love on campus?" Jimin asks.
"Oh my God, definitely Namjoon and Jin. It's obnoxious," you reply. Jungkook instantly agrees.
Fiona almost snorts. "Those two are more obnoxious than Jungkook and Y/n."
Jimin scratches at his collar, his ears turning pink. "I thought you two were just best friends."
"We are," you reply, unsure of why you replied so fast. "But we're obnoxiously in love. Soulmates but y'know, friend soulmates."
"You really felt the need to explain our whole friendship, huh?" Jungkook gives you a knowing look, meanwhile you stick your tongue out at him.
"Should we go again?" Jimin asks. Fiona agrees, flipping her card over. Jimin squeals as soon as everyone is done. "Winner again!"
"God, he's cute," you mumble, sinking down in your seat. Jimin doesn't notice, but Fiona sure as hell does. She smirks, nudging you ever so slightly. Ugh, this woman. She's supposed to be cold, not a Cupid.
"Y/n, this one's for you," he says. You give him an approving nod. "Fuck marry kill: Jungkook, Fiona, me." Oh this little shit.
"Well, I'd fuck the shit out of Fiona not gonna lie," you say. Fiona laughs, Jungkook laughing with her. "Marry you, kill Jungkook eight times."
"Just eight? You're slacking," Jungkook says.
"I never said how, sweetheart. Don't worry, I'll make sure each time is slow and painful."
"I can't tell if I should call that kinky or not," Jimin says.
"How the hell is that kinky?" Fiona asks.
"If you're into pain, that's the kinkiest thing there is," he replies with a wink.
Holy fucking shit, this man is charming as hell.
You've known him for mere days, but here you are, simping over a man you just met. What a fucking hottie. That's a whole man right there. He's gorgeous on the inside and out, not to mention a flirt and charming. That charisma really helps lighten the atmosphere of this place.
Namjoon might not admit it out loud, but campus needed a source of light other than Hobi. Hopefully Jimin provides that. Even if he's useless on missions and needs to be protected, as long as he's the glue that keeps the place together, that's all that matters. This place needs glue. You hoped you'd be it, but the real answer is Park Jimin.
"Let's keep going," you say. The others agree, flipping their cards. You win.
Jimin leans closer. "Go ahead, my wonderful stylist, ask me something special."
Fuck he's so hot. You manage to bite back your flustered state to instead sigh. "What if it's not a fun question?"
"Has to come out eventually, right?"
Shit, he's right. You scoot back a bit. "Who taught you how to shoot?"
His face falls by a fraction. "My father. I ended up teaching my younger brother. My father passed before he could uh... before he could teach Jihyun."
"Sounds like you're a good brother."
"No, I wasn't," he admits, casting his eyes down.
Fiona and Jungkook glance at you in concern. You brush it off. "How about another round?" Jimin somberly nods, flipping his card over. The others follow suit, you after them. Fiona wins.
"I hate to ask this, but when's the last time you've been in a group?"
"A few months ago," Jimin replies. "Ended in flames, but that's how all groups do eventually. We had a betrayer in the group. He drew a bunch of Behemoths to our camp, and everything changed. I barely got out. Only survived because of a grenade I found on a scavenger mission. I hid it in case I ever needed it, in case the group fell apart. Thank God I did. I threw it and got the two Behemoths chasing me off my ass. Ran into the forest and never looked back."
The three of you nod in acceptance, and almost as if on instinct, the four of you flip your cards again. Jungkook wins. "How much have you seen out there?" Jungkook asks almost hesitantly.
"Enough," Jimin replies.
When he doesn't elaborate, the three of you flip cards again. Jimin goes last. Fiona wins again. "Can I ask you another not so fun question?" she asks, her tone dropping.
"I can't stop you,"
"But is that okay?"
He shrugs. "Go ahead."
Both you and Jungkook glance at her, but she keeps her eyes on Jimin. "Have you ever had to kill someone you love?" she asks. Everyone goes still, you and Jungkook glaring at her.
