Chapter 11) Meeting "Superman."
A/N: Hey guys! So, I guess that the title for this chapter kind of explains everything, but... yeah...
Anyhoodles! How've y'all been? Let me know in the comments! And how was the nightmare from the last two chapters? Good; bad; absolutely stupid? You let me know, because I ALWAYS like to know what my readers are thinking on this!
Also, what is your favorite band? Answer in the comments!
But that's all I have to say.
Enjoy chapter..... what, chapter 11! Wow! HOW DO I HAVE 9k READS?!?! PLEASE TELL ME, CUZ IDEK HOW MY CRAP WRITING ON THIS GOT 9k READS!!! *goes off on rant while readers get bored and skip to story*
Nico's POV
As I sat on the edge of my bed I thought back on my dream. Failing Bianca, killing Grover, Zoë's eye, Drew's face and arms- though I could care less about that-, Thalia's arm, and most of all, William Solace.
His golden locks and brilliantly blue eyes, freckled face and tan skin. His lanky figure, like a cat under the sun. His smile, his laugh, him. He was so physically perfect (in my mind, that is) but so absolutely sadistic.
The only thing that would've given any hint to his madness if I were to pass him on the street would be his smile. Not his eyes, or his laugh; his eyes hid his emotions perfectly and his laugh was full of joy, but his smile, slightly crooked, put the puzzle together. The unevenness of it showed the insanity beneath the surface, the corrupting loneliness, the bloody thoughts, and all of the madness that had consumed his being.
Outside I could hear John arguing loudly with someone.
"-And I'm sick and tired of all his complaining and screaming at night. It not only disturbs the other patients, but it disturbs me!" John sternly told whoever was outside, if anyone.
"Well, I'm sorry sir," a female voice replied. "But I'm just the receptionist. I can advise- Nico Di Angelo, was it- to a counseling session with either Dionysus or Mr. Brunner but I don't know if the request would make it to either of their offices. So until then you are going to have to be a good boy and keep your patience."
After a tense pause John said in a strained voice, "As you say, Miss Chase."
"Good." And then the clicking of heels on tile retreated.
The receptionist from when I first got here. Annabeth. Annabeth seemed to have been severely fed up with whatever crap John seemed to have been giving her- about me.
"Annabeth, wait!" I called after the receptionist. The sound of footsteps stopped, and then began to come closer.
"Nico, right?" I heard her ask outside of my door.
"Well, Nico, is there something you need?"
"Uh, well..." my voice faltered. Why had I even bothered to call after her?
"How has your stay here been?" Annabeth asked politely.
I laughed, almost bitterly. "Eventful."
"Yes, well, I hope in a good way. Do you believe it would be helpful for me to try to arrange a counseling session with one of the PhD level psychologists and psychiatrists in this institution?"
Without hesitation I answered. "Yes." Anything to get out of this cell. Even if it means being taken somewhere to talk about my feelings.
"Okay, then I will attempt to get you an appointment. Is there anything else, Mr. Di Angelo?"
"..... I want a new guard."
"You.... want a new guard?"
"Yes. Obviously John doesn't want to be my guard and so he should know," I said, raising my voice at the last part. "That the feeling is mutual."
I heard a soft sigh that sounded like it was from Annabeth. "Yes, alright. There's not much I can do directly, but I will try to get a new guard for you."
I heard Annabeth walking away again, but before I could collapse onto my bed I heard her call to me. "Oh, and Mr. Di Angelo? Your guard's name isn't John. It's Trevor."
Whatever. Falling back on the bed I rub my face with my hands. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen Mama and Bianca. At that moment two light blue and silver apparitions floated into the room. Except it wasn't Mama or Bianca. It was Zoë Nightshade and.... the guy I killed in my dream; Grover Underwood.
"Nico," Zoë seemed uneasy and wary. "Tell me what thou's last dream was."
"Why?" I asked, though I felt I already knew the answer.
"Make a recollection the events for thy and Grover." Zoë stared at me intensely, only two feet from where I sat while Grover hovered silently on the other side of the room with a forlorn look in his wide brown eyes. I noticed that he seemed to have a line of red across the base of his neck.
