Morphing Tag
I was tagged by Stringslady
1) You must answer each question and the tag should be done in a chapter of it's own.
2) Every time you are tagged, you add a question to be answered.
3) If you have been tagged before, then only answer the new question (so no need to enter the number then).
4) At the end of the chapter, tag anyone you want and document the number of questions currently on the tag.
1) What is your secret identity?
Well if I told you then it would no longer be a secret.
2) Would you rather be a sheep or a sloth?
Probably a sloth. I wouldn't wanna be a sheep.
3) Where are you right now reading this?
At the kitchen table. Same spot where trashduil was writing her morphing tag😝
4) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
However much he wants.
5) You are walking down the side of a street and you see a dog drowning in a canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you that if you are late one more time he will fire you. Do you take the time to save the dog? Why or why not?
If the water in the canal was moving slow enough for me to save the dog, I would. I'd call 911 or some other service first, then do what I can. If it's freezing I may not cause I don't wanna risk drowning myself. But I would do whatever I could. I don't care if he fires me. A life is well worth it, even dog's.
6) Do you wanna build a snowman?
No, not really.
7) Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-eyed Joe?
Over hill and across the water😉
8) Favorite emoji or special character?
9) If you had a theme song, what would it be?
BORN THIS WAY by THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH!!! It's a really good song, y'all should go listen to it.
My Question
10) Team Iron Man or Team Captain America?
I tag:
Anyone who wants to do it
cause I'm pretty sure everyone
I know on here has done it so..
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