Jimin's hands shake, his eyes staying on the table. "I've only loved two people," he whispers. "And I've had to kill both of them."
Fiona's eyes flash with sympathy. "I'm so sor-"
Jimin abruptly stands, dusting himself off. "You know what? I'm gonna sleep early tonight. Y/n, I'm sorry, but do you mind doing the night watch alone?"
You're quick to hum. "You don't have to explain to me. Sleep." He nods his thanks, walking away as fast as possible.
As soon as he's out of earshot, you and Jungkook snap to Fiona. "I'm sorry, but Namjoon kind of ordered me to ask. Why do you think I wanted him to play with us?" she asks.
You stand, brushing yourself off. "You should've said no." Without waiting for her response, you follow the path Jimin took, rushing inside the main building. By now, you know where his room is by heart. You find it within a minute, rapping on the door. A muffled 'come in' sounds off, so you creep in, shutting the door behind you.
He's laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling while fiddling with his locket. Finally you see it in full. You saw it once, after he took a shower and came out in a towel. The locket was there, but you were more focused on his abs at the time. At least now you can see the metal shimmering under the dim candlelight of his room.
"May I sit?" you ask. He nods, scooting over a bit. Since they're dorm beds, they're not exactly the largest things in the world. But that doesn't mean there's not enough space for both of you. You go over and sit on the edge of the bed, laying down next to him a second later.
He brings his eyes over to yours. "You don't have to do this, you know."
"I want to," you reply, placing a cautious hand on his arm. He allows it. "Jimin, I thought Jungkook and I being out there alone for a couple months was bad, but you hopping from group to group all this time? I can't imagine. I'm so sorry."
He lets out a breath, closing his eyes and squeezing his locket, "Me too." You place your free hand over his, holding the locket with him. Jimin places his hand over yours, cherishing the skin there. "I'm so scared of love, Y/n. I don't know if I can do this whole group thing. Everything I've ever loved got ripped away from me." He opens his eyes, meeting your gaze. "My brother left without any explanation, I don't know why. My father? Got bit protecting me, had to put a bullet in his head. My mother?" He trails off and shakes his head, opening the locket.
"My mom gave me this just before she died. Right before I had to bash her head in with a rock to stop her from turning and biting me." Jimin dryly chuckles, turning the locket around to show you the two pictures inside. "And despite everything we've been through, she carried us around with her every day." You soften, brushing your thumb over the contents of the thing. A picture of what you assume is young Jimin. Child Jimin with his cute eye smile and chubby cheeks. The other pic is of another boy, a boy you assume to be Jimin's brother based on the resemblance.
"We fought like hell to protect each other, but in the end? It didn't even matter," he whispers, closing it and letting it fall back against his shirt. "Y/n, I'll do everything in my power to protect you," he says, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. "I know you're special already, doing my hair and nails, making me feel special... like I belong. I appreciate it. But..."
"You can't bring yourself to protect the others yet?" you ask, though it's more of a statement.
"Exactly," he mutters. "I'm sorry, but I still need time."
You place a hand on his cheek and rapidly nod. "It's okay, I understand. And Jimin, can I tell you something?" He hums. "We don't have night watch tonight, that's tomorrow."
The two of you stare for a moment, then, he laughs. It's drained of any humor. "That's how much of a mess I am. I don't even know my own schedule."
"Jimin, it's okay to be afraid. It's okay to be vulnerable. I'll always be here for those moments. Always."
He sniffles and nods, pulling you closer. "Thank you."
You burst out into a grin. "You're welcome. Can I, um..." He raises a brow, gently stroking your hair all while holding you with his other strong arm. "Can I stay tonight?" you ask in a hushed tone.
He returns your smile and places his forehead against yours, your legs tangling together. "Only if you promise to let me hold you," he replies, his breath hitting your skin.
You resist the urge to squeal. "Min?"
"Come as close as you'd like."
It's safe to say he does.
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