Chapter 1) The Pain Ends Today.
AN: Hey guys! So this is my newest fanfiction and I hope you enjoy! Solangelo is one of my all time favorite OTP's and you must love the two dorks as much as I do to be reading this, so let's just plunge right into, 'In The Asylum'. 😊 BTW, whoever owns the media, i don't know who you are, but you do an amazing job!
Nico's POV
I shakily held the blood covered blade. It was covered in my blood. I stared down at my wrists, that were so badly cut I couldn't tell where any skin was. I grimaced in pain as I shifted the knife from my right, to my left hand.
I had been depressed for so long. Ever since I was ten. My mother had died when I was four, which left me sad, but not depressed. That came later, when my sister died. Bianca was murdered right in front of me.
*Flashback* (Flashbacks will be in italics)
"Wait up Bia!" The little ten year-old me called to my older sister, as we raced home from school, one sunny evening. Bianca's melodic laughter sounded throughout the warm spring day as she kept running, taunting me on being such a slow runner.
I accepted the challenge hidden in her voice and poured on speed. Bianca glanced back and smiled even wider, adding a burst of speed to her own pace. Her dark chocolatey braid flying behind her. Bianca's deep brown eyes sparkled playfully.
"Come on Nico!" She called back, tauntingly. "You can run faster than that!"
I smile. "Only when I want to, a little race like this wouldn't be worth it!"
I slow my pace to a walk. If only I hadn't. If I hadn't, she might still be alive.
Bianca rolled her almond-shaped eyes, turned on her heels, and walked back towards me. Even though she acted annoyed, I could tell she didn't really mind.
"Ugh, Nico, why do you have to ruin all the fun!"
"I'm only saving you from loss of breath later!"
"I doubt that your intentions were good."
"What's that suppose to mean?!"
Before we could continue bickering, a black van with blacked-out windows drove by and pulled to a stop next to us.
Bianca gave me a wary look, and cast her eyes back to the mysterious car. We heard a door open on the other side, and footsteps clicking on the asphalt.
A masked man came around the corner of the vehicle. He wore typical clothing. Jeans, a green tee-shirt, and generally wouldn't get a second look from anyone around, but the thing that ruined his normal appearance was a black, ski-mask, that clung to his hidden face.
Next to me, Bianca gasped quietly. She didn't look at me, but just said two simple words.
"Nico, run." I stared at her in shock, trying to figure out why she was acting so weird. I had never seen Bianca, my fourteen year old sister, in all my life, act like this. I followed her gaze towards the mans belt. At first I thought she had been staring at his crotch, but then I realized where she was looking, and that's when I saw it. A gun.
The armed man was taking it out as we stood there, paralyzed, watching.
"Nico," Bianca whisper yelled at me, but she sounded on the verge of tears. "Run now, or I will kill you myself, instead of the guy with a gun, in front of us!"
That's when the severity of the situation hit me. This guy would probably kill me. The man pointed his gun at me. Scratch that. He would definitely kill me.
"Now, I'm gonna make this simple." The man said to us slowly, as if he were talking to five year olds. "You give me anything you have on you that's valuable, and I'll consider not killing you. Or..... You can not, give me anything of yours that has worth, and I kill you both. Then I loot your dead bodies and leave. Take your pick."
I looked to Bianca, and she looked at me. She slowly swung the backpack off of her shoulders and tossed it a few feet forward, to the mans feet. Then she cautiously took off her bracelet, and tossed it next to her pack.
"Good girl, now your turn, boy." The man said and visibly relaxed a little bit.
I moved my own hand to my bag and gripped it, carefully sliding it across my shoulders, and down my arms, until I copied what Bianca had done, and threw my pack near hers. I didn't have any jewelry, of course, so I didn't offer anything else.
"What, is that all?" The man asked, a little angrily. Finally Bianca got got the courage to speak up.
"Leave us alone!" She shouted. "We already gave you everything we have, so let us go with our lives, like you said!"
The man just turned his head to look at her, and I swear he was smiling under his mask.
"I said I'd consider, letting you leave with your lives, not that you would."
On those words, he looked back to me, and fired. I braced myself for an impact.... But it never came. I heard the shot, I know I did, so why didn't I feel any pain? Am I dead already. I did hear a thud. Wait, is there wind I think the afterlife? And noise from traffic?
I opened my eyes, to find my sister lying on the ground in front of me. Blood splattered around her beautiful features and caked in her hair. Her brown eyes that usually sparkled with life, dull and empty, staring into the cloudy blue sky.
A hole through her chest told me that she had done it. She had taken the bullet for me. There was blood oozing out of the wound, soaking into her clothes.
