six || milk tea in the rain
It had been days since Beomgyu had walked Taehyun home, and ever since then, there haven't been many fights between the two. Beomgyu even managed to say good morning to Taehyun without being punched!
However, ever since Taehyun had called Beomgyu hyung for the first time in a while, the male seemed to never call Beomgyu that again which made the ravenette a bit sad.
Right now, Beomgyu and Yeonjun were walking through the busy hallways of Ito Academy trying to get to their hang-out spot. The two had a free open class for an hour and they'd usually hang out in an empty classroom in the art hall to pass the time.
A soft groan left Beomgyu's lips as he bumped into someone, quickly looking to the side he saw Taehyun holding his shoulder with a slightly pained face. "Taehyun!" Beomgyu smiled. The redhead stared at the elder before quickly walking away toward Kai.
Beomgyu frowned slightly from being ignored again, sighing softly he turned back and continued walking. Completely did not notice the shocked expression Yeonjun had on his face. "Beomgyu what the fuck was that?!" Yeonjun asked the ravenette when they finally reached their hang-out spot.
"What?" Beomgyu tilted his head and instantly sat down on a chair to rest his legs. Yeonjun crossed his arms and stood in front of the younger. "You bumped into Taehyun and he didn't pull you aside and punch you."
"Isn't he the sweetest?" Beomgyu sighed slowly as he started daydreaming about the perfect life with Taehyun. Yeonjun took notice of that and slapped the male's head hard earning a scream.
"HYUNG WHAT THE FUCK?!" Beomgyu groaned loudly and held the top of his head in pain. Yeonjun scoffed and pulled a chair over, sitting down in front of Beomgyu. "What did you do?" The elder asked with a stern face.
"Did you kiss Taehyun?"
"I wish." Beomgyu sighed as his thoughts slowly began to think of those adorable pink lips. Shaking his head he coughed slightly and stared at Yeonjun. "To be honest I didn't do anything! I never even told him about the flowers either, I just walked him home last week and now he's been kinda ignoring me...I miss it when Taehyunie would hit me." Beomgyu pouted, not liking the small new changes between the two.
"Ew, what the hell Beomgyu do you have like a pain kink or something." Yeonjun gave the younger a disgusted look. Beomgyu's mouth dropped open as he could feel the heat rush throughout his cheeks. "No! No hyung that's disgusting! I meant whenever Taehyun hits me it's the little bit of attention I can get from him."
Yeonjun kept silent after what Beomgyu said, the male has tried hard for years to gain Taehyun's attention to the point where he would play stupid pranks or anger the younger in ways he never knew he could. Just seeing how fallen and whipped Beomgyu was for Taehyun was like sugary candy, something so sweet it hurts.
"So about your dreams," Yeonjun asked, it seems that question instantly made Beomgyu interested as his head perked up. "Has anything new happened?" Beomgyu thought about anything that happened within the last few nights but sighed.
"I don't know hyung, ever since the walk with Taehyun last week for some reason I haven't had many dreams lately," Beomgyu said as his shoulders slouched. He had noticed ever since the day he dropped Taehyun off, that the dreams slowly stopped. There would be times throughout the days when he would daydream about a small scene but that would be it.
"Maybe you're finally falling out of love," Yeonjun smirked, just teasing the younger like always. Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun with full offense. "What? Never! I'll love Taehyunie forever!" He defended himself.
Yeonjun sighed and shrugged his shoulders, opening his backpack he pulled out a Nintendo switch and showed it off to Beomgyu. "Wanna play Mario kart since we don't do anything?" He asked the younger who just smiled widely.
"It's okay Hyuka, I can walk by myself," Taehyun spoke softly on the phone. The school day had finally ended, there were barely any students in the hallways. Everyone went home quickly or out with their friends for afterschool fun.
Taehyun sadly had to stay after school and help Soobin and the other student council members do errands around the school, the perks of being the president's little brother. Taehyun rolled his eyes softly listening to Kai repeat a billion things for him to be safe while walking home.
