nineteen || midnight talk & confessions
"Why don't you spend the night?"
It was just a question, a simple one indeed. Yet it made Beomgyu the most happiest person on earth, he could feel the fireworks of emotions blast off inside of him when Taehyun had offered him to spend the night.
"I-I mean if you're fine with that- wouldn't Soobin hyung be mad?"
"He told me he's spending the night at Kai's tonight since his house is closer to downtown and if it isn't rainy tomorrow he needs to focus on the last day of the festival."
"Plus...Y-You're wet so isn't it better to ch-change in here and stay over?" Taehyun mumbled softly and looked up at the elder with hope in his eyes.
Beomgyu bit his lip and looked back outside, it seemed like the rain had gotten even worse with the wind slowly picking up
more, swaying the trees back and forth as the sharp raindrops got heavier. Looking back at the younger who seemed to have hope in his eyes, Beomgyu couldn't help but just nod.
And that's how they got there, Beomgyu sitting quietly on Taehyun's bed all dried up with dry clothes (Taehyun stole Soobin's clothes) and warm as he dried off the youngers hair who was sat on the ground leaning his head against the elder's knee with his eyes closed humming a song softly.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go?" Beomgyu asked once again. An annoyed huff left Taehyun's lips, he tilted his head up and looked at the elder who was looking down at him. "You're so annoying! Quit asking and just stay here my gosh, I'm going to make you sleep in the bathtub if you don't quit it!"
Back to his normal self. Beomgyu thought, he couldn't help but just smile at how adorable the male was. This was the first time he had ever slept over at his house and it seemed like Taehyun had no intention of letting Beomgyu leave at all. "Where will I sleep tonight?"
"Isn't that obvious? The floor."
"Why can't I sleep on the couch?" The elder pouted, he hated sleeping on the floor at sleepovers. It was uncomfortable and there was this time when he slept on the floor he woke up to a cockroach crawling on his face! It was a terrifying and traumatizing experience.
"Because the couch is uncomfortable to sleep on." Taehyun dryly replied and stood up, groaning softly he stretched his legs out so they weren't so numb after sitting on them for an hour. "But the floor is also uncomfortable Tyunie, can't I sleep with you on your bed?"
Taehyun stared at the elder with a horrified look before shaking his head no. "Absolutely not! T-That's so weird who would share- why would we share a bed together?!"
"I mean, it's pretty normal for two people to share a bed..." Beomgyu shrugged, even in the dim light he could see the redhead's face turn a pinkish color. "Unless you want to do something more?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.
"What the fuck- Hell no! Stop it before I make you sleep outside in the rain!" Taehyun said a hint of nervousness in his tone before he quickly walked out of the room to get away from the elder.
Beomgyu quickly got up and followed the younger with a smile. "So does this mean I can sleep with you?"
"No! Go sleep in Soobin hyung's room!"
"I'd rather not, he might kill me for going into his room. Also what if I find a Yeonjun shrine in that room? I'd be terrified for life!" Beomgyu said flailing his hands around trying to get his point proven. Taehyun just rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple for a snack.
"I don't think Soobin hyung has a shrine in his room...Unless I'm blind. But anyways- You're not sleeping with me!" Taehyun groaned slowly getting annoyed at the elder's nagging. "Please Taehyunie! I promise I won't be annoying."
The elder suddenly grabbed his hands cupping them between his own, staring into Taehyun's eyes with a desperate look, the younger gulped slightly from how close they were. All his confidence from earlier had drained so quickly to the point he felt so nervous seeing Beomgyu stare at him so intensely.
"F-Fine!" Taehyun eventually gave up and agreed, he knew that Beomgyu would never shut up if he kept saying no. The thought of sharing a bed with Beomgyu made Taehyun's stomach flutter up with butterflies.
Beomgyu cheered loudly and jumped back clapping. "Aww thank you, darling!" He smiled childishly and faced the male with a smirk. "However, I wouldn't mind doing something more than just sleep Tae."
Taehyun stared at the elder blankly, his grip on the apple tightened feeling a small bit of anger rise. This bitch... He thought feeling his eye twitch slightly. Beomgyu grabbed the younger by the waist and pulled him closer leaning toward his ear.
"Should we do more than just sleep, Taehyun?"
"You- Seriously?! An apple out of everything?!"
"You need to learn when to shut up!"
"You could've hit me with a complimentary trust banana!"
"Enough with the bananas hyung!"
