More time had passed. Kaia had left her job working at Thomas' factory, partly because it was owned by him and partly because she couldn't stand seeing Lizzie's face everyday.
She was still in touch with Beth and Eliza and so far, hadn't managed to make any friends at her new job. She was working backstage in makeup and wardrobe at one of the theatres in the centre of Birmingham, something Kaia never in a million years thought she'd be doing. She woke up everyday and painted famous actor's faces for a living, getting paid to watch shows from the side of the stage if her job was up for the day. It was a dream come true and far more enjoyable than adding up tax returns and sorting out files.
Aberama and Bonnie were still working with the Shelby family. It seemed like Kaia's father and Thomas had apologised to one another about their argument in the end, since Kaia knew there was no way Aberama would willingly work with him again if he hadn't said sorry.
Kaia's family were happy for her. Bonnie knew more about Kaia's life than he'd ever care to let on, realising how hard it must've been for her to risk seeing Tommy's face at work everyday as well as being stared down by the woman whom she'd been placed second to. He felt sorry for his sister and a huge part of him resented Tommy for how he'd made her feel, but the way Kaia had picked herself back up and got herself back on track, a better track, made him incredibly proud.
The days were longer though now Kaia worked in the city. Aberama and Bonnie had to take it in turns cooking for Kaia now since she wasn't always home earlier than them. They struggled for the first few weeks, both of them exhausted from their days work, but they'd gotten used to their new routine eventually.
Bonnie had also noticed how his sister looked a lot happier after starting her new job. It wasn't often that anybody saw Kaia Gold smile, but it was certainly less rare now she was happy at the theatre in comparison to before. If she was happy, everyone else was happy, too.
It was the first week of December when Kaia was attending a night out with her work colleagues. They had a meal booked at a fancy Italian place in town, followed by a reservation at a speakeasy bar not too far away.
To say she was nervous was an understatement. Kaia had never stepped foot in a place as exclusive as she did that night. The tables were filled with socialites and politicians, duchesses and dukes, actors and actresses alike. It was like an entirely new world had opened up for her since starting at the theatre.
Kaia had opted for a gold dress that clung to her body, a plunged neckline which drew attention to the eye catching white diamond pedant Bonnie had bought for her in congratulations for her new job. Her shoes were high, higher than most women's and she wore a white fur shawl over her shoulders, not minding the cold if it meant she could look that good. Her black hair was curled down her back and her lips were painted a blood red colour.
Although she wasn't one to usually wear a dress, Kaia felt good, she felt confident in herself.
The evening got off to a good start. Champagne was flowing and Kaia was enjoying her time with her new colleagues. Although she'd only been there for less than a month, she already felt as though she belonged there. Despite not having anybody she could truly call a friend, the men and women she worked with were much more pleasant than she expected.
Kaia sat and revelled in the atmosphere. The buzz of conversation mixed with a hum of live jazz music coming from the corner, accompanied by the scraping of cutlery and clinking of glasses was enough to spark Kaia's senses and bring her to the fullest, most alive version of herself.
"It's Miss Gold, isn't it?"
Kaia looked over her shoulder when she felt a shift in presence behind her. A tall, slender gentleman with dark hair and four-day stubble stood smiling before her, an immaculately tailored suit with silver cufflinks and an expensive watch matched the signer ring on his thumb.
"Yes." She responded with a quiet breath, smiling up at him.
"May I?" He gestured to the empty chair beside her and she nodded, "Calvin," he said, "Calvin Young. I think you did makeup for a show I was in not long ago?"
He'd jogged her memory a little and now the handsome face seemed more recognisable. He had hollow cheekbones and a sharp jawline with deep set brown eyes and a dazzling smile. Large hands with thick veins running from his forearm clutched the champagne flute tenderly, the ring on his finger chiming against it.
"I think you did, yes. My apologises, my memory isn't the best."
Calvin laughed and shook his head, "No, no, don't apologise. I was hoping to bump into you again, I remember thinking how strikingly beautiful you were the last time I saw you and well, I was too shy to speak to you, if I'm honest."
Kaia blushed, feeling her shoulders cower inwards at the compliment. She wasn't overly used to getting such kind words, and she was even less used to liking it.
"What changed?" She asked with a sweet smile, fluttering her eyelashes.
Calvin raised his glass slightly, "Liquid confidence." He said.
Kaia wasn't sure whether the alcohol had gone to her head or she was actually enjoying the company of Calvin Young. He was a few years older than her, full of charm and confidence that he held in a way that for some reason didn't irritate her. He spoke with an accent that sounded no less than perfectly like the King, and he was eloquent in every single way, a perfect gentleman. There was nothing even the slightest bit sleazy about him, which was a welcomed change for Kaia.
The two of them spent the next four hours chatting in the restaurant. Kaia's colleagues left to go to the bar they'd booked after she told them she wanted to stay with Calvin. He spared no expense, paying for more bottles of champagne than she cared to count, not that she'd have been able to if she tried.
The Saturday evening ambiance dissolved eventually, leaving the two of them unaware of the world around them until a waiter came and told them they were closing for the evening. They hadn't even noticed that the room had cleared out, the sound of the jazz band still playing in the corner had kept them locked in their conversation the whole time.
They headed out into the cold, Kaia shivering as she pulled the shawl ties across her neck. Calvin shrugged off his coat and placed it over her shoulders, leaving him in a white dress shirt and black bow tie.
"Look, Kaia, I don't want to sound crude but would you like to-"
He looked down at her, a startled smile on his lips. Snow from earlier had lightly settled on the ground leaving a thin sheet of white across the pavements, scattered with footprints. Cars drove past and people stumbled down the paths back to their homes as the moon acted as a torch for them when the street lamps had burned out.
"Are you sure?"
Kaia tilted her head and looked into his eyes. They were warm and inviting, reminding her of the tranquility she felt when she used to spend hours in her imagination wandering through the woods behind her house.
She was sure. Kaia had gone back to men's homes plenty of times, but there had never been a feeling more than lust at the forefront of her mind on those occasions. That evening, however, sleeping with Calvin Young was perhaps the last thing Kaia was thinking about. Their time together had passed quicker than the blink of an eye and neither of them wanted it to end, Kaia wanted to listen to him talk for hours about anything and everything, and Calvin was more than happy to not even lay a finger on her body if it meant he could stay looking at her for a little while longer.
"I'm more than sure, Mr Young."
hi!! A lack of Tommy in this chapter but he deserves nothing lmao anyway for reference how I'm imagining Calvin Young is the pic at the top of Aidan Turner. Feel free to imagine him anyway you like, but that's just how I see him in my head:)
hope you're enjoying so far, let me know what you think!!
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