"I'll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow," Taehyun said and wished the younger a goodbye before hanging up. Walking stairs he walked through the second-floor hall, the sound of his empty footsteps echoed out through the silent hall.
Until he heard a bunch of voices coming from a classroom. Usually, Taehyun wouldn't care or mind but there was one familiar voice that he could always tell even in a room full of people. He didn't know what came over him, so with small footsteps, he walked towards the classroom that had the door ajar.
Peeking inside he saw five students inside of it, his eyes automatically landing on a very smiley ravenette. Beomgyu? He thought and examined what the males were doing.
"Jeongin! Are you sure you don't need help?" He heard Beomgyu's voice call out someone's name. Taehyun bit his lip and opened the door slightly more so he could see what was happening.
He didn't know why he felt his heart do a small flip when he saw Beomgyu helping out a male. The elder's hands were wrapped around the boy, who he assumed was Jeongin, hands. Looking around more he saw a bunch of instruments neatly placed on the desks.
Bass guitar, electric guitar, normal guitar, a keyboard, and drum set? Taehyun thought to himself seeing what was in the classroom. Was Beomgyu in some sort of afterschool music program? Snapping out of his thoughts he quickly examined what was happening again.
"From the top. We just need to get the instrumental down and then we can start giving parts for the song." He heard Beomgyu explain.
"Beomgyu-ssi, you're so talented! I can't believe you came up with a song already in one night."
Taehyun's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Beomgyu could write songs? He was shocked that the elder was talented enough to be able to write songs, especially in one night. Taking a final glance he saw Beomgyu's wide smile as he played the guitar. That same unknown uneasy feeling rose in Taehyun. He's working hard. He thought to himself.
"What the fuck?!" He whispered to himself in shock and immediately backed away from the door. Looking down with widened eyes he quickly left the area and walked downstairs rushing to go home. Ever since he had thanked Beomgyu for walking him home, he's been walking ever since.
But he did ignore the elder. He was embarrassed for thanking Beomgyu for a simple little walk, he didn't know what went through his mind. It was like his chest was heavy and would explode if he didn't say thank you.
Finally pushing the doors open the instant cool air hit Taehyun's body as his red hair swayed softly in the wind. Walking quickly towards the gate he came to a sudden stop when thinking about Beomgyu.
"Ahhh! Kang Taehyun get a hold of yourself! You hate him! You despise him! You wish he was dead!" He said and smacked his face repeatedly to somehow get the ravenette out of his mind.
"Aww~ Darling I didn't know you thought of me like that, how romantic."
Taehyun snapped his head around and slapped whoever was behind him creating a loud echoing sharp sound. "Dude! Ow!" He heard a low groan, Taehyun slowly looked up and saw Beomgyu standing there with a pout while holding his cheek in pain.
"That's not a nice way to treat your hyung," Beomgyu said and rubbed his cheek trying to soothe the pain. Taehyun scoffed and turned around ignoring the elder, he couldn't stop this uneasy feeling in his stomach. He felt like he was about to puke.
Taehyun started walking off towards the direction of his house, his wrist was suddenly grabbed as he was pulled back. Stumbling a little he glared at Beomgyu who had a cheeky grin. "You're not seriously walking home again, right?"
"I'd rather walk home than be near you again." Taehyun harshly said and yanked his wrist out of Beomgyu's hold. "It'll rain soon, Taehyunie~," Beomgyu said and pointed up to the sky.
Taehyun slowly looked up and saw the dark clouds forming in, hiding away the sun as gray started painting the sky. He pursed his lips and looked down thinking about what to do. He could:
A) Punch Beomgyu and run home
B) Walk home in the rain and come home all soaked and possibly get sick
C) Go with Beomgyu and possibly die.
Yeah...Plan A sounds a lot better right now. Taehyun glared at the elder and formed his hand into a fist before swinging right away toward the elder's face.
A sudden hand stopped Taehyun's fist from colliding with Beomgyu's face, his eyes widened looking at Beomgyu who had a wide smile set on his face. "That's a little bit rude, Taehyun." He spoke calmly before slowly intertwining their hands together.