The two were currently laying down on Taehyun's bed facing each other while bickering with each other. The redhead was glaring at the elder hard while Beomgyu had an ice pack on the middle of his forehead.
Taehyun scoffed loudly and grabbed a random pillow putting it between the two. "You stay on that side and I stay on my side, goodnight."
Beomgyu eyed the pillow feeling annoyed. All he wanted to do was throw that damn pillow away, pull the younger closer, and cuddle him until his last breath but of course, he knew he couldn't do that yet.
Huffing softly he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, the pain on his forehead from the apple was sorta faded now so he took the ice packet off and placed it down on the nightstand beside him.
Thinking about today, he was grateful that Taehyun had managed to calm his stress levels down and have fun at the same time. That was the first time he had done something like that and he was so happy it was with Taehyun.
But in his mind he was still nervous, he had so many unanswered questions that one little dance wasn't enough to get his nerves away. Did Taehyun not like the gifts? Did he not like the bananas? Those bananas were on sale!
He couldn't brush off the feeling that Taehyun just did that with him to distract him. Shuffling to the side he looked over the pillow and saw the faint red strands sticking up everywhere, Taehyun had his back turned towards him laying there silently.
"Taehyun are you awake?"
"No, I'm asleep."
Beomgyu's expression went blank. Wow how hilarious, but that did sorta annoy him just a bit. He wanted to talk to Taehyun about everything again just to clear up his heavy thoughts.
"Taehyun-ah...Do you trust me?"
Silence slowly took over the room when Beomgyu asked that question. He heard the sheets shuffle slightly signaling Taehyun turning around, he saw the redhead face him, staring at him over the pillow.
This won't do. Beomgyu thought and grabbed the pillow before tossing it away onto the floor so he could see Taehyun's face properly. The younger didn't seem to mind, but he was quite shocked at what Beomgyu suddenly did.
"Hyung, why the sudden question?" Taehyun finally replied to him, his voice was almost in a whisper. His whole body faced Beomgyu, the two just stared into each other's eyes even in the dark. "Yeah, I trust you."
"Are you sure? You aren't just saying that to make me feel better? You don't have to sugar coat it Tae so-"
"Hyung," Taehyun cut the elder off, he sat up and stared down at the elder who just stared back at him with worried eyes. "At first I was hesitant. Of course, I was suspicious trusting you after all these years but...After some realization, I shouldn't let childhood memories haunt me. You apologized...And sure an apology can't take back what happened all those years ago but it does heal some wounds up."
"You've proven to me that I can trust you, hyung," Taehyun said and smiled slightly. Beomgyu just stared at the younger in astonishment, his heart was shaking like crazy when he saw how genuine the younger looked.
"However, hyung. I have a question."
Beomgyu hummed softly in response and tilted his head, he watched Taehyun take a small deep sigh, almost contemplating whether if he should ask or not. "During the...Lantern festival, those songs...The songs you made.."
"Why did you keep looking at me?"
That question made Beomgyu shocked. He never expected Taehyun to mention anything about the lantern festival performance, yet he was hopeful that somehow Taehyun had realized that the songs were meant for him only, and Beomgyu was done waiting, he needed to say it now.
"Because," Beomgyu replied and slowly sat up, he leaned against the headboard and stared at the redhead. "Those songs, I wrote them for you."
Taehyun's eyes widened at what the elder had just said. Flames ignited in his heart as it felt like his breathing just stopped, he was suspicious that Beomgyu wrote them and sang them for him but hearing the truth come out of his mouth made him realize so many things.
"I wrote them thinking about you Taehyun-ah because I adore you," Beomgyu said making sure he sounded genuine about it. "Run to you is the name of the first song, I was inspired when I ran to you in the rain that one night when I wanted to fix everything. I knew that no matter where you are I could find you."
Everything felt heavy, it was like a wire wrapped itself around his neck preventing him to speak a word, all he could do was listen to the ravenette who seemed to speak from his heart. The butterflies in his stomach increased more and more. He knew that there was something about the elder that made him go insane.
There were times when he would crave Beomgyu's attention, his touch, and his embrace. He felt so happy with just a simple look or talk. There were times when he would be saddened or even uneasy when he would see people cling onto Beomgyu or come up to him with gifts and it just ticks him off!
"Then the second song," He heard Beomgyu speak up again, he watched the elder eyes go to the window where the flowers were sat and that made questions flood his mind even more. "Wait- Hyung I-I don't understand the songs were meant for me?"
