twenty || searching for hyung
"Okay! Today is the day, it has to be today- can't be later than today or earlier than today or before and after today! It needs to be...Today!" Beomgyu rambled on trying to hype himself up for what he was about to do today. If you're wondering what he was going to do...
He's going to finally confess to Taehyun!
That's right, after almost seven years of liking the male he is finally gonna unclench his cheeks and ask the redhead out! All his efforts for the past two months weren't for nothing, he was going to do it. He was going to confess his heart to Taehyun in the best way possible!
"I feel so proud, I thought this day would never come. Now my little Beomie is finally going to experience what rejection is." Yeonjun sniffled wiping a fake tear from his eye. The ravenette looked over at the elder and sent a hateful glare toward him.
"Shut up! Are you going to help me or not?" Beomgyu scoffed and looked at himself in the mirror again fixing up his hair. He had set an amazing plan that could never go wrong! He planned it out thoroughly in just one day and with the help of his friends he's determined to make sure this confession goes right.
It wasn't going to be a normal walk up to Taehyun and confess your heart out style, it was Beomgyu's exact style. Extra with a lot of bullshit in it.
Ever since the night the younger confessed his heart out to him, he knew he needed one more ssmmmmaaallll little push! And that push was Beomgyu finally asking him to be his! Taehyun was just confused about his emotions because he's spent years just hating him for years but this time- it'll work!
"I just don't know why you need...thirty packages of roses, chocolate, cucumbers- eh??..." Yeonjun said reading a list Beomgyu gave him out loud judging the male hard. If this dude was going to confess then dear lord pray for Taehyun for what Beomgyu's making him do.
"Yeah yeah, cmon let's go to the spot- Text Soobin hyung to start operation beomgyu confesses to taehyun day!" The ravenette cheered and skipped over to the door.
"So Yeonjun hyun- agh! Ow!"
Beomgyu wailed out in pain from the sudden grab on his hair. Snapping his head around he looked at Yeonjun who had the most devilish smile on his face. "Hyung?- Let go! Ow!"
The ravenette's blood suddenly ran cold, fear instantly took over his body hearing a terrifying tone from the elder. "Did you think I'd forget? I don't care if today is your happy day..." Yeonjun mumbled with a mischievous tone.
"You lost the race, remember?"
Oh shit.
Beomgyu completely forgot about the race and the punishment- oh shit oh shit.
"HYUNG NO PLEASE NOT TODAY-" Beomgyu screamed trying to get Yeonjun's grip out of his hair. He was suddenly dragged in the direction of where his bathroom was making his eyes widen.
"Nope! It's tradition Beomgyu! You can't break tradition!" Yeonjun happily said and threw the male inside of the bathroom before closing the door, locking it to make sure he can't get out.
"NO- No hyung- PLEASE I'm too YOUNG!"
"Bitch you've done this since sixth grade grow some balls!"
"Soobin hyung I'll be heading out," Taehyun said passing the elder by. Today he was going to tell Beomgyu what he felt! After a long long long long (almost 5 hours) talk with Huening Kai about his own feelings he finally came to the conclusion that...
He was head over heels for the elder.
Something about accepting his own feelings for Beomgyu made him so happy. At first, he was in denial because holy shit- he would never think he would catch feelings for the elder. All he thought was hate hate murder hate when he would look at him.
"H-Huh? Where are you going?" Soobin quickly asked looking over the couch, watching his brother put his shoes on. "I'm going over to Beomgyu hyung's house. He isn't answering my messages and I really need to talk to him."
Soobin's eyes widened as panic overtook him, quickly opening his phone he read the message Yeonjun had just sent him.
« Yeonjunnie <3 »
Oh shit-
Soobin quickly got up, jumping over the couch he stumbled over to Taehyun and grabbed his shoulders making the redhead stared at him in shock and confusion. "Hyung?-"
"Wait- No! I think- I think Beomgyu's at work yknow? Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa I need you t-to do something for me!" Soobin quickly said, sounding really suspicious. Taehyun eyed the male weirdly, first of all...Why the hell was Soobin stuttering? Second, of all How did he know that Beomgyu had work today?
