three || lunch opportunity
"Alright. Congratulations guys you've made it through this class for Friday." Mr. Hyun said after finishing up the most boring lesson ever. Students started packing up their supplies and things, going out of the class in bundles or singles just ready to go home and relax for the week.
Beomgyu was one of the last to pack up since he was daydreaming all of the class time, usually he would pay attention to class but how could he not enjoy his daydreaming of dancing with Taehyun?
"Beomgyu-ssi, come here." He heard Mr. Hyun call out his name. Beomgyu anxiously nodded. Fuck I was daydreaming all class time- I'm in trouble.
"Yes?" Beomgyu asked politely once he reached the teacher's desk. He stood in front of the desk and waited patiently for what the teacher was going to say, taking his time he examined how neat it was. Except for the multiple papers scattered all over it.
"Glad to see you're awake, daydreamer." Mr. Hyun said with a small smile, causing Beomgyu to turn a light shade of red. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again."
"It's okay, Choi. Anyways, I need you to take these documents to Mrs. Hirai in the music hall." Mr. Hyun said getting up and going over to one of his drawers, he opened it and pulled out about ten huge binders full of papers.
Beomgyu stared at the binders in shock, he didn't want to say no because he knew how busy teachers were. So with a bitter awkward smile, Beomgyu shook his head yes and gladly accepted all ten binders.
"I hope there isn't an issue." Mr. Hyun said before going back to work. Beomgyu bit his lip and just smiled, shakily walking out of the classroom he began making his way to the music hall. His arms were shaking slightly and he could barely see where he was going.
Fortunately, it was the end of the school day so there weren't many people in school besides the clubs that were being held. It had to be me...I should work out more. Beomgyu thought to himself, internally crying from how heavy all of the binders were.
After a few more minutes of painful walking to the music hall, he realized that it was upstairs. Crying even more Beomgyu groaned loudly before seeing a familiar redhead quickly walk by.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu called for him loudly, only for the redhead to speed up his walking. "Taehyun please help me carry these binders!" Beomgyu begged, practically screaming right now. Only to be ignored again.
This ungrateful brat...
Beomgyu but the inside of his cheek before a cheeky smile plastered on his face. "If you don't help me I'll tell the whole school we made out!"
Hah! Got you.
Beomgyu thought and smirked when he heard a loud angry groan come from Taehyun. He heard footsteps quickly approach him as some of the binders he held were quickly snatched away, giving Beomgyu's arm a good relief.
"Keep your goddamn mouth shut, Choi," Taehyun grumbled glaring at the elder. Beomgyu smiled softly at the redhead and chuckled. "We just need to go to the music hallway to stop by Mrs. Hirai and give her these." Beomgyu explained to the younger only to receive an annoyed 'ok'.
The two began walking to the music hallway in silence. Beomgyu's heart was racing fast since this was the first time he'd been so close to Taehyun without dying. He looked over to the male and saw the blank annoyed expression on his face. Yet he still looked so beautiful.
"So, Taehyunie~," Beomgyu said, trying to spark up a conversation. "How are—"
Beomgyu instantly shut up and was saddened at his failed attempt to have a proper conversation with Taehyun. Of course, the younger ones wouldn't easily talk to him. He's hated Beomgyu for years now. It is practically my fault.
But did that mean Beomgyu was going to give up on having a conversation? ...Nah!
"Are you excited about the lantern festival?" Beomgyu asked curiously. Last year, he had dreamed of going to the lantern festival with Taehyun but he was always too afraid to ask the younger, he didn't want to be rejected.
He watched Taehyun's blank face turn into a sour thinking face. Beomgyu stayed silent for a few minutes waiting for the male's reply yet was disappointed again by the lack of answers. The ravenette was now getting frustrated. His attempts to finally be close with the younger ones got shut down.
"...How's Yuri?" Beomgyu tried one last time, Taehyun glanced at him lightly and sighed finally giving in from annoyance. "She's good."
Beomgyu's smile widened brightly when he finally heard a reply from Taehyun. Even though it was dry and short he was grateful that he wasn't punched or killed after his third attempt. His heart was beating fast and he loved it so much, he felt happy being next to the redhead so much that he was going to explode!
After a few more minutes of walking the duo had finally reached Mrs. Hirai's classroom. Beomgyu didn't have her as a teacher but he heard from other students how nice and pretty she was. The two stopped in front of the door as Beomgyu knocked a couple of times.
A lady who was most definitely shorter than Beomgyu and Taehyun opened the door with a kind smile. "Beomgyu! You're here, Mr. Hyun emailed me that you'd be dropping by with papers...Oh! You brought a friend too!" She said seeing Taehyun behind Beomgyu with a cold face.
"Hello, Mrs. Hirai." Beomgyu greeted her politely and followed her to her desk where she told the two to place the binders down.
