twelve || final preparations
"Hyuka!" Taehyun called out for the male. Kai turned around and looked at his best turned in confusion. It was currently the second period and the two had split into groups to finish a project, and sadly Taehyun was partnered up with three people he barely knew. But he was grateful that they were nice and smart.
"Have you seen Beomgyu hyung? I tried looking for him this morning but I couldn't find him— even Yeonjun hyung!"
Kai tilted his head in confusion and stared at Taehyun as if he said something wrong. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Taehyun asked seeing the slightly confused look on the male's face.
"Taehyun-ah, you don't know?"
Taehyun stared at him in a confused daze. "Huh?"
"All of the seniors are in downtown Seoul right now helping the student council set up."
"Ahhh! Hyung my arms hurt~ My back is giving up on me hyung!" Beomgyu cried finally placing down the last few boxes full of heavy rings.
"Stop complaining!" Yeonjun whined, he was stuck and tired of hearing Beomgyu complain about carrying every heavy box and having to walk everywhere for only a couple of hours.
The place festival was set at one of the huge parks near the lake, there was a huge dirt pathway leading down the street leading to the lake. Food trucks and games were set up around the area as multiple hanging lanterns hung from trees and across street lamps.
Just down the path was the huge stage that Ito Academy rented out to have the big contest. The stage was beautiful, it had a good silver platform and a blue/white dome over it as big speakers and lights hung from the side. Just thinking about how in just one day he'll be performing on it sent straight chills down his body.
"Excited, Gyu?" Yeonjun nudged the younger one who was staring so intensely at the stage. Beomgyu nodded, he was overwhelmed with excitement and the thought of winning the contest and representing Ito Academy meant a lot to him! Especially for his last year here.
"Hey, guys! How's everything going?" The student council vice president, Chaewon, asked the two. Chaewon was a sweet girl, a lot of the underclassmen looked up to her and admired her. When the school was electing the new Student Council group there was a tie between Soobin and Chaewon for president, but Soobin won by one more point.
Of course, Chaewon wasn't salty or angry about it, she was actually very proud of Soobin for becoming president. Soobin admired that side of her and automatically made her the vice president.
"It's going great Chaewon-ssi! The place looks beautiful already. I'm excited to see it tomorrow tonight when everything is fully finished." Yeonjun replied to her, and Beomgyu agreed. Experiencing Ito Academy's lantern festival was something life-changing.
Sure some may think that it's a little school event hosted by multiple students and it has no special meeting but after three years, It became one of the most popular school-hosted events in Seoul. People always looked forward to it, students or not.
"I'm glad!" She said and looked at Beomgyu, her smile getting even wider. "I look forward to your performance tomorrow Beomgyu!" She said giving the ravenette a thumbs up. "Thank you, noona," Beomgyu said and smiled. Chaewon nodded her head and walked away from the duo.
"Hyung what time is it." Beomgyu pouted, he hasn't seen Taehyun for a good eight hours, fifty-two minutes, and twenty-three seconds and he already felt Taehyun deprived. "Just three more hours until lunchtime Gyu," Yeonjun replied after looking at his phone.
Beomgyu groaned loudly and pouted like a child. He hated working so much, all he was doing was putting boxes everywhere! He never knew why the student council only made seniors help out when the festival was near. There were three whole other grades to help out too!
"Hey I heard Felix is hosting a rubber duck dunking game, he said whoever collects the most ducks gets his $50...Wanna play?" Yeonjun offered to see Beomgyu slowly get more and more frustrated and bored over boxes. The ravenette's head instantly popped up as he smirked.
"Last one there gets to lick the toilet seat again."
"NO PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!" Beomgyu begged Yeonjun, literally getting down on his knees as his hand shakily held the end of Yeonjun's shirt. It was official, Beomgyu had lost the race and now he had to lick the school bathroom's toilet seat. It was a dumb punishment set between Yeonjun and Beomgyu whenever one would lose at something and the last time Beomgyu lost was two years ago when he bet with Yeonjun to see how long he could ignore Taehyun. (lasted 2 minutes and twenty-six seconds)
"I-I'll get you that Dior bag you always wanted- Or I'll take you to that super fancy restaurant again! Please hyung, let me slide just this once I swear I won't try to shave your head during your sleep again!"
"You tried to do what?!" Yeonjun suddenly yelled gaining more attention on the two. Beomgyu's face dropped after exposing himself. Yes, he had tried to shave Yeonjun bald when the elder was asleep one night but he only did it because he felt bad for his hyungs head! The amount of dye he went through worried the ravenette.