I recounted everything that happened from appearing on that glass platform to jumping off of the cliff and into endless black. As I did so, Zoë's dark brow furrowed more and more.
"Yes, Grover and thy had the same dream- or nightmare- but from our own perspectives." Zoë spoke after I had finished reciting the dream.
"Yeah, well let's come back to that in a minute. Grover," I looked where the curly haired ghost stood staring at the white floor. "I thought you were still alive."
Grover floated in silence before a black tear slide down his cheek and he looked up. "I had the same nightmare as both of you, except when you beheaded me, Nico, I woke up and... I was just dead. My body was missing from the base of my neck up, just like how you killed me."
As he stared me in the eyes I could feel his bitterness, even from across the room. He truly blamed me, even though I could tell he knew I didn't really kill him. I mean, I was here and have been here for a few days now.
"Grover, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it. I mean, you seem whole so are you sure that's how you died?"
Grovers nostrils flared in anger as he reached up, grabbed his red hair and pulled his head from off his shoulders.
"Does this seem 'whole' to you?!" He asked outraged.
"Uh..." I was speechless at the sight before me. "..... no.....?
"Grover, Nico!" Zoë barked. "Stop, now. We must focus on the larger picture. How hath such things transpired that we were to all have the same dream- and possible premonition for the fate of the others. Grover and thy also knoweth that all the others- with the exception of the host, William Solace, for we do not know where he is, much less who he is- had the same nightmare. What dost this mean to thou, Nico?"
"It's probably not a premonition, maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe we all have some secret telepathic connection that only appeared now. But the second guess seems the most plausible."
Zoë frowned in concentration. "I suppose, but what is our guess as to who the host is or was?"
"I don't know about that, but he's probably not a great person."
Then Grover finally spoke up. "Well, it looked like we were all in some sort of large cave with glass as the floor, and Bianca was in a cage over the pit below. Well, did William say anything about him being a prisoner or something like that?"
"After I asked him why he chose Bianca and I for his game- it was only us and Will at the time- he said it was because he was lonely. Maybe he was banished or something? We don't have any actual proof, but that should at least narrow down the options."
Before either of them could respond my guard, now know as Trevor, shoved in my breakfast 'meal' and pills. Banging on the door twice, he shouted, "Socializing Time is soon, so eat fast!"
Zoë and Grover vanished as I stared glumly at the white slop in the bowl in front of me. I wasn't going to eat any more of this schist. Scooping up a handful, I marched over to the cell door and knocked loudly with my free hand. Might as well give Trevor a parting gift.
"What?" Trevor grumbled irritably as the panel slid open. As soon as this happened, I flicked my wrist and The Mystery goop hit the guards' eyes directly. He howled in surprise as he stumbled away from the door, clutching his face.
Not being able to help it, I laughed.
"You little son of a-" before he could finish his sentence, however, someone from nearby yelled something that only made me laugh harder. "Watch your profanity!"
Then, in the midst of my hysterics, a small, pleasant chime sounded.
"Socializing Time." Trevor growled in a vicious and low voice. Before he came in I took the pills and crouched down, ready to bolt if Trevor had murderous intention (and by the sound of his voice, he probably did).
Trevor held icy fury within in his piggish eyes, and his knuckles were white around the strait jacket he held in clenched fists.
He quickly put it on me then shoved me out the door. I stumbled but caught myself before I fell onto a corpse that looked like an extra from The Walking Dead.
"Keep moving." Growled Trevor as he pushed past me.
"Non ho idea di dovrei andare, idiota, perciò non essere così casso di stronzo."
Trevor didn't reply to that, though I don't think he knows Italian. I'm sure he hardly even knows the English language!
Finally we arrived at the Socializing area. This one was busy with patients and guards, a crowded room off hot bodies and cold hearts.
Trevor immediately left to join his 'buddies', so I was left alone in a sea of people. Soon, however, I ran into a familiar face. A familiar tan, blonde haired, blue eyed boys face, whose lips bore a particular scar.