After finishing their task, Beomgyu and Taehyun began walking out before Beomgyu was stopped by Mrs. Hirai, Taehyun just ignored the two and walked out without the elder. "Beomgyu-ssi, I have a letter for you." She said and handed Beomgyu an envelope.
Beomgyu, who had watched Taehyun walk out quickly accepted it and wished the teacher goodbye quickly running after the redhead. "Taehyun-ah!" Beomgyu called the redhead out only to be ignored again. He ran quickly and stood in front of Taehyun making the male stop as his expression went sour.
"Taehyun will you have lunch with me?" Beomgyu asked with a pure smile, a confused look was present on Taehyun's face when Beomgyu asked. The ravenette was secretly praying inside that the younger would say yes.
"No." Taehyun scoffed and pushed the elder to the side and began walking towards the exit of the school. Beomgyu internally panicked and felt saddened, he wanted to have lunch with Taehyun. His mouth trembled before his eyes lit up with an idea.
"I'll pay!" He quickly blurted out. He watched the redhead freeze before his head slowly went down. He watched Taehyun's shoulders go up and down slowly signaling the male was inhaling and exhaling. Turning around his heart raced faster than before as he watched the younger walk back to him with his head lowered.
"Fine." Taehyun huffed and looked away from the elder. Beomgyu smiled widely and quickly took Taehyun's wrist leading him out to his car, babbling about how he wouldn't regret it at all.
Beomgyu was too much in his world to notice Taehyun's ears turn red.
"Out of every goddamn place to eat you choose a fucking café?" Taehyun bitterly asked sitting down on the colorful chair. The café was a butterfly-themed one. The light pastel colors create a calming warmth where you could just stay in the place forever. Butterfly origami hung from the ceiling by tiny little strings, giving the illusion of butterflies flying around the place.
"Of course, Taehyun, do you think I would take you to a fancy restaurant? I know how much you hate large crowds." Beomgyu said and smiled at the male, Taehyun stared at him blankly before looking away quickly, whispering something under his breath.
"Hello welcome to Moon Lily café! May I know your orders for today?" A waitress came up to them with a butterfly-shaped notepad, she had an ombré hair color going on with it being black on the top fading into a shade of silver at the bottom. She had a heart-shaped smile as she gave a calming aura.
"Can I get one small bowl of jajangmyeon and a side of dumplings, also taro milk tea...please?" Beomgyu ordered watching the waitress nod writing down his order. She turned to Taehyun who was staring at the menu, asking what he wanted.
Taehyun stared at the menu nervously, he didn't enjoy talking to new people, especially those he didn't know. The waitress called out for him again, "Sir? Your order please?"
"He would like the tonkatsu sandwich with a side of strawberries. He would also like peach iced tea." Beomgyu cut in and ordered for the male smoothly. Taehyun stared at the elder in shock from how he got his order so accurately before replacing it with a dull expression. Is he trying to embarrass me? I can order myself...
"Alright." The waitress gave them a soft smile after writing down Taehyun's order before going to the back.
The two sat there in silence, the soft piano music playing in the background. Taehyun nervously looked at his thumbs as his heart was in mayhem right now. How did he know?
"Don't worry Taehyun! I just kinda guessed your order since I saw you staring at some of the menu offers." Beomgyu said...Which was a total lie. He only knew what the younger wanted was because of the dream he had last night.
Beomgyu slowly started to space out, remembering what happened in his dream in every detail.
Beomgyu tilted his head up, his eyes slowly opening to the scene in front of him. This was different than the first time he had a dream about his married life with Taehyun, this time he was sitting on a soft brown couch. A book was in his lap as a show on the TV played in the background.
"Hyung, did you forget about our date today?" Beomgyu looked to his side and saw Taehyun sitting there on the couch smiling. He was dressed up neatly, his hair was styled and he could see the glittery eyeshadow he had put on. Beomgyu's heart was racing wildly from how beautiful the male looked in front of him.
"D-Date? Us? Today?" Beomgyu's mouth went dry trying to process what he had heard. A small giggle left Taehyun's lips which made Beomgyu's heart swell up even more. Sitting up quickly he fixed his hair up to look decent. Touching his hair for a bit he realized that his hair was shorter and he could see the faint hue of a crimson color from his bangs.
"Yes, come on let's go or we'll be late!" Taehyun said and grabbed the elders' wrist quickly dragging him out of the house they lived in. "Wait b-but I'm not ready!" Beomgyu said only to receive an odd look from Taehyun. "Hyung what do you mean? You've been ready?"
Beomgyu tilted his in confusion and looked down at the outfit he was wearing, it was similar to Taehyuns outfit but the colors were opposite.
Taehyun unlocked the car door and shoved Beomgyu in the passenger seat before quickly going to the driver's seat. "What will you order?" He asked the elder who was still processing everything.
