seventeen || cooking day for hyung
"Stop spilling the water everywhere Kai!" Taehyun groaned cleaning up the stupid mess that Kai left. It had been almost three days since Ito Academy's win in the lantern festival competition and everyone was filled with joy.
However, three days ago was the last time he saw Beomgyu. Usually, the elder was the one that asked Taehyun to hang out and all but it's been three whole days since they've seen each other! He should be happy that the elder left him alone but now it irritated him how Beomgyu never texted him!
"You know, Hyun. Maybe you should be the one to text Beomgyu hyung first..." Kai said helping Taehyun wash some dishes out of the way. Taehyun had called Kai over to his house to help with some things just a few hours ago and it was already chaotic.
Like...How the fuck do you get a knife stuck in the ceiling?!
"Why should I text hyung first when he's always the one asking me to hang out!" Taehyun scoffed aggressively placing dishes away in the dishwasher. Kai eyed the male strangely. "Are you becoming dependent on Beomgyu hyung to make the first move?"
Taehyun froze as his head shot up to look at Kai, his face flushed slightly trying to think of something to say. "No? Why would you think that."
"Because Beomgyu hyung has been busy with work for the past three days?"
"How do you know that?! He works?! When did he get a job?!" Taehyun said in shock and grabbed Kai by the shoulders to make the male look at him. Kai stared at his best friend in shock and confusion. "He never told you??"
Taehyun took a second to think about it, there might've been a time when the elder did mention his job but Taehyun just never paid attention. "Uhhh no." He admitted and set his attention back on the empty sink.
"What? How do you think he gets the money? Beomgyu hyung's wallet is literally never empty...Somehow."
"Uh......Mommy's money?"
"And I thought you were Beomgyu hyungs favorite! Turns out wrong, Tyun!~ I knew way before you did!" Kai teased the redhead which earned him a heavy smack on the shoulder. Kai whined softly and rubbed his arm in pain.
"You never told me why you needed me to come over, don't tell me you wanted me to wash dishes for you Taehyun!" Kai asked and acted like Taehyun just betrayed him in a game of monopoly.
"What? No! Well not really-" Taehyun said wiping his hands on a cloth. "I-I wanted to cook dinner for Beomgyu hyung tonight." Taehyun softly admitted looking away.
Kai stared at Taehyun in shock trying to make sure he heard the redhead correctly. It wasn't the first time Taehyun had cooked for Beomgyu but a whole dinner for him. That was way out of character for Taehyun.
"Are- Wait, really?! Does hyung know?" Kai said excitedly already wanting to help.
"Of course not! If I told Beomgyu hyung he would never shut up like- he would be like 'Thank you darling I know I'm so handsome you had to make dinner for me!' he's so narcissistic sometimes!" Taehyun said making a little mocking face when he was imitating Beomgyu.
Kai looked at the male feeling really amused at how well Taehyun knew Beomgyu. "Well!" Kai said clapping his hands in excitement. "What are we making tonight?"
"I made a list, right here," Taehyun said picking up a paper sheet that was lying on the counter. He handed it to Kai who read through it quickly. "How do you know this?"
Taehyun nervously smiled and scratched his head. "I- Uh...Actually...I kinda had a weird dream last night.."
Kai stared at Taehyun as his eyes squinted slightly finding what Taehyun had just said strange. Taehyun saw the suspicious look on Kai's face and his face instantly panicked. "STOP- No! I didn't have a wet dream about Beomgyu hyung if that's what you're thinking- y-you psychopath!"
Kai began laughing loudly from Taehyun's reaction. He couldn't help but find the panic in his face hilarious, Taehyun slapped Kai repeatedly and groaned. "Don't worry Tyun! If you did have that type of dream about Beomgyu hyung I won't tell him!"
"I'm going to kick you out if you don't shut the hell up!" Taehyun threatened with venom in his voice already annoyed by the latter. Kai just giggled quietly trying to press in his laughter, "So- tell me about this- this strange dream."
Taehyun just sighed and backed up heading over to his fridge to get a can of sprite. "It- It was weird Huening...I woke up standing in this kitchen in this house that wasn't mine- and like...Beomgyu hyung was in it." He said and looked back at Kai who held in a laugh.
"OH MY GOD KAI WE DIDN'T FUCK IN THE KITCHEN!" Taehyun cried out hearing his best friend burst out laughing. Taehyun was nearly done with his friend, how could he tell his story if Kai wouldn't get his mind out of the gutters!
Huening Kai looked up and wiped his tear-filled eyes and looked at the redhead. His face immediately became pale as he saw Taehyun standing there with the most fucking scariest and biggest butcher knife ever.
"Hey- Wait Taehyun-" Kai nervously said, all of his laughter draining from him as it replaced with fear seeing Taehyun just blankly walk towards him with that large ass knife where the fuck did he get that?!
"Aren't you so lucky that Soobin hyung isn't home and my dad is overseas right now, Kai?" Taehyun smiled brightly walking towards the younger whose eyes were full of panic. "Now will you please let me explain my dream?" He asked the other who just quickly nodded.