The sudden confidence from Beomgyu made Taehyun absolutely freak out, pulling his hand away he pushed the male away from him hard and backed up, his whole face was red from shock. A small chuckle left Beomgyu's lips as he looked at Taehyun with an unreadable expression.
"Come on, I'll drop you off home." The ravenette said and turned around walking towards the parking lot where his car was. Taehyun, who just stood there, took a second to recollect himself. His heart was beating fast and he couldn't get the feeling of that soft hand intertwined with his. I'm losing it, oh my god. He thought and hesitantly followed the elder.
Getting in the car with Beomgyu was a train wreck for Taehyun, the urge to just bolt and run away as fast as he could be huge. But here he was in the car, watching the scenery pass by as the sound of soft rain tapped the window repeatedly.
The faint soft music played throughout the car so there wasn't much silence. It was a few minutes before Beomgyu arrived at the familiar road, just a turn to the left and Taehyun could finally be free.
But Beomgyu turned right.
"Beomgyu, you missed the turn it's the other way," Taehyun said and glared at the ravenette who had that cheeky smile. "I know!" Beomgyu said happily. Taehyun stared at him in shock and looked back at the road, his home getting farther and farther from his view.
"You're kidnapping me!" Taehyun said and freaked out, pressing himself against the car door to get away from Beomgyu. Taehyun heard the male laugh and looked at him in horror. "Why would I kidnap you? I mean doesn't sound bad but I'm just taking you to get milk tea, my treat." Beomgyu said and glanced at Taehyun.
Taehyun stayed silent as his lips went into a thin line. Readjusting in his seat he blankly stared off into space. I feel so uneasy. He thought and held his stomach because of the swirling pain he felt.
"Here you go darling~," Beomgyu said and handed Taehyun a cup of strawberry milk tea. Taehyun silently grabbed the cup and stabbed the straw through the top and took a sip of the pink liquid.
The two walked over to the door ready to leave until the sound of rain started getting heavier and heavier. "Aww come on!" Beomgyu sighed he looked at Taehyun and gave him a reassuring smile. "Stay here really quick." The elder said and gave him his drink to hold onto.
Beomgyu quickly went up to the cashier and talked to her for a bit, after paying Beomgyu ran back with a clear umbrella. "Aren't I so smart asking for an umbrella Taehyunie?" Beomgyu smiled and waited for a compliment.
Taehyun scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I think any other person in this situation would ask for an umbrella." He mumbled and opened the door. "On the count of one, we run out together okay?" Beomgyu said and quickly intertwined their hands together so they can run out at the same time. "Three...Two...One!" Beomgyu quickly opened the door.
Taehyun's face dusted a light shade of red but there was no time to yell at the elder after being pulled out of the building, squeezing his eyes shut he waited to be soaked by the rain, only for it to not happen.
Opening his eyes slowly he looked up and saw the clear umbrella fully open with Beomgyu smiling down at him. "Just stay close to me okay?" He heard the elder softly say, Taehyun just nodded as his heartbeat fastened even more.
Being this close to Beomgyu was unfamiliar, his heart was hazy. He never knew that there would be a day that he and the elder would be this close without one of them ending up dead. Their shoulders bumped together slightly with each step as they huddled themselves together to stay out of the rain.
Reaching Beomgyu's car, the elder unlocked it and walked over to the passenger side, and opened the door for Taehyun. "What are you doing?!" The redhead gasped seeing Beomgyu uncover himself with the umbrella, only fully covering Taehyun. "You'll get wet!"
"Darling, I'd rather get sick than have you sick," Beomgyu said and smiled as the rain started down pouring harder. Taehyun stared at the elder before quickly getting in the car and shutting it. He watched Beomgyu close the umbrella and run over to the driver's side quickly jumping in.
The elder's long raven locks had water dripping down, and the gray sweatshirt he wore was now soaking wet outlining his body more. Taehyun quickly looked away with a red face. "You stupid stupid idiot." He mumbled and brought out a cloth from his backpack, throwing it toward Beomgyu.
