I've already done the tag do I'm just gonna answer the two sets of questions she has for me.
1: One thing you never leave home without. -Clothes. I don't wanna go outside without them😝 no, but I almost always wear my cross necklaces. Sometimes I forget(today and yesterday)
2: Board games or video games? -Depends on the game. I really like board games like Clue, but video games are pretty fun too.
3: Coke or Pepsi? -Coke is good and all, but I gotta go with Pepsi.
4: All time favorite dessert? -I LOVE this chocolate town house pie my teacher makes. It's like a big cookie, but a pie! It's like cookie style pie crust but it's all gooey in the inside but it has a lovely layer of chocolate! It's the best! Around!
5: What do you think is your biggest accomplishment so far? -Accepting Jesus as my Savior.
6: What is your school mascot? -Jesus.
7: What state or country do you live in? -Oregon.
8: Would you rather read fanfiction or write fanfiction? -I'd rather write it. I'm not the biggest fan of reading fanfic, it all depends on what it is.
9: Favorite season? -Definitely Autumn.
10: How are you? -Very good actually thank you for asking!
1: Do you have any pets, if so what kind? -Lets see, I have four chihuahuas, (three deer head, Jack, Brandy and Malibu, and one apple head, Kailua or Fats) a dog we rescued that we don't know the breed of her, we think she's some kind of terrier (Rummy but I call her Manchee cause she reminds me of the dog from my book) We have two rabbits, Arwen and Eowyn. We also have two rabbid chickens. Those two are viscous. They killed our duck cause we used to have three chicken and two ducks, and the ducks would bully the chickens, and they ended up killing one of the chickens, then one of the ducks died, so the chickens killed the duck(pulled out his guts and everything) and they are rabbit pack animals!
2: If you could live anywhere where would it be? -Well, I like where I live, but New Zealand would be cool to visit. Middle Earth wouldn't be bad either.
3: What popular fandoms are you not in? -Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, Narnia, Doctor Who, Sherlock(yet), Supernatural.
4: What's your favorite holiday? -Well, I'd have to say Christmas cause that's the birth of our Savior, and Easter cause that's the Resurrection of our Savior, but I have to admit that I really like Halloween.
5: Do you play an instrument? -Well, no, I got a guitar a couple years ago but I never took lessons. I've never really tried playing it anyways.
6: If you could have any superhero power what would it be? -Well, I would love to have something similar to Wanda's powers. But in my Marvel stories I actually have an infinity stone implanted next to my heart, but I thought I just had force field powers. So I'm not sure how I'm gonna add that to the stories but we still got a couple years to go so, yeah.
7: Have you ever flown in a plane? -Yes. I don't like it.
8: What's your favorite book? -The Bible. But I also like the Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness, The Gatekeepers by Anthony Horowits, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, and I'm currently reading a book called In His Steps by I forgot the author, but it's really good.
9: Favorite junk food? -Kit Kat is my addiction, well, when I can get my hands on some.
10: Describe yourself in three words. -Child of God.
11: What were your favorite movies or t.v. shows when you were younger? -Well, I was definitely a Disney princess kinda girl, but I really like Scooby Doo, especially the second one where all the monsters come to life. I also watched Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place, Suit Life on Deck, and Phineas and Ferb.
12: What's your favorite sport? -Idk, I kinda like football, ninjaing, and dance.
13: Do you know Jesus as your Savior? -YES!!! I was actually baptized back in 2009 I think it was. It was at a church camp out and I got baptized under a waterfall. It was cold as heck!
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