"U-Uhm I meant that—" It was too late, Yeonjun had grabbed Beomgyu by the neck and dragged him up before head locking the younger in a tight grip making Beomgyu panic. "H-Hyung!" Beomgyu tried to yell out as his hands clawed at the elder's arm.
His face turned slightly pale as his air circulation cut off. "I-I'm s-sorry!" Beomgyu screamed. His pleads were fully ignored by Yeonjun as anger filled the elder's eyes. "You're so— I swear one day I will suffocate you!" Yeonjun said and squeezed harder on Beomgyu's neck.
Now, you may be wondering why other students aren't helping Beomgyu out and are just being a bystander or moving on with their life.
It's a normal occurrence between the two friends! On the days when Beomgyu would be extra annoying and playful, Yeonjun would end up scolding Beomgyu or beating the male up out of anger.
Yeah...Poor Beomgyu was a human punching bag.
The two paused their little wrestle moment and stared at who approached them. Beomgyu's eyes instantly brightened seeing the redhead standing there with an expression mixed with all types of emotions.
"T-Taehy- agh!" Beomgyu choked out after Yeonjun's headlock got even tighter. When did this hyung start working out?! Beomgyu thought as he felt his vision slowly darken.
"What brings you here Taehyun? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Yeonjun asked calmly as if there wasn't a dying Beomgyu locked in his arms right now.
Taehyun's eyes went back and forth between Yeonjun and Beomgyu before finally answering, "It's free time...I wanted to just check on how the setup is going.." He explained while his eyes were kept on Beomgyu. "I-I also wanted to have lunch with hyung."
"Go ahead, poison him while at it." Yeonjun sighed loudly before letting Beomgyu go, watching the ravenette fall to the ground with heavy loud breaths. "Aww, Beomgyu can't breathe! Anyways I'm going to go find your brother, tell Gyu that when he's conscious." Yeonjun said while clicking his tongue before walking away.
Taehyun stood there and scratched the top of his head, he walked closer towards Beomgyu who was laying on the floor on his back while his chest heaved up and down quickly.
"Hyung?" Taehyun asked looking down at Beomgyu who squinted his eyes slightly, his lips were parted open slowly becoming dry as the male kept silent trying to regain his breathing.
"God...I must be dead," Beomgyu said, his voice raspy as his hooded eyes stared up at Taehyun. "Are you an angel? You're so pretty~"
Taehyun was disgusted.
His mouth dropped as his nose and eyes scrunched giving Beomgyu the most judge mental look ever. "You know what you can die," Taehyun mumbled and backed away. Beomgyu quickly regained consciousness and stumbled up. "No! Don't leave, darling, I was just joking!" He said wiping dirt off of his shirt.
Taehyun stood there and stared at Beomgyu, he felt a sense of fuzziness inside of his stomach when the elder started giving him his full attention. Completely forgot his near-death experience.
"So you wanted to have lunch together, my dear?" Beomgyu smirked making Taehyun's face feel warm. A long exaggerated scoff was heard from the redhead as he crossed his arms, dramatically rolling his eyes. "Don't think so full of yourself. I just m-made too much food this morning s-so I have an extra bento box okay? So don't get all quirky!"
"Plus! I know you're sick of being here and working on things so I-I knew you would accept to get away from work, seriously hyung you're so shameless!" Taehyun rambled on, Beomgyu finding the younger stuttering and small excuses so adorable.
"Alright alright, I understand," Beomgyu said wrapping an arm around Taehyun's waist startling him. "Then let's go eat, I'm starving, and your cooking? Sheeeeeshhhhh, that'll satisfy all my cravings."
Taehyun's face flushed hard from what the elder said. "Keep quiet! I'll make you eat dirt instead." He said and unhooked Beomgyu's arm that was around his waist.
"Aww darling," Beomgyu said and smiled leaning closer to Taehyun's ears until the younger felt his warm breath, sending chills down his spine. "Why can't I just eat you instead?" He whispered loud enough for the both of them to hear.
. . .
"My nose..." Beomgyu cried loudly holding an ice packet on his nose. After that small little comment, he made Taehyun instinctively (and purposely) punched the ravenette square in the face again. But it wasn't as bad as before.
His nose was very very swollen though.
So after that fiasco, Beomgyu was sent home as Taehyun was stuck helping with set up for the festival, punished by Soobin. Beomgyu tried to defend the younger but apparently, Soobin wasn't having any of it and punished the both of them! How annoying! He was also saddened by the fact he couldn't eat lunch with Taehyun.