The ravenette smiled at the younger and thanked him before wiping his face. "Okay! I'll take you home now Taehyunie!" He said and started driving off.
After twenty minutes or so the duo finally arrived at Taehyun's house, before the redhead could get out he heard Beomgyu leave the car and quickly run to his side. The elder opened the door and held out the umbrella so Taehyun wouldn't get wet. "Again? Hyung you're going to get sick!" Taehyun said, accidentally slipping out 'hyung' when Beomgyu just stood there letting himself get even wetter when he just dried up.
"Hurry up! I won't move at all until I know you got inside safely." The male said. Taehyun groaned softly before getting out of the car, walking up to his house he couldn't help but just look at Beomgyu who held the umbrella up high above Taehyun making sure that the male wouldn't get wet at all.
You'll get sick because of me. Taehyun's eyes softened. Suddenly, it was like his hands had a mind of their own as he grabbed the elder's sleeve and pulled him under the umbrella with him. Their shoulders collided together as Beomgyu groaned softly from the impact.
"Taehyun I'm wet—"
"Shut up," Taehyun mumbled and kept Beomgyu under the umbrella. Walking up the stairs carefully the door suddenly went wide open as a familiar blue-haired was at the doorframe looking at Taehyun in a panic.
"There you are! You idiot you should've texted me if you were going to come home late!" Soobin scolded Taehyun and dragged the male inside quickly. His eyes slowly landed on the male who was still standing under the umbrella, watching them with widened eyes. "Beomgyu?" He tilted his head in confusion.
"Don't blame Taehyun. I was the one who dragged him out to get milk tea with me." Beomgyu explained as Taehyun stood there in shock because the elder had defended him. Taehyun's face went blank as he quickly turned around and walked further into the house out of Beomgyu's view.
"Thank you for bringing him home then, Beomgyu," Soobin said with a small smirk knowing what game Beomgyu was trying to win. "Anyways go hurry up and head home. You'll get sick if you stay in those wet clothes."
Beomgyu nodded and wished the male a farewell, he wanted to wish Taehyun a goodbye but it seems that the male just didn't want to be near him anymore. But he was grateful that he got to spend more time with Taehyun again. Every minute with him he was grateful for.
Walking down the stairs he yawned slightly just ready to go home and knock out after a warm shower.
"Beomgyu hyung."
Beomgyu instantly turned around and saw Taehyun standing in front of the door, he watched the redhead run towards the elder before stopping in front of him under the umbrella. "Here." He mumbled softly and handed Beomgyu a couple of tea packets.
"It's- not much but it'll warm you up and hopefully prevent you from being sick...I mean I don't care if you get sick or anything I just don't wanna hear you complain at school." Taehyun rambled on and looked away with a red face. Beomgyu couldn't help but just smile and laugh softly.
"Thank you Taehyun." He softly said, he softly took the younger's hand and shoved the umbrella into it. "What— Beomgyu!" Taehyun said watching the elder run towards his car in a hurry.
"Go inside Taehyunie~ I'll see you tomorrow darling!" He heard Beomgyu say before the elder got inside of his car and quickly drove away before the weather got worse.
Taehyun stood there shocked, recollecting himself he hurried back inside and closed the umbrella. Staring at it, he couldn't help but just stand there shocked. "Oh my god." He mumbled thinking about how sweet the elder was today.
His heart was doing flips again. His stomach was twisting in ways that it shouldn't, and his breathing became uneasy as he looked out the window where Beomgyu's car used to be.
Looking down he felt something else in his hand, opening it his eyes widened at what he saw.
It was a strawberry molang keychain.
"That idiot!" Taehyun groaned staring at the keychain, but he couldn't deny the fact that the small smile on his face, was happiness.
a/n : I completely didn't realize I accidentally skipped chapter four and named all the chapters wrong so sorry about that (。•́‿•̀。). Thank you for reading! ^^
also tysm for 100 reads! <3
this is the keychain Beomgyu got for Taehyun! :
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