"Hyung are you-"
"HERE!" Soobin shouted and shoved the car keys in his hands. Taehyun was shocked, if Soobin gave him the car keys then it meant it was important because the elder would never give him the keys! He always thought that he would crash the car somehow-
"Go to this location, I sent it to you on phone...Okay? Okay!"
"Why can't you do it yourself??" Taehyun asked tilting his head, he was so confused! Soobin was the type to always get his errands done before a break day. "Nope can't do it I have uh- student council stuff! Yep!" Soobin said and started pushing the male out of the house.
"So- go do some errands for your hyung! Bye bye!" Soobin smiled widely and shoved Taehyun out of the house before slamming the door closed on his face.
The redhead blinked a couple of times before scratching his head. He's starting to think Soobin was on something because his behavior was so weird! "He's finally gone insane..." Taehyun whispered to himself before walking down to the car.
The drive to the location Soobin sent him didn't take long, it was just ten minutes away from his house. Walking into the café the sudden feeling of deja vu hit him.
It was the same café he and Beomgyu had lunch in.
Looking around the same butterflies hung from the ceiling and the place still had its same design, except for the very pretty butterfly paintings on the wall and butterfly chandelier. Why would Soobin hyung need me to go here?
Taehyun just sighed, he wanted to go to Beomgyu and tell him everything but for some reason, the elder wouldn't answer him- It was annoying!
"Hello! How can I help you?"
Taehyun quickly looked at the person who spoke to him. It was the same lady who took their orders the first time they came here, she still had the same ombré hair color and heart smile.
"Oh...Uhm...Order pick up for Choi Soobin." Taehyun mumbled just wanting to get out of here already, he had one goal and it was to go to Beomgyu! He already felt so lonely without the elder and it's only been one day.
"Hm...That's odd, we don't have any orders for Choi Soobin however, we do have an order for Kang Taehyun." The worker said and smiled at him.
Taehyun stood there absolutely confused, he hasn't ordered from here since two months ago! Did someone have the same name as him? Was there another Kang Taehyun on this earth? Tilting his head he nervously scratched his neck and just nodded, maybe Soobin just used his name instead.
"Yeah..Uh...I'll take it, how much is it...?"
"Oh! Don't worry, the person who placed this order for you already paid for all of it!" She said and went to the back to get his order. This was absolutely weird for Taehyun, but he decided to just shrug it off because it was free food!
"Alright, here you go sir! Have a lovely day." She smiled and handed him a small bag. Taehyun thanked her and bowed a little before walking out of the place, quickly opening the bag he saw a tonkatsu sandwich and a bottle of peach iced tea inside of it.
Only one person knew this order.
"B-Beomgyu hyung?" He gasped out, did the elder place this order for him? Taehyun's heart fluttered slightly as a warm smile made its way on his face. Yet there was another thing in the bag caught his attention, pulling it out his head tilted finding out it was a letter.
He shoved the bag into his arm and quickly opened the letter up reading it,
Hey Taehyunie!
do you like your little lunch? I hope so!
Do you remember this place? It's the place we got lunch at together for the first time, and so...I have something to tell you and it's important- But first you're going to have to find me!
Because I'm so extra like that you'll need to just visit some places and find me! Don't worry, the outcome will be amazing!
So let's begin the first hint.
Aren't strawberry tiramisu's great?
~ beomgyu hyung ♥︎✧
Taehyun couldn't hide his smile, he was happy that Beomgyu somehow remembered. But now he was confused, why did he even have to search around just to find his hyung? Ugh he's making him be outside even more!
Tiramisu...? Strawberry tiramisu? Taehyun frowned trying to think about it. Just after a few minutes his eyes widened in realization- of course! His job made strawberry tiramisu's then- then that means Beomgyu is there!
Quickly running to the car he couldn't wait a second more, he needed to find Beomgyu.
"Taehyun? Why are you here? I thought you were on break?"