Beomgyu sighed softly and looked down at his desk. Paper sheets were spread everywhere across it some were on the floor crinkled and ripped apart. Call the male an idiot, but he was doing last-minute songwriting for his solo.
He was just too busy admiring Taehyun to finish it!
Of course, his bandmates were absolutely angry at the male for not finishing it sooner. But he trusted them hoping they would learn the instrumental quickly. He decided that he wasn't going to do a full solo and wanted Jeongin and Heeseung as backup vocals.
"Ahhh! Dream Beomgyu, what would you do? I can't think of anything!" Beomgyu groaned trying to remember any specific thought or scenes that played out. Yet he was met with no luck. The dreams about his fake future with blonde Taehyun rarely occurred and he had to admit, he was saddened.
Thinking harder made Beomgyu's nose hurt even more. So putting down the pencil he stood up and switched off the lamp and walked over to his bed, putting the ice packet down to the side as he quickly laid down.
He yawned softly as his eyes fluttered closed. The moment he hit his bed his body instantly gave up, sending Beomgyu into the most comfortable slumber ever.
"Okay...Now I'm even more confused."
Beomgyu's eyes shot open gasping loudly, startling the person next to him. His eyes went everywhere examining where the hell he was.
Music speakers, two large computers, instruments everywhere, and a recording booth in front of his computers.
A studio.
Beomgyu's heart fastened up realizing in his dream, that he was in a studio! That meant something, right? He would succeed at being a producer!
"You scared me!" A voice said next to him, Beomgyu slowly looked to the side as his eyes widened. Huening Kai was in his dream! But this time with jet black hair and a slight mullet.
"K-Kai?" Beomgyu gasped and started grabbing the youngers face, gasping even louder as he felt how realistic he was. "Hey- Stop! Taehyun will get mad again!" Kai said and peeled the elder roaming hands off of his face.
"Taehyunies here?" Beomgyu's eyes lit up before receiving a heavy judgmental look from Kai. "No? You literally told him not to come over to your studio because you had a surprise for him!"
Beomgyu's lips puckered up as he leaned back into the leather chair he sat on. He wanted to see the younger, he wanted to embrace him and showed him with kisses.
"So can we continue with your song or not?" Kai asked catching Beomgyu's attention. The elder stared at him in confusion before looking down at the desk filled with papers.
"I-Uhm...What am I working on...?" Beomgyu asked only to hear a loud gasp from Kai. "My god hyung are you going dumb?" He scoffed and picked up a paper. This dream Kai was a lot more stern and stricter than his real Kai...
"You wanted to write a love song for Taehyun but keeping it on the down low, like a song with a heavy meaning! Don't you think you two are becoming distant? So write your feelings into a song." Kai said and shoved the paper into Beomgyu's chest along with a pencil.
Beomgyu thought of multiple things, trying to figure out what was a good emotion.
Agh...In my dreams, Taehyun must love me a lot if he'll be flattered by this.
In my dreams.
Maybe he could finally have something, like a message transferred into his song!
Gosh, dream Beomgyu you're so so smart.
Beomgyu's smile went wide as he laid the paper down writing onto it quickly. "That was fast, thought of something?"
Beomgyu looked at the male and nodded. "I did." He said and looked at the paper.
Beomgyu's eyes opened widely, sitting up again he felt disgusted by the amount of sweat on his back. The scene was so short, yet he remembered every part of it clearly. Quickly stumbling out of his bed he ran over to his desk grabbed the papers and pencils and started getting to work.
Eventually, in just two hours, Beomgyu had completed his solo song, looking at his guitar he grabbed it and bolted out of his room.
« Ito Academy's amazing boy group 😍 »
Yo guys meet me at the park, bring your instruments too.
Jaehyuk :
Beomgyu it's literally 2 am?!
Minghao :
Bet, it's boring here lol.
Heeseung :
Wait why??
I finished my song.
Jeongin :
Hurry up you lame asses.
Jaehyuk :
wait but I don't wanna carry my drums to the park
read by all
Beomgyu softly chuckled and slipped his slippers on, his mother didn't care what her son did at this point, his odd behavior and sudden run away were almost normal to her.
Yet Beomgyu ran with full excitement to the spot he told the others to meet up at. He was so thankful that his dreams gave him a sign and inspiration, now he just hopes that with this. He'll finally have Taehyun's heart.
a/n : this was a little bit rushed but I tried my best! I'm so excited to write the Lantern Festival parts, ^^ thank you so much for reading!
a quick question: What are some songs you enjoy listening to during your free time while reading? :]
and by the way this is what the stage/park looks like in this au!
just filled with lanterns everywhere and food/game stands !
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