"Okay. So, I was in the kitchen with Beomgyu hyung but for some reason, he looked older- Like he had this crimson red color and his hair was shorter and he looked so mature! Then he took my hand and lead me to the dining room and all of his favorite foods were on the table- made by me! Why the fuck would I have a dream about making food for Beomgyu hyung?! That's- That's so weird! And his appearance? Why did he look so old? I could see the wrinkles on his face!"
Kai just stood there silently watching Taehyun ramble on while throwing his hands everywhere, his eyes laid on the giant knife in his hand nervously. "Maybe put the knife down...?" Kai said as Taehyun just sighed loudly and dropped the knife onto the counter.
"Just- I feel like making this dinner for hyung is right! Like ever since this morning this voice in my head kept repeating 'dinner for beomgyu hyung!' and it's so annoying!"
"That's why I need you to stay here and make the cake while I go to the store and get all the ingredients," Taehyun explained and frowned after explaining everything to Kai who stood there a little too silently.
"Gosh Taehyun, you could've just said that instead of walking up to me with a damn butcher's knife!" Kai said and looked at the knife on the counter in fear. "You're the one over here thinking I had a dream about Beomgyu and me having sex! You're the weird one here!"
Kai scoffed and playfully pushed Taehyun to the side earning a glare. "Just go to the store and get whatever you need! I'll bake the cake Tyun so don't you worry your idiotic ass off!" Kai said giving the male a reassuring smile.
Taehyun eyed Kai closely before nodding, heading over to the door to get his shoes. "Wait! What about your wallet, I thought you won't get paid until Sunday?"
"I took Soobin hyung's credit card," Taehyun replied emotionlessly as if he had done it before, Kai's mouth dropped in shock. "What? How did you take it?! Doesn't he need it?"
"Oh please, he told me he had a student council meeting today but that fucker doesn't know I know he goes over to Yeonjun hyung's house every Thursday." Taehyun rolled his eyes, at that point Soobin should just come forward and admit his crush on Yeonjun.
"So I just take it without him knowing! Anyways, I'll be back Kai!" Taehyun smiled and waved goodbye to his friend before leaving the house to walk to the store.
Taehyun pursed his lips and stared at the shopping list closely, it was just a few ingredients he had to get so what could go so wrong?
Walking around the shop he went to the vegetable section and choose the best-looking ones placing them inside some bags. His mind was just clouded with thoughts of that strange dream he had.
It was the first time he could remember his dreams so clearly, something inside of him yelled at him to make dinner for the elder. If he didn't he was pretty sure he would've passed out from going insane.
It made him uncomfortable, how Beomgyu was in his dream. He doesn't even know if it was Beomgyu or not! It was someone who looked like him but way older and it was absolutely insane. Taehyun just sighed and picked up the shopping basket walking away from the vegetable area after getting everything he needed.
"Honey rice cakes, stir-fried beef tripe, green tea chocolate..." Taehyun read the list out loud and walked into an aisle making sure he got everything.
Shopping was so boring.
The good thing about being alone was the quietness you can get, Taehyun loved silence it made him comfortable. But in the store? It was so boring! He was starting to regret this idea already.
Taehyun flinched slightly feeling his phone buzz, he quickly pushed the basket onto his other hand and pulled his phone out seeing a message from Kai.
« annoying ass mf »
What do you want
Uhhhh...How long were you supposed to bake the cake for?
around 30-35 minutes or whatever the box says, why?
Uhm...and the frosting?
You just unbox it...?
you don't put it in a pot?
oh uhm
Don't kill me <3
Taehyun's mouth dropped from the picture Kai had just sent. His hands became shaky staring at the picture in full fear. Did...Kai just try to boil frosting? How the fuck- IN HIS HOUSE?!
Taehyun quickly ran around the store like a madman and got everything he needed, running out of the store after paying he couldn't help but just pray and hope that the male didn't burn his entire kitchen down-
He was going to murder Huening.
"I'm sorry okay! I-It's just that during culinary class they always said put the frosting in a pot to warm it up-"
"KAI! They said NOT to put it in a pot- FROSTING IS SUPPOSED TO BE COLD!" Taehyun shook the male aggressively. After running his life back home to make sure his house wasn't burnt down (fortunately, it wasn't!) the first thing he did was get rid of the burnt frosting in the pot and then chase Kai around the house with that butcher's knife.
"I just- oh my god we only have four hours left until Beomgyu hyung comes over for dinner and- And the dessert is already burnt!" Taehyun said getting worried and frustrated, Kai awkwardly scratched his head and patted his best friend's shoulder.
"If we start now then we can finish! Don't worry Taehyun we can just order a dessert for hyung!" He smiled and went over to the kitchen to unpack the things. Taehyun just frowned slightly, I wanted to bake hyung a cake.
Giving up, Taehyun got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
"Okay he'll be here in five minutes- it's fine it's fine it's fine!"
It certainly wasn't fine.
Taehyun and Kai had finished up cooking ten minutes ago and the younger had left not too long ago to help his sister with something and Taehyun was absolutely panicking. The elder would appear at any second now and he was so fucking scared!