The ravenette stared at Taehyun in shock from how in denial he was, the expression on the male's face told many emotions from uncertainty to doubt. "Taehyun..." Beomgyu chuckled softly before leaning over and grabbing the younger wrist pulling him closer.
Taehyun flung forward as his head landed on Beomgyu's chest. Realizing the position they were in his face instantly went red. He was sat on Beomgyu's lap, his knees on each side of the elder as his hands were placed on his shoulders for support. "Don't you realize that you're my inspiration?"
The redhead gulped and stared into Beomgyu's eyes, the elder had the sincerest gaze as he stared at him, his pupils were slightly dilated as if he was put into a trance just looking at him.
"D-Does that mean...Hyung...W-Were you the one that got me t-those flowers?" Taehyun asked pointing his shaky hand at the vase on the window frame, Beomgyu's eyes followed as his smile widened slightly. "You finally realized?"
"I got you those flowers the day after you smashed my face into that cake at your job...Aren't you so lucky that your manager decided not to fire you? It's because of my handsome looks I'm just so handsome and amazing that he was just persuaded by my looks!-"
The ravenette was suddenly cut off when two arms wrapped around his neck and a head nuzzled itself into the crook of his neck. Beomgyu sat there frozen from the sudden action.
The soft sounds of sniffles suddenly came from the redhead and that made Beomgyu panic feeling warm tears on his neck. "T-Taehyun why are you crying?! Did you get fired?!" He panicked and grabbed the male by the shoulders pulling him up so he could see his face.
Tears streamed down Taehyun's face as his eyes glistened from the shine of the faint light. His expression was between a saddened and happy one, a light smile was on his face yet the saddened pain in his eyes was clear.
"W-Why..." He croaked out unable to keep his voice clear from how shaky it was. "Why- Why did you treat me so nicely hyung?! I-I was so mean to you for years! I broke your nose, arm, legs- I gave you bruises and- and made you bleed! Yet you still treat me like this-" He could barely finish his sentence as guilt took over him.
Beomgyu's heart cracked slightly seeing how broken Taehyun was, for years he knew that some people weren't so fond of him. He would always spend his time with Kai or Soobin and would barely meet new people because those knew him as the guy who hurt and fights with Beomgyu. If only they can see the truth.
Beomgyu pulled the younger into a tight hug which was easily accepted, hushing the redhead softly he rubbed circles onto his waist to calm him down. "I forgave you a long time ago, darling. Please don't cry, it's not your fault. I completely understand why you did that." He said feeling satisfied when he felt Taehyun's breathing slowing down as his sniffles weren't heard anymore.
"I walked you home despite having a car to make sure you got home safely and to spend time with you. I got you milk tea since I know you're working hard during school. I brought you to places during the least busy times and secluded areas to make sure you weren't overwhelmed by people, I made sure to tell you to get to the front early to not be scared by the large crowd, Tyun."
"I.." Taehyun couldn't explain it in words, he felt so overwhelmed hearing the truth. His heart was beating fast, with every word the elder said he could feel himself sinking deeper into that odd feeling he has felt ever since the day they got milk tea together. He could feel himself yearning for the elder more as if he was falling.
"Hyung w-why- Why do I feel so weird around you! I hate it! Every time you're here my- my heart hurts hyung!"
"Are you about to have a heart attack?!" Beomgyu panicked after hearing that. Taehyun scoffed and shook his head, slapping the elder softly as he glared at him.
"You make my heart hurt! Every day I feel like- I feel like if I'm not with you I can go insane! You telling me all of this isn't helping! You're so- so mean hyung! Why do I get so angry when I see other people hug you or hold onto you- Why do I feel so angry when I'm not there comforting you..." Taehyun started rambling on, Beomgyu's eyes slowly widened realizing what he meant.
Did Taehyun fall for him?
"I feel so odd around you, hyung. My heart- feels like it yearns for you! I can't stop it, I have thoughts and dreams of us together and I-I hate it! I had so many heavy thoughts that those songs were for me and you proved it! Stop making my heart hurt!" Taehyun yelled at him like a child, it was the first time he had admitted all of this to someone after bottling it up for weeks now.
"Tyun...what do you mean dreams?" Beomgyu asked hearing that keyword, if it was true then would it mean that those dreams he had, Taehyun had them as well? Were the dreams actually scenarios of their future together? This made Beomgyu's mind hurt but he needed to hear it.