Taehyun looked over to the side and saw his coworker, the same one who apologized to Beomgyu after he shoved the elders face into the strawberry tiramisu cake. "Uhhh...I was just passing by Yena."
"Have you...Do you have anything for me? An order or- letter..." He asked her. Yena hummed softly and thought about it for a moment, her head popped up as she smiled. "Actually- we do! These two guys, one had multiple colors in his hair and one black hair dude came in and they said they gave me this letter for you!"
Taehyun's eyes lit up as she went over and grabbed a container of strawberry tiramisu and a letter on top of it. "They already paid for you, so no need!" Yena said and handed it to the redhead.
"Thank you," Taehyun smiled, he was glad that it went swiftly. However he was disappointed that Beomgyu wasn't there. He really was playing scavenger hunt with the elder, it was fun but god...He hated going to multiple places.
Walking out of his workplace he went back to the car and quickly got in, placing the cake in the bag with the rest of the stuff he opened up the second letter,
You found me again Taehyunie!
That day you smashed my face into that tiramisu cake is a day i'll never forget, isn't it a funny memory to look back on? Anywho, If you were wondering if I'll be at the next location I send you to, I won't. But don't worry darling you're half way there! Now for the third hint,
Peonies and dahlias are beautiful, but you're even more beautiful than any flowers.
~ your favorite hyung ♥︎
The memory may seem funny, but for Taehyun...It was quite embarrassing. He did feel sorta bad for smashing Beomgyu's face, the elder was so nice to forgive him it made him fall even harder. "Ah! Come on you're losing time..."
"Peonies and dahlias...?" Taehyun mumbled and looked up thinking hard. It can mean two things either..Beomgyu is at his house right now inside of his room waiting for him- or...he's at that one flower shop that Taehyun never bothered to go to.
"Second option seems more accurate, if Beomgyu was at my house Soobin would've called saying someone broke in..." Taehyun sighed and pulled out his phone typing in the location of the flower shop, thank god he remembers that little card showing the shop name when he got the bouquet.
"Hyung please be there...I don't want to drive anymore." Taehyun groaned softly.
Taehyun looked around making sure it was the correct place, there were multiple types of flowers lined up near the windows, in the middle was a table full of flowers and a shelf in the back of supplies for gardening.
Above on the ceiling were small fake vines and flower strings hanging down coloring the place with a soft green hue.
"Taehyun? Kang Taehyun? Oh my god he was right!"
Taehyun looked in the direction where his name was called and saw a very...very...very smiley blondette behind the counter. Actually, this dude is familiar...That's right! He was the person who performed with Beomgyu!
And the person who was ALWAYS next to Beomgyu.
Taehyun's eye twitched slightly just thinking about it, but he shouldn't salty. If this bozo here made his hyung happy then he shouldn't argue. "Uhm...yeah...You're uhm...Jeongin right?" He said and walked up to the male who nodded.
"Yeah! Wait here- Beomgyu ordered something for you!" He said excitedly and went to the back to get whatever was ordered. Taehyun wondered, why did Beomgyu set all of this up just to tell him something important?
This was the first time something like this happened, usually Beomgyu would come over and talk privately with him but now he's making Taehyun go everywhere and pick up stuff he apparently got for him! Gosh...He wondered how much money he had spent.
"Here you go Taehyun-ssi! Beomgyu already paid for this so no need to worry about spending a dime!" Jeongin said and walked out with a huge ass flower bouquet. Taehyun's eyes widened as his face flushed seeing how big it was. It had peonies, dahlias, and roses in it, wrapped in a light blue wrapping paper and a white ribbon wrapped around it.
"Th-Thank you..." The redhead stuttered and grabbed the bouquet. It was so big he needed two hands to hold it, but he was so happy to receive something so beautiful from Beomgyu.
"Taehyun, congratulations."
The redhead tilted his head in confusion at what Jeongin just said, smiling awkwardly he turned around and left the shop which was sort of a struggle since Beomgyu decided to get the biggest bouquet he's seen in his life.