"I-I'm not sure yet, what about you?" Beomgyu asked softly watching the car pull out of the driveway, leaving the huge house they owned behind.
"Maybe a tonkatsu sandwich and peach iced tea!"
"You do love tonkatsu sandwiches huh.." Beomgyu softly smiled knowing that Taehyun's love for that sandwich will never fade away.
"Of course hyung," Taehyun said and looked at Beomgyu. "Hyung...I lov—"
"Beomgyu!" Taehyun called out for the elder who was daydreaming about his dream life. Beomgyu shook his head and quickly looked at Taehyun.
The smell of food invaded his senses as he looked down at the table seeing their plates had already arrived. "Uh- Sorry Taehyun I was thinking about school.." Beomgyu cleared his throat and picked up the chopsticks the waitress left.
"You are a stupid idiot." Taehyun scoffed before biting into his sandwich, staying silent as he ate. Beomgyu chuckled softly and shook his head before digging into his meal.
After the lunch break, the two stepped out of the café and began walking toward Beomgyu's car. The ravenette was thrilled that he managed to spend time with the younger even if the two didn't exchange many words with one another.
Taehyun's presence was enough to make Beomgyu happy.
"I'll drop you off home, okay? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what happened today." Beomgyu said and reached out to pat Taehyun's head only to earn a harsh slap on the wrist. "Fuck you." Taehyun hissed at the elder and quickly walked over to the car.
"You're so cute, darling~," Beomgyu said which only made Taehyun even more annoyed, especially because of the pet name.
"Don't say shit to anyone, Choi. I only said yes because you paid." Taehyun bitterly said and looked away. Beomgyu just smiled and nodded before starting the car and driving off.
"Wait wait wait, so you managed to get the Kang Taehyun to eat lunch with you without dying??" Yeonjun said on the other side of the phone.
Beomgyu squealed loudly as he was hopping around his room in excitement from today. "HE DID HYUNG! I was so happy holy shit!" Beomgyu said excitedly before slipping on one of his shirts on the floor creating a loud thud as he groaned loudly.
"Are you okay?!" Yeonjun asked after hearing the loud thud from Beomgyu's side. "I'm fine hyung! Gosh, he was so so so pretty today!" Beomgyu sighed dreamily thinking about Taehyun.
"Gyu-ah, are you still having dreams about your married fake life with Taehyun?"
Beomgyu sat up and stared at his phone like it was Yeonjun sitting there. "I am. Last night I had a dream that Taehyun and I went on a date to a reeeaaaallllyyy fancy restaurant which is kinda out of character for Taehyun since I know he hates large crowded areas— He was also confident talking to the waiters and he usually hates that!"
"You sound like a stalker." Yeonjun snickered, making Beomgyu's face turn a bit red. "Hey don't say that!" The ravenette scoffed and got up walking over to his phone.
Looking around he saw the envelope that Mrs. Hirai gave him, he never had a chance to check it since he was occupied with a specific redhead. "Hey hyung, did you ever get an envelope from Mrs. Hirai?" Beomgyu asked while grabbing the paper.
Yeonjun hummed softly while thinking, "Nope. Why?" The elder answered which made Beomgyu purse his lips. He explained to the elder how the teacher had given him an envelope out of nowhere.
"We'll open it dumbass," Yeonjun said, Beomgyu chuckled softly and carefully opened the envelope secretly hoping there was money inside of it. Beomgyu pulled out the paper, quite disappointed it wasn't money.
Beomgyu inhaled softly preparing himself to read the letter out loud.
Dear Choi Beomgyu
Congratulations! You are one of the special students selected to perform for the new school contest for the Lantern Festival! Ito Academy Student Council has selected you and other students of the Academy to represent us. You will work in a group with the students: Lee Heeseung, Yang Jeongin, Yoon Jaehyuk, and Xu Minghao.
Please meet your group in class 553 to discuss and begin your plans for the performance.
(ito academy student council)
Beomgyu finished up reading out loud, his mouth dropped open in shock from what the letter had said. Yeonjun was just as silent on the line as well.
"Holy shit Beomgyu! Do you know how good this opportunity is?!" Yeonjun finally broke the silence, his tone was filled with excitement for his best friend. "You and those students are going to represent Ito Academy! It's a contest too!"
Beomgyu smiled widely before screaming excitedly, "Hyung! Oh my god hyung!" Beomgyu began jumping around his room again in excitement. The two boys were screaming at each other in equal excitement.
"Yah! Choi Beomgyu! Quiet down!" Beomgyu's mother screamed from downstairs making the male instantly shut up. Beomgyu and Yeonjun giggled softly as the ravenette stared at the letter.
His mind was full of excitement but also filled with a particular redhead.
Taehyun-ah, don't give up on me now. I'll prove to you I'm worth it. That I'm worth your love!
Beomgyu smiled already planning on what to share with the other members once he meets them.
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