He 100% regretted cooking dinner for Beomgyu and he should've just let himself pass out from the voices, he was terrified scared fucking shivering shaking his goddamn boots.
Taehyun's head shot up from the counter as he heard a knock on his door. Quickly adjusting his outfit and hair he nervously walked to the door and breathed slowly to calm his shaking heart.
Taehyun opened the door and stared up at the male with widened eyes.
Beomgyu's hair was messy. He was wearing a button-up shirt that had two of them not buttoned up, his sleeves were pulled up to his elbows as his shirt was half tucked in his black pants.
Taehyun's mouth went dry as he stared at the elder with shock.
"Darling, hey!" Beomgyu suddenly said knocking Taehyun out of his trance. Taehyun gulped slightly and nervously looked away, he just silently stepped out of the way and let Beomgyu come inside.
"Ahh, did you cook everything? It smells so good." Beomgyu said while taking off his shoes. Taehyun couldn't get the words out of his throat, he felt so nervous finally seeing Beomgyu after three days.
"Darling, are you okay?" Beomgyu asked him, Taehyun snapped out of his thoughts and saw how close Beomgyu was, he panicked slightly and pushed the male away. "I-I'm fine! I'm just hungry!" He said and quickly walked over to the dining room in a rush.
Beomgyu just smirked and followed the male, his eyes immediately laid on the table filled with plates of food. His mouth dropped slightly seeing some of his favorite foods and desserts.
"You made all this?" Beomgyu gasped in shock while sitting down. He watched Taehyun just nod and hand him a cup of water. Beomgyu looked down and smiled, already feeling so much better.
"Hurry up and eat before the food gets cold," Taehyun said softly and sat down in the chair across from the elder. Beomgyu took no time to get some food on his plate and shoved it in his mouth, his eyes brightened widely feeling the flavors burst through his senses.
"It's- wow..." Beomgyu said with a mouth full of food, covering his mouth he couldn't help but close his eyes and eat in silence from how well cooked it was. Taehyun nervously picked at his food and waited for Beomgyu's response.
"It's so good darling! My gosh~" Beomgyu sighed in delight. Taehyun felt happy, hearing the elder compliment his cooking made all of his nervousness fades away.
"Hyung...Why didn't you t-text me for three days...?"
Beomgyu stopped eating and looked over to Taehyun, "Did you miss me?" He asked in a teasing tone. Taehyun's eyes widened as he quickly shook his head. "No! I-I just- I'm just wondering because y-you had work but I know you still had time to—"
"I'm sorry darling, I've been so exhausted after work. Working at a daycare takes a lot of energy."
Taehyun's eyes perked up curiously as he stared at the elder. "You work at a daycare?"
"Yes, I just haven't been working lately since school but since there's a break they called me in for a few days...Kids are so scary." Beomgyu sulked popping more food in his mouth.
Taehyun gulped slightly and nodded understanding why the elder never texted him. He looked up at the elder who had visible eye bags under his eyes yet still somehow, he looked so handsome.
"Th-The food...How is it...?"
"It tastes amazing darling! I could eat your cooking forever!" Beomgyu said excitedly, he was so grateful after a long day of work he could come over and eat some amazing food.
Taehyun smiled shyly and nodded, he felt so proud of himself for cooking for Beomgyu. He looked at Beomgyu just admiring the elder before he started to eat himself.
All his anger and sadness about being ghosted for three days faded away as the two talked about their days, and Taehyun just felt so ecstatic being near Beomgyu again.
"Taehyun, thank you," Beomgyu said while walking over to the living room where Taehyun was at. The only reply he got was silence, furrowing his eyebrows he looked over the couch and saw Taehyun already knocked out on it sleeping peacefully.
Beomgyu's heart clenched from the adorable sight as he walked around the couch and stared at Taehyun. He brushed a few locks to the side as he leaned down and pressed a small kiss on the redhead's temple before quickly backing up.
He was so grateful that the younger spent most of his day cooking dinner just for him, looking around he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Taehyun staring at the younger lovingly. "Thank you for everything, my dear." He whispered softly and got up turning off the lights.
He walked over to the door and looked at the kitchen seeing the piles of dishes in the sink, the ravenette bit his lip and glanced back at Taehyun before he quickly walked over to the sink turning the water on.
Taehyun's eyes immediately shot open as he sat up quickly, looking at the clock he saw that the time was currently 5:29 AM, he felt the blanket on him come off as he got up groaning loudly. How the fuck did I fall asleep in jeans?!
Taehyun looked around, hoping that Beomgyu was here but unfortunately not. He walked over to the kitchen and saw the empty sink and sparkling clean dining table.
Did he...?
Taehyun couldn't help but feel flustered that the elder washed the dishes and cleaned up the table without having to be told. Walking over to the counter he saw a little sticky note on it with Beomgyu's handwriting.
Thank you for dinner, darling.
you did amazingly well, I'm proud of you! I'll see you tomorrow.
A shy bright smile made its way onto Taehyun's face while reading the message, he neatly folded it and placed it inside of his pocket before going up to his room.
See you tomorrow...
Taehyun just couldn't wait for tomorrow.
a/n : thank you for reading ^^<3
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