"Jason?" I spoke cautiously, as if even knowing who he was is a crime, even though I meant it not as such.
"Nico?" Jason now had glasses, wire rimmed spectacles that sat comfortably across the bridge of his nose. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"I could say the same, Grace."
"Yeah, I suppose you could. But when did you get here?"
"Just recently. You?"
"Maybe a few months? It's kind of hard to keep track of time in this place. But I was in Jupiter Asylum for a long time before transferring here."
"I seem to be meeting everyone here. Percy, some Latino elf guy, and I believe I've seen Annabeth before this somehow-"
"Wait, 'Latino elf guy?' Do you mean Leo Valdez, a Pyromaniac that's obsessed with fire and building things?" Jason interrupted.
"I think he mentioned his name was Leo..."
"Did he say anything about Piper?"
"Your ex-girlfriend? No, why?"
"I heard Piper got a bad punishment, and I wanted to make sure that she's alright."
"Oh, well, sorry. I didn't even know Piper was here, much less who Leo was."
Jason sighed. "It's okay. Well, anyway, who's your guard?"
I pointed over at Trevor who stood in a group with other guards that looked a lot happier than he did.
"Ouch, looks like a pretty mean guy."
"Trust me, he's an absolute-"
"Language, Nico." Jason sounded like an overbearing mother.
"Oh, shut up." I mutter angrily.
"So what were you placed in here for?" Jason asked.
"Things that I'd like to keep to myself."
"Oh, okay. Well, I'm in here for Schizophrenia. But I swear, I can fly! And I really have created storms before! I've shot lightning out of my hands! I know that I can do that! Here watch!"
Before Jason could show me his 'powers', though, the lineup whistle blew and everyone got into a line. There was no disobedience and everyone behaved fine, which made things go extremely smooth and efficient, so I was soon back in my cell after a quick goodbye wave to Jason.
In my cell I was once again met with cold walls and the mystery stain on the bed, which I was now sure was blood. Walking over the the wall across from the door, I gently rest a pale hand against its grainy surface. The memories from arriving at this horrid place to now came flooding back to me in a torrent of thoughts and images flashing in my eyes.
My hand slowly clenched into a fist and I closed my eyes shut tight and lowered my head, a sliver tear sliding down my ghostly cheek. My breath hitched as I breathed in. And a soft whimper was uttered from my lips right before I broke down in sobs.
I can't deal with this anymore. I can't. If this is how I'm going to spend the remainder of my long days here then I just won't eat. I won't get out of bed. I'll just lay there until I'm finally gone. Finally.
Moving slowly to the cot I collapsed on its firm surface, letting my thoughts go, my emotions go; letting me go. I did not sleep, I did not eat for the rest of that day, and I didn't even move in the slightest. I just lay there, silently, blankly staring off into oblivion.
Trevor tried to get me to eat, but I wouldn't, so he just gave up and returned to his post outside. For the rest of the day the only thing I heard was the whispers of the damned filling my ears and making me feel brittle and timid, though I never stirred. I just lay there. Even through the night, I never slept.
I was done being alive...
I was done being here....
A/N:...... um..... hi.....? Look guys, I'm so sorry about the delay. Things just got SOOOOOO busy and rough. But I'm back! Anyway, I know this chapter wasn't very exciting and all, but trust me, things WILL GET BETTER!!
Also, I would like to give a shoutout to @FangirlIzzy4Ever Go check out her profile, because she is awesome!!! And also be sure to check out this story: Fandoms to the Max.
It's so good, so vote and comment on it and follow my friend from above!
Also, just as another side note, I now realize that I have a bunch of stuff incorrect concerning Nico's mental illness and disorders, so I'm going to be redoing chapter 3: Diagnosed.
Just to get everything fixed and by far more accurate. And sorry for the errors everyone. I'm just stupid. 😂
Anyway, I love all of you so incredibly much and remember to check out FangirlIzzy4Ever , 'cause she's awesome! Anyway, love you, my Dumpling Children! Until next time! 😉
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