I screamed her name and knelt by her, shaking her shoulders, and pleading for her to wake up. I heard a car door open and tires screech on the asphalt, speeding the vehicle away from the spot where my sister lay dead and me crying. I cried and cried and cried, and nothing made me stop. Surprisingly, no one drove down the road. Not for one hour. Not until my step mother, Persephone, came looking for us in her white Nissan. I had been too traumatized to do anything before.
When she saw us on the side walk, she immediately pulled over and ran to my side.
"What happened?!" She cried. Persephone had always like Bianca better than me.
"Call an ambulance." I managed to choke out between sobs.
"Nico Di Angelo, tell me WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!"
Persephone stared at me, shocked, then she finally whipped out her phone and called an ambulance.
We heard sirens off in the distance, wailing to arrive at their destination. I stared down at Bianca's face, which lay in my lap. I knew she was dead. She had been dead for a bit now. And it was all my fault. If I hadn't slowed down, she might still be alive. If I had kept my eyes open, I could've kept her out of the way, and be lying on the ground instead of her. Bia didn't deserve this.
Bianca was smart, and pretty, and kind, and funny, while I was nothing. Just a geeky boy with a big dog. Why couldn't it have been me.
When the ambulances arrived, Persephone contacted my father. Hades would meet us at the hospital. Persephone took me, and the entire drive was silent. I didn't care. I had just lost my sister, and there was nothing I could do to bring her back.
At the hospital, my father wept and cried, until he had fallen asleep. When my biological mother had died, he had been over-ridden with grief, and ignored us for nearly two years. Then he met Persephone. I didn't like her from the moment we meet, and she gladly returned the feelings. Bia liked her though, even when Persephone was mean to her. Bianca was the nicest person I knew.
I was too traumatized to cry right then. I had done a good share before. The dull pain in my chest, the ache in my heart from loosing my sister, hurt bad. It reminds me that she's gone. Eventually my father wakes up and Persephone doesn't trust him to drive home by himself, so she calls a tow truck and drives us home in her care.
Still, no one talked. When I got home, I immediately went to bed. I could hear my dad down stairs, shouting and screaming. It was scary.
The next morning I was questioned by the police. They asked me what I knew, if we had provoked the culprit at all, and if I knew anyone who would want to hurt me, Bianca, or the rest of the family. I answered all the questions truthfully. The police left after, saying I was pretty traumatized and that I might need therapy.
My dad thanked them and they left. I expected to be taken into see a therapist sometime soon after that, but never did. No one took me, and a time went by where my father wouldn't even look at me.
After Bia's funeral, we got home and my father started to destroy furniture. It startled me, but I didn't question. He had his own ways of coping, I had mine.
I locked myself in my room. I would put on music and blast it at full volume so I couldn't hear anything else but the lyrics and music. Thankfully for my parents, the walls were pretty sound-proof. Slowly my mood got worse, and so did my fathers.
My father began to hit me. It was just a slap, so I didn't think much of it. Until it got worse than that. He began to punch me too. Then a kick. And it Escalated quickly after that. It soon became full on physical and emotional abuse.
Persephone didn't do anything to stop it. She knew it happened every night but either didn't want to get caught up in it, or didn't care. Probably both.
I grew depressed very quickly after that. I didn't know that eventually it would end up here, where I am now.
*End of Flashback*
I dropped the blade, suddenly dizzy. It wasn't enough for me. I grabbed a nearby orange bottle with a white cap. The label read: Sleeping pills. I smirked. Perfect.
I just wanted this too end! The abuse, the hate, the pain. I opened the pill bottle, poured out a hand full of the white capsules, popped them in my mouth, and swallowed. I was sitting down on the closed lid of the bathroom toilet. I leaned back as I waited for the pills to kick in.
After a while of waiting, I grew impatient. I wanted this to end quickly. I grabbed the orange bottle again, and poured the rest of the pills into my palm. I swallowed them, and it didn't take long after that. I smile for the first time in very long, as the loss of blood and the sleeping pills take over my body, coaxing me into an endless sleep.
Yes. I think to my self. The pain ends today.
AN: Hey guys! So, kind if a depressing chapter. Next will be more interesting, I hope. I won't be able to write until I get back from camping on Friday. I know, ugh, camping. I hate camping. No offense to those who love it though! There's just no internet, always painful five freaking mile hikes, and family time. My social life is horrible. So is being away from the Internet. Anyway, love you guys and see you next time. Leave a comment saying if you like camping and why or why not! Bye! Have a great week! 😄
Word count: 2,010
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