let's jump in shall we
Ink pov
I fall asleep just to be found under error pinned down. "W-what??" I breathe. "Shhhh. Calm down inky...." Error cooes. "I will make sure you enjoy every moment inky~" he said lustfully. He attacks my neck leaving hickeys, bruises, and bites. "Ahhhhhh~.... E-error please~" I moan from under him. "Shhhhh~" he says pulling off my clothes. I feel so exposed.... I force myself to wake up... Me and error quickly sit up as if we had a nightmare. "I-InK..... LOoK I....." He started. "Oh you didn't mean to almost rape me?!? We are friends error... I thought I could TRUST you in MY bed with me!!!" I yell walking out. "Damn" dream says. "Well... Lover boy seems.....ok...." Dream says following me. "Oh really.... I think he's being a real b!tch right now...." I storming into the kitchen. " Dream... What's going on?!? I'm scared!!" Blue says as he walks in the kitchen his knees shaking. "I'm sorry blue... Go back to bed... Everything is ok.." I say patting his head. "INk I'm ReAlLy SoRrY!!!" Error yells from behind me. I take his hand and take him outside so blue wouldn't hear. "I don't want your f*cling excuses!!! I want you out of my dreams until I'm ready to settle down!!!! But for f*cks sake I am not going to sleep if your going to be a horny b*tch!!" I yell. "F*Ck YoU I...... I tHouGht I wAs WorTh BeIng LovEd BuT ScrEw My LifE!!! WHy Am I EvEn AliVe..... or JusT The ThouGht ThaT mAybe yOu WoulD LovE mE bAck!!!" As he storms off I hear him say 'exscuse me while I go kill myself'. I run up to him. "Error!!, Just because I don't love you doesn't mean you have to kill yourself!!!" I say trying to stop him. "WHy thE f*cK Do You cArE?" He mumbles. I stop and he pauses.... Damn I guess I do love him.... "I ......I......" I couldn't find words to speak ... "Oh damn you" I say before quickly wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
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