"It only happened t-twice. You had this red hair color and- and for some reason, we lived together hyung! I don't know why...It's so strange..." Taehyun muttered while wiping the tears off his face.
No way...
This can't be true, no way.
Beomgyu's throat closed up as every thought ran through his mind all at once. If Taehyun had those dreams of them being married then it had to mean something, as if they were meant to be together. He looked up at the younger and pulled him back into a tight hug.
"Calm down, okay? Calm down...Just breathe."
"Hyung," Taehyun hiccuped holding onto the elder tightly as if he would disappear at any given moment if he were to let go. "Please don't leave me- please let me figure out what I exactly feel...Please stay with me."
Hearing Taehyun beg desperately made Beomgyu's heart sink, he couldn't imagine the amount of pain he felt when most people he loved had left him. "I promise not to leave you, ever." He said and rested his chin on the top of the younger's head.
The warm embrace made Taehyun calm down, feeling those arms wrapped around his waist, and the soft ticklish feeling on his neck from the elder's breathing made his heart flutter. Leaning more into his embrace his eyes fluttered shut feeling a wave of exhaustion hit him.
"You know about earlier," Beomgyu spoke up. "The second song...It was titled In my dreams if you didn't know." He said only to hear a silent response from the younger, he was probably just listening to the elder speak anyway.
"Those dreams you had...I've had them as well, Tyun. I've been having them for two months now. In those dreams it's all different scenarios, where...where we are married, can you believe it? How silly I know..." Beomgyu spoke playing with the soft red locks.
"Darling, I have something to confess." Beomgyu breathed out feeling his heart go heavy just wanting the words to come out.
"I've loved you for years now."
The silence from the younger made Beomgyu's anxiety shoot out of the roof. Did he just fuck up? He should've known it was too early to confess- goddamnit Beomgyu you could've waited a little bit while longer!
The soft sound of a snore cut off his horrible thoughts, his eyes shot down towards the younger, and saw how Taehyun had his eyes closed and lips apart, snoring softly. The scene was just so cute it made his heart clench.
"You idiot...You had to fall asleep when I confessed?" He smiled and pulled the sheets over them, leaning forward he placed a small kiss on his head.
"Sleep well my darling, you deserve it."
Taehyun's eyes shot open hearing the sound of birds chirping, flailing his hand around the bed he was disappointed to find the once warm embrace gone. Slowly sitting up he rubbed the tired blurriness out of his eyes and looked around.
"Hyung??" He said a little loudly as his voice rasped. Hearing no reply his heart cracked slightly realizing that Beomgyu had left him. An angry frown made its way onto his face as he looked for his phone.
A small note on his phone caught his eye, quickly picking it up he read it,
Good morning Taehyun <3
I'm so sorry for suddenly leaving, I was spam called by Yeonjun hyung because somehow he got stuck in his trash can- I don't even know how.
I made you breakfast! It's downstairs in the fridge, please eat ^^!
Thank you for telling me your thoughts last night dear, I adore you. :)
~ your favorite hyung ever (the best in the world)
Taehyun's mouth went dry, his anger was replaced with relief and contentment knowing that Beomgyu didn't just leave without a word.
The memories flooded his mind making his face flush a dark shade of red. He really spilled everything to someone- And it had to be Beomgyu! The cause of his strange emotions.
Those butterflies, heartaches, crazy thoughts- It was way too familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time!
It was like he was falling for the elder!
It was like he was falling for the elder?
Taehyun's eyes widened with realization, quickly grabbing his phone he scrolled through his numbers before landing on a certain one.
Pick up- Pick up!
"Kai-" Taehyun breathed out, happy that his best friend picked the phone up. "Why are you breathing so damn hard? I can feel your hot-ass morning breath through the phone!"
Taehyun rolled his eyes and coughed slightly, "Kai..." He started, disbelief and shock laced in his tone. His throat itched like he wanted to scream his thoughts out and cry.
"Taehyun is everything okay??"
The male sighed softly and stared at the wall blankly.
"Kai I-I think...I think I love Beomgyu hyung."
holy shit
a/n : and the confession part starts now! does it feel like it's been a while? hmm, do you think this part is rushed? oh well! also...there are only a few chapters left until the story ends! gosh (。•́‿•̀。), but anywhoooo...thank you so much for reading ! ^^♥︎
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