The more things he receives the deeper he falls for the elder, it was way too much for Taehyun. Smiling widely he grabbed the letter that was attached to the bouquet and opened it,
This is probably the biggest bouquet you've seen, right darling?
I wanted to get you something that compliments you well. But know I find you even more beautiful than some flowers and you deserve them! You're almost there, darling, so here is the next hint...
what's the best thing to drink when it rains? milk tea!
~ Beomgyu hyung ♥︎
Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, it was literally so fucking sunny out there wasn't even a trace of a rain cloud. Hyung are you going insane?? Taehyun said thinking.
It just took him a few minutes until he was hit with realization, of course! The milk tea place they got that umbrella from when it was storming outside!
Running back to his car he carefully placed the bouquet on the passengers seat and typed in the location of the shop.
At this rate, Taehyun was exhausted. He's been going to so many places all day! All he wanted to do was just find Beomgyu and confess his heart out but nope! The elder just had to send Taehyun on a little scavenger hunt.
It was like he was reading that 'where's waldo' book...but this time it was 'where's beomgyu'.
He had just left the milk tea place where the two were stuck at during the storm, he was so grateful that this one didn't have anything special. All he did was walk inside and was handed a letter after asking for something! Of course he got a free milk tea too but now the car was filled with so many things!
He really misses Beomgyu, he just wants to run into the elders arms and keep him close, yet he was so mad that it's been two hours and he hasn't found him yet! "Ugh! Fuck you Beomgyu hyung I swear when I find you i'm going to snap your neck."
Getting into his car, he sighed and opened up the letter just PRAYING it was the last one,
I bet you're mad at me for making you go to multiple places dear! ^^ Don't kill me or snap my neck once you find me!
You're half way there, I promise! Just a few more places and you'll find me, I know you can. So moving on, here is the next hint my darling,
this bingsu is just purrfect!
~ your favorite punching bag (≧◡≦) ♡
A long long tired sigh left Taehyun's lips. He was exhausted. But the thrill of finding Beomgyu kept him going even if it meant losing brain cells every letter he got. "Hyung, why couldn't you just text me." Taehyun whined softly and started up the car again. He just knew what the next place was.
Okay, I take back every insult I said about you hyung! Taehyun thought and smiled widely seeing all of the cats again, he remembered when Beomgyu brought him here during their first hang out, and it was the best place he's been to ever!
The cats are so adorable, all of them were so nice to him! The moment he entered the place multiple cats went up to him purring or meowing.
His eyes landed on the one that was near him the most, the adorable calico cat. "Hey hey there." He cooed bending down so he can pet it.
"Oh! You're here!"
Taehyun looked up and met eyes with whoever talked to him, his eyes flickered up to a smiley girl who had something in her hand. "You must be Taehyun? Ah! Your friend came by earlier and bought this for you!" She said and handed Taehyun another peach fucking iced tea.
"Oh...Thank you..." Taehyun forced a smile and accepted the drink. His smile quickly dropped when her back turned as sighed and shook his head watching her walk away. "Aiya, hyung." He pouted and looked down at a cat with a letter on it.
"What the hell-" He mumbled and bent down carefully taking the letter off of the cats collar. He wonders how the fuck Beomgyu convinced the worker here to do put it on a cat- and how he didn't die?!
Walking over to a table he sat down for a break and opened up the letter,
You're almost there darling!
You're making me so proud doing this, don't give up now. Take a break too! Don't force yourself to do this all at once because I will wait for you!
So when you're ready, here is the next hint:
the best place for a picnic is by the river!
~ your beommie beom bam beom (♡‿♡)
Taehyun cringed hard from the long nickname the elder put down, but he couldn't help but laugh at his goofiness. If Beomgyu was proud of him for doing this, then he was the happiest person on earth.
Feeling a sudden wave of adrenaline, Taehyun got up and quickly said goodbye to the cats before running out of the café.
He was going to find Beomgyu and tell him his heart, no matter what it takes!
a/n : this is a two parter! this chapter was a wild rollercoaster right? poor taehyun! but anywho